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Y! Mobile, some lots of "Stream X GL07S" are exchanged and collected by excessive external shocks and fear of smoke.

 Huawei Japan, SoftBank and Wilcom Okinawa announced on March 1 that some of the products of the old e -mobile Android smartphone "Stream X GL07S" will exchange and recover products.

今回、一部製造ロットが無償交換・回収となる「STREAM X GL07S」(写真はブラック)

Exchange / collection target and its causes

 The number of GL07S, which is eligible for replacement and collection, is 16,460 units.Among them, there are 3208 units on the same day as the latest purchased model on the contract.In the GL07S of the lot, the battery fixation is incomplete, and if an excessive external impact is applied in a long period of use, the battery may move and deform inside, short -circuited, causing fever and smoke.The human damage caused by this incomplete or defective has not been reported as of the same day.

Y!mobile、「STREAM X GL07S」の一部ロットの無償交換・回収を実施 過度な外部衝撃で発熱・発煙の恐れ:バッテリー固定の不備が原因

How to check the lot

 Users who have the purchase history of the GL07S to be exchanged and collected will be contacted sequentially by SMS (short message) or direct mail.

 In addition, by communicating the GL07S production number (IMEI) at the special telephone window "GL07S Special Correspondence Window", it is possible to check whether it is the lot.For IMEI, check the sticker and terminal setting screen in the USIM tray cover.


Exchange / collection method


 If you are still using the lot of GL07S, you will respond to the latest model (model change) at Y! Mobile dealers.When exchanging free of charge, it is necessary to present the SMS or direct mail described above, as well as the personal verification documents and credit cards or cash cards that can check the current address and face photo.


 Users who have been using the lot GL07S in the past, including after the free exchange procedure, will be accepted at the Y! Mobile shop.The user who responds to the collection will receive a "thank you item" from Y! Mobile at a later date.

Related keywords

STREAM X(GL07S) | 交換 | 回収 | 無償交換 | スマートフォン | バッテリー | 発煙・発火 | Android | イー・モバイル | 華為技術(Huawei)

