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Countermination if you do not grab LTE easily with SIM of MVNO and carrier and do not grab radio waves [SIM free machine / cheap SIM]

Recently, in the MVNO and carrier SIM, I rarely grabbed LTE and stayed 3G, and I was in trouble because I couldn't grasp the 3G radio waves in the first place, but I could solve it with a certain setting.。

It is at your own risk because you touch the APN setting, but please refer to those who are in trouble.

At present, Android 5.0/5.1/6.0 の幅広い機種でこの症状が確認されていますが、今回の方法で症状が改善した方は、機種名とキャリア・MVNO名、Android のバージョンをTwitterかコメント欄に流していただけると助かります。※2015/11/6 Android 6.It was reflected because the symptoms appear even in 0/Nexus 6P * 2015/4/27 information is updated.It reflects not only MVNOs but also carrier SIM+SIM free machines such as docomo.Treated as a new article for significant updates and announcements.

The following two symptoms I was in trouble.

The timing of the symptoms was often switched from Wi-Fi to LTE/3G, and when the power was turned on, but at other timings.

In addition, the symptoms "1" occur → once switches back and returns the connection destination APN, it will be connected immediately → but the symptoms "2" will appear.There was a pattern that was quite complicated.

To put it simply, I think it's like "3G/LTE connection takes time" or "I can't grasp LTE stably".

Also, I do not know if it is relevant, but if this symptom appears, even if you send a phone call with a standard phone app, you will end immediately after the dial.I feel that the mysterious symptoms appeared.

So, when I checked and tried various things, eventually

"Delete all unnecessary APN settings"

Then you can definitely connect to LTE.

(Aside, in my environment, the battery consumption abnormal problem during sleep has been almost improved in this setting and the format of / cache (@nexus 5 / Android 5.0, 5.1.Details will be described later)

The procedures for deleting unnecessary APN are as follows.

* This method does not always work in all cases.Also, please change APN at your own risk.Especially, a terminal that may insert a carrier SIM may cause an unexpected high price.

First, open the Android settings → "Other settings" or "More" → "Mobile network" → "Access Point name".

On the screen below, open the APN settings to be deleted.

Tap the menu on the upper right.

Tap "Delete APN".

Leave only the MVNO APN that may be used and delete all others.


In addition, it is better to specify "IPv4" instead of "IPv6" or "IPv4/IPv6" for the APN protocol for the purpose of avoiding bugs that are inner after Lollipop.

That's it for the settings.

By the way, on this screen, you can return the APN list to the initial state by tapping the menu → "Reset to the initial setting".

However, even if you reset, the APN registered by yourself will not be revived.Also, since the APN that has been taken over before the OS update is rewritten as the default APN list of the current version of the OS, the APN should be managed at your own risk.

Regarding this symptom, IIJ's survey results and information delivered to this site, rather than MVNO and carrier issues, Android 5..0/5.1 (Lollipop) / 6.It has been known that 0 (Marshmallow) has the LTE initial connection sequence inherent.

The details of this are reported in IIJmio Meeting 7, so please refer to those who are interested (although it is quite difficult).

Here, let's lightly touch on Android's common behavior related to this symptom.

At least it is assumed that it is in Japan, but from the Android system perspective, the information that can be obtained from the SIM card alone determines the difference between the so -called MNO such as docomo and au, and the MVNO such as NTT COM and IIJmio.I can't.First of all, there is a technical restriction.

This means, for example, IIJmio's SIM and docomo SIM, so if it exists in the APN list, even if IIJmio SIM is inserted, it will be authenticated by DOCOMO SP mode APN.It is a specification that goes to the shit.

If you explain this problem with technical terms, Android will gradually challenge authentication on the APN setting list that matches the MCC / MNC (communication business identification code) obtained from the SIM card.However, it seems that bugs are inherent in the processing of the LTE initial connection sequence, and the APN search problem has occurred because of that.

Since this "deleted unnecessary APN settings" with a SIM -free machine such as a Nexus device, I saw that the sleep power consumption during LTE/3G connection has been "less so much because it is not a fault".And, if you use MVNO SIM with unnecessary APN settings, Android 5.0/5.1/6.I guess I'm stepping on the bug on the 0 side or the habit.And it is a part that can be predicted.

Please refer to the comment section for terminals and environments where symptoms are currently reported.

According to the information, Android 5.X system, 6.There are many symptoms on 0 SIM free machines + docomo -based MVNO, and there seems to be no difference between MVNOs within that range.

In addition, depending on the order of the APN list, not only MVNOs, but also SIM -free machines + docomo SIMs are the same symptoms.I understand the information.

Whether it's MVNO or MNO, it's still the same as using docomo equipment in the wireless section, so if it's a bug on the Android side, it's strange that symptoms appear regardless of MVNO / MNO. There is none.

However, the APN of the carrier is usually registered in the top of the APN list, so it is difficult to be apparent.There may be circumstances.

Each MVNO cannot detect the wireless section of MNO and is in a position that users cannot even determine whether the user is connected in LTE/3G now, so this problem is difficult to investigate by MVNO alone.I thought, but IIJmio's technical team, which was boldly challenged and achieved, expresses the background.

On the other hand, it was good because there was a solution for this symptom, but in the current situation where MVNO's remarks on the terminal manufacturer, Google, and the wireless section of MNO are limited, various political and political and political.There is also a technical limit.I think that if you are conscious of that part, you may be happy as a user who uses MVNO.

This site explained how to avoid technical avoidance for this symptom on January 13, 2015.

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Search keywords: APN search problem, Zenfone 2, Nexus 6p, Nexus 5