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What if a cheap smartphone breaks?Explain the mechanism of repair and warranty

In this article, I will explain how to deal with the cheap smartphone purchased with SIM -free smartphones and cheap SIMs.

If you buy a cheap smartphone and think about a contract with a cheap SIM company, the most worrisome thing is the support when the smartphone you are using is broken.

Docomo, au, and smartphones purchased and used at Softbank can be repaired by bringing them to the store, but it is not unusual for cheap SIM companies without stores to remember the mechanism of repair and warranty.


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Repair and warranty flow when the smartphone purchased with a cheap smartphone is broken

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From the conclusion earlier, there are four repair methods when "cheap smartphone purchased by cheap SIM traders" or "SIM -free smartphone" breaks down.

Unlike smartphones purchased at DoCoMo, au, and Softbank, many people are thinking about contracting with a cheap SIM company on a smartphone purchased at Amazon or used shops.

But at first glance it looks complicated,

It is not actually complicated because these two points are the criteria.

If you subscribe to the paid guarantee option prepared by a cheap SIM trader, apply to a cheap SIM trader when a smartphone breaks down.

Whether you are subscribing to the warranty options, check if there is a guarantee option fee on the My Page and invoice provided by a cheap SIM company.

Bringing a smartphone purchased at a mail order site or used shop, it is different for a cheap SIM contractor whether you can join a guarantee option if you make a new contract.

It is divided by cheap SIM trader, so let's check it.

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A smartphone that has not subscribed to the cheap SIM contractor's guarantee option and has not signed a contract with any telecommunications carrier can receive a manufacturer guarantee within one year after purchasing.

Manufacturers that sell cheap smartphones are often defined as a warranty period within one year after purchasing.

Therefore, do not lose the warranty.

However, the manufacturer's warranty period is within one year after purchasing a new one, so the smartphone purchased at a used shop may already be out of the warranty period.

If you want to purchase a cheap smartphone at a used shop, it is recommended that you check how long the warranty period is.

The cheap SIM trader guarantee option has not been enrolled, and if it is outside the manufacturer's warranty period, the manufacturer will have a paid actual cost repair, but it may be expensive depending on the degree of damage.

In some cases, it is cheaper to buy another cheap smartphone, so it is better to consider changing the model if you estimate the repair price.

There are many stores in the city that accept repair of smartphones, so there is a way to bring them to a smartphone repair shop and have a paid repair.

However, please use the following advantages, disadvantages and risks in smartphone repair shops in the city.


There is also a conscientious smartphone repair shop that has a wealth of expertise, good repair skills, and also undertake repair at a low price, regardless of Android and iOS.

However, most of the smartphone repair shops in the city are unofficially recognized, so keep in mind that there is a reasonable risk.

Supplement to enroll in the warranty option of a cheap SIM trader

It is a supplement for guarantee options for those who are considering purchasing a cheap smartphone at the same time as a cheap SIM contractor or already using a cheap smartphone.

In addition to whether or not the smartphone signed by bringing in, if you are considering the timing of joining the warranty option and the use of the iPhone, keep the following two points.

The timing of joining the warranty option is mostly cheap SIM suppliers set when a new contract is made or when a cheap smartphone is purchased at the same time.

There are some cheap SIM companies that can join the warranty option later, but the guarantee is set after a certain period of time after the subscription and preventing rush immediately after the failure.

Some cheap SIM companies handle iPhone, but it is recommended to join Apple Care+in case of failure or damage.

In addition to receiving formal support from Apple, the repairs of the iPhone, which tend to be expensive, are 3,400 yen for damage to the screen, and 11,800 yen for other negligence.

Apple Care+joins within 30 days after purchasing, so be careful not to forget to join.


In the next chapter, we will explain the response in the event of a cheap smartphone failure of four representative cheap SIM companies.

Correspondence in the case of a cheap smartphone failure of four representative cheap SIM companies

Let's compare whether there is an option when a cheap SIM trader breaks down, and what happens outside the warranty period or an iPhone.

This time, it is famous among cheap SIM traders,

Here are four companies.

What is the guarantee of Rakuten Mobile?

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Rakuten Mobile has a guarantee option of 500 yen per month for "Smartphone Exchange Guarantee Options" and "Connected Terminal Guarantee by Rakuten Mobile".


The "Smartphone Exchange Guarantee Option" can be applied when the model is changed, so there is a timing to apply later even when using Rakuten Mobile.

Please note that "Connected terminal guarantee by Rakuten Mobile" can be applied only during the Rakuten Mobile contract.

The following is the following when comparing the warranty and correspondence of "Smartphone Exchange Guarantee Options" and "Connected terminal warranty by Rakuten Mobile".

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Both can be repaired, but for the smartphone purchased on Rakuten Mobile, the "smartphone replacement option" can receive the following three points.

It is a good idea to have an insurance in the unlikely event of a new contract with a new contract with "Connected terminal guarantee by Rakuten Mobile".

If you do not subscribe to either "Smartphone Exchange Guarantee Options" and "Connected terminal warranty by Rakuten Mobile", you will purchase natural failure within one year.

If you have not joined the warranty option for more than one year, it will be out of the manufacturer's warranty, so if it breaks down, it will be a paid repair, and depending on the failure or damage, it may be expensive.

