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Why do you handle "Huawei nova 2" in the future?――Au Spring Model Presentation Q & A Session (page 1/2)

KDDI will hold a "au 2018 Spring Model Briefing Session" on January 9th.After the presentation, Yasuhisa Yamada, Deputy Director of the KDDI Product and CS General Headquarters, and Yasuhisa Yamada, and Yumiko Kanayama, the director of the Personal Service Planning Division, responded to questions from reporters.In addition, after the recital, a boxing was held.I will tell you the questions at that time and the answers of both by theme.


――What were the reasons for dealing with Huawei terminals?

Mr. Yamada Huawei has been cooperating a lot with a router.Among them, smartphones have also gained considerable achievements in Japan.We've decided to put in the user's needs and launch Huawei's smartphone for the first time.

「HUAWEI nova 2」

――I think Huawei's “Nova 2” is very similar to “Qua Phone QZ”.It was easy to buy, but what do you think of the meaning of putting two quite close models?

I think Yamada nova 2 and Qua Phone QZ are different.Both are affordable in terms of reasonable prices, but in the case of Qua Phone, it is Japanese specification for users who value security such as waterproofing.On the other hand, regarding Nova 2, it targets users who are reasonable and emphasize performance and functions.

「Qua Phone QZ」

――The cheap terminals are substantial for spring sales, but there are many low -priced terminals on UQ Mobile.What is the significance of strengthening low -cost terminals even with au?

Mr. Yamada: I'm not a comment from me, but as au, I would like to make a lineup of terminals according to customer needs.

――MVNO companies are in a situation where Chinese smartphones are in line with high -specs to cheap ones, but are they planning to use other Chinese manufacturers?

Mr. Yamada: There are no specific plans at this time.However, au meets customer needs, so I think there is a possibility of handling it if there is such an opportunity.

―― Probably to provide cheaply, NOVA 2 is not particularly customized except for au's network.In the future, will we continue to support the global model only by supporting only au networks and providing them cheaply?

Mr. Yamada: Regarding this nova 2 this time, it is natural to customize mainly with software in providing our services.In the future, the basic policy is to customize for au users in global maker terminals.

――What is the approximate price of NOVA 2?

なぜ「HUAWEI nova 2」を扱うのか 今後も中華スマホは増える?――au春モデル発表会 質疑応答(1/2 ページ)

Mr. Yamada assumes about 30,000 yen, excluding tax (→ "NOVA 2" and "Qua Phone QZ" check the price of 30,000 yen au spring model at a time).

―― Huawei also has a flagship model such as “P10” and “Mate 10 Pro”, but what is the reason for dealing with the midrange “Nova 2” instead of that?

Mr. Yamada Huawei has put out terminals in all layers from super high end to low end, but we have surveyed that our current customers have the highest volume of midrange layers and high needs.This time, I made this form.

――Ova 2 does not have waterproof or FeliCa, but is it divisible by trade -off with the price?

It is natural to implement Japanese specifications on a global terminal.I think that the balance with cost will naturally come out because the cost will not become less popular.

――Is there a possibility that you will handle the high -end Huawei device in the P10 class in the future?

Yamada: There is no such plan for now.

――Is Kyocera's cheap terminal alone alone was not satisfied as a lineup?

Mr. Yamada and Huawei seem to have the same price layer, but the users are completely different.The relief of Kyocera's terminal, mainly in Japanese specifications, is a large customer need, and it is important there.On the other hand, there is a need there, including the performance and form of the Huawei terminal.

――There are many overseas manufacturers that make cheap terminals in China, and there are Taiwanese manufacturers, but now Huawei is the best.

Mr. Yamada: I think it's about the specifications and brands we were looking for, but Huawei was the best.

―― SIM -free terminals that move on au network are increasing in ASUS, etc., but I think that the support of the network cannot be done without the cooperation of the au side.Is there a direction to add global terminals to the lineup in the future?

Mr. Yamada: I think there is a way to catch the global terminal.LG's terminal and Samsung's Galaxy are of course global terminals.With the global players, we will continue to make the market bigger.

――What will you continue to consider the terminals that are almost the same as hardware, such as nova 2 this time, without posting Japanese specifications and are almost the same as hardware sold globally?

I think there is a possibility of Mr. Yamada.We would like to talk with the manufacturer in various ways to make specifications so that they match Japanese customers.

――Is NOVA 2 sold only for au?

Mr. Yamada: I don't know about other companies ...

――Do you have an exclusive contract?

Yamada: I didn't.