Depending on the repair fee, it is also effective to consider changing the model with Rakuten Mobile, or buy a new cheap smartphone and replace the SIM card.

The guarantee option for users who are considering using the iPhone on Rakuten Mobile will be "Connected terminal guarantee by Rakuten Mobile".

Rakuten Mobile has no iPhone in a smartphone that can be purchased at the same time as the contract, so it is inevitably a SIM card only contract.

SIM -free iPhone, docomo iPhone, au or SoftBank and SIM -locked iPhone can be subscribed, so if you use the iPhone, it is recommended to join "Connected terminal guarantee by Rakuten Mobile".


What is Y! Mobile warranty?

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The smartphone warranty option handled by Y! Mobile is "Breakdown Safe Pack Plus", and there is no guarantee option with a new contract.

Smartphones that have not subscribed to "Breakdown Safe Pack Plus" are manufacturer warranty during the manufacturer's warranty period, but will be repaired outside the warranty period.

Summarizing the outline of "Breakdown Safe Pack Plus" is as shown in the table below.


The price of a breakdown is 690 yen (excluding tax) per month, but it can be repaired for 5,000 yen even if it is a fatal state such as data recovery service, water wetness and total loss.

There is also a service that allows you to get a battery pack for free if you use a stolen or lost warranty, and if you use a smartphone with a battery pack on accessories for more than one year.

In general, the cost is high, so the warranty content is substantial, but the iPhone is not eligible for some warranty services.

Y! Mobile's "Failure Safe Pack Plus" has a fulfilling warranty, but it can be joined only at the same time as purchasing Y! Mobile specified models.

In other words, since it is not possible to join "Breakdown Safe Pack Plus" with a new brought in, the cheap smartphone that has been brought in Y! Mobile is basically a manufacturer or a paid repair.

If you have a new contract with Y! Mobile, make a contract with your smartphone purchased at Y! Mobile and the guarantee content is very different.


What is the guarantee of LINE Mobile?

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There are two types of LINE mobile warranty options: "terminal guarantee" and "carry -on terminal guarantee".

Both are options that can be accepted only when new contracts on LINE Mobile, so the timing of joining is limited.

If both "terminal guarantee" and "brought in terminal guarantee" are not joined, it is a paid repair by manufacturer warranty or actual cost.

Comparing the services and fees of "terminal guarantee" and "carry -on terminal guarantee" are as shown below.


The monthly fee is 50 yen higher for the "carry -on terminal guarantee", and registration of IMEI is also required, so there is an increasing number of things to do with the "carry -on terminal guarantee" that you obtained at a low price.

If you apply for an exchange with "Bringed terminal guarantee", it is important to note that the same smartphone as the smartphone currently in use will not be sent, and in some cases the usability and specifications will change drastically.

The smartphone to be replaced is a new or refreshing product, but it is a mechanism that is selected from the smartphone owned by the LINE Mobile side.

Since the OS is the same, Android replacements will not come on the iPhone, but let's apply for replacement with awareness that the equipment itself will change.


What is the guarantee of DMM mobile?

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There are two types of DMM mobile warranty options, and the option to subscribe depends on whether you purchased a smartphone on DMM Mobile.

If you have not subscribed to either "Terminal Replacement Options" or "Connected Terminal Guarantee", the manufacturer's warranty, if the warranty period has passed, it is a paid repair at the actual cost.

Comparing the outline of the "terminal replacement option" and "connected terminal guarantee" is as shown in the table below.

保証内容オプション加入時にDMM mobileで購入した端末を交換故障発生時に修理または交換機を提供

The monthly fee is cheaper, probably because the "terminal replacement option" and "connected terminal guarantee" often provide exchanges than repair.

The timing that allows you to join is only a new contract with DMM Mobile, so you can not join after a contract, so it is an ant's option to join as insurance.

DMM Mobile does not handle iPhone, so if you want to receive an iPhone warranty, use the newly dedicated "connected terminal guarantee".

The iPhone will be brought to a regular repair service store specified from DMM Mobile and repair it, but non -regular repair items sold at used shops are not covered by warranty.

The guarantee contents of each SIM free smartphone release manufacturer are summarized

In addition to the cheap SIM traders who handle cheap smartphones, how much is the manufacturer's warranty period?

Let's compare with five companies.

The warranty period of the five companies mentioned above is within one year as shown in the table below.


Except for ZTE's paid guarantee service, the manufacturer's warranty period is within one year after purchasing a new one, so it will be out of the warranty period one year later.

If you are not subscribed to the cheap SIM contractor's guarantee option, it will be the actual cost repair, so consider purchasing another cheap smartphone depending on the amount.

Consider the repair of cheap smartphones in "Optional joining" and "Manufacturer's warranty period"

Cheap smartphones are wide, from used shops to cheap SIM suppliers, so many people are wondering where to ask in the event of a failure.


If you pay attention to, it is easy to judge.


If you are considering purchasing and contracting a cheap smartphone in the future, at least one year will be within the manufacturer's warranty period.

If you are already using a cheap smartphone, you will know how to take the warranty options and the manufacturer's warranty period that can be obtained in the event of a failure, so it is a good idea to check the contract once.
