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What is the difference between a home router and a mobile router?I will compare and explain

There are two ways to connect different devices to the Internet using each carrier's line: home routers and mobile routers.

Maybe some people are wondering what the difference is between a home router and a mobile router.

So in this article, let's take a closer look at the differences between these two routers and how to use them.

If you are wondering whether to choose a home router or a mobile router, please refer to it and find the one that suits you best.

What is a home router / mobile router? Try it for 30 days. 0 yen campaign in progress. Go to AIR-WiFi official website.
  1. What are home routers and mobile routers?
  2. Differences and comparisons between home routers and mobile routers
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of home routers and mobile routers
  4. Who should choose a home router
  5. Who should choose a mobile router
  6. Recommended home router
  7. Recommended mobile router
  8. Understand the difference between a home router and a mobile router and choose the one that suits you best!
* All prices listed in the article include tax.

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What are home routers and mobile routers?

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Overview of home routers and mobile routers

The above is a brief description of the uses of home routers and mobile routers.

Simply put, a home router can be used instead of a fixed line at home, and a mobile router can be taken outdoors and used like a smartphone line.

I will explain in more detail from now on, so please refer to it.

Differences and comparisons between home routers and mobile routers

Home routerMobile router
power supply AC100V ~ 240VBuilt-in battery
Radio strengthstrongweak
Line used 5G / 4G WiMAX2 + WiMAX + 5G of major carriers 5G / 4G WiMAX2 + WiMAX + 5G of major carriers
Maximum number of connectionsmanyfew
UseCommunication in the houseOutdoor communication

If you check the list of the main differences between home router and mobile router, it is as above.

I will explain each difference in detail from now on, so please refer to it.

power supply

The home router does not have a battery inside and must be powered from an outlet (AC100V ~ 240V).

Therefore, it cannot be used where there is no power supply.

One mobile router has a battery inside.

It must be charged in advance, but the advantage is that it can be used without problems even in places where there is no power supply.

Radio strength

Home routers tend to have strong signal strength.

If you want to use your PC or smartphone at a distance from the installation location, there is a possibility that the radio wave will reach the home router without any problem even if the radio wave does not reach the mobile router.

Line used

The line to use is one of the following for both home router and mobile router.

Type of line to use

Both home routers and mobile routers in Japan use one of the above lines.

Communication quality and available areas depend on which carrier's line you are using, so check the service area in advance before making a contract.

Maximum number of connections

The maximum number of connections (the maximum number of devices that can be connected to one router) depends on the product.

However, there are many home routers and few mobile routers.


There is a fundamental difference in usage between home routers and mobile routers.

Each use is as follows, so make sure it suits your needs before signing up.

Each usage

If you want to use it instead of a fixed line at home, choose a home router, and if you want to use it outside and save the amount of communication on your smartphone, choose a mobile router.

Advantages and disadvantages of home routers and mobile routers

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Next, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of home routers and mobile routers.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so if you don't choose the one that suits your usage, you may regret it after making a contract.

The home router can be used immediately by plugging it into an outlet.

The home router is ready to use as soon as you connect the device to your home outlet.

You don't need to make any settings after it arrives, as the settings required to connect to the line have already been made.

You need to enter the SSID and PW on the device side so that you can connect to the router.

This is no different from general Wi-Fi.

Home router has strong radio waves

Home routers have larger antennas than mobile routers, so they tend to have stronger signal strength.

Even in areas where the radio wave does not reach or is too weak with the mobile router, there is a possibility that the home router can communicate without problems.

The weak signal strength of mobile routers is due to the miniaturization of antennas with an emphasis on portability and energy-saving performance.

Many home routers are connected at the same time

One of the advantages of home routers is that they have more simultaneous connections than mobile routers.

At home, connect various devices such as PCs, smartphones, and game consoles.

In such a case, if you exceed the maximum number of connections, certain devices will not be able to connect to the Internet, so it is recommended to choose a home router that can afford it.

The specific number of simultaneous connections varies depending on the product, so be sure to check before making a contract.

Some home routers have unlimited capacity

Some home routers have unlimited communication capacity and can be used without worrying about communication restrictions.


As an example, the following home routers have no capacity limit.

An example of a home router with no capacity limit

WiMAX 2+, which is famous for home routers, has a short-term limit of 10GB / 3 days, so please be careful if you want unlimited.

Mobile router can be taken out

The mobile router is equipped with a battery, and if it is charged in advance, it can be taken out and used.

You can take it out only within the service area of ​​the carrier that provides the line, so check in advance.

Mobile router needs to be charged

Due to the fact that the mobile router has a battery, it must be charged regularly.

If you do not charge it properly, you will not be able to use it when you try to use it, so please charge it frequently.

Mobile router has a service that you can try for 30 days

Some companies that provide mobile routers have a 30-day usage period as a trial service.

If you are worried about "I don't know if you can really use it" or "I'm in trouble if the contract is slow", it is a good idea to use the trial service to check the usability.

Some mobile routers have unlimited contract terms

Some mobile routers have no contract period (fixed-term contract), so it is recommended for those who are thinking of using it for a short period of time.

Some services have fixed-term contracts, so check if you really have a fixed-term contract before making a contract.

In addition, there is a service that basically has a fixed-term contract and can be changed without a fixed-term contract by paying an option fee.

Who should choose a home router

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By checking the information so far, many people may have some idea of ​​whether to choose a home router or a mobile router.

However, if you are still undecided which one to use, please refer to the information below as well.

From now on, I will introduce people who recommend home routers.

If you meet the following conditions, please consider a home router.

People who recommend a home router

Let's take a closer look at each item.

People who do not use the internet outside

For people who only use the Internet at home, we recommend a home router, which is easier to communicate with than a mobile router.

This includes people who do not need a mobile router because they use their smartphone line while they are out.

People who want to stabilize radio waves even a little

Home routers are also recommended for those who want to stabilize the radio waves even a little.

Equipped with a large antenna, the signal strength is strong, and more stable communication will be possible.

In addition, the signal strength of the main line is also important for stabilizing the signal.

At the time of contract, check which carrier's line you are using and how stable the communication is.

People who don't want to worry about capacity

If you don't want to worry about communication capacity, sign up for a home router that clearly states "unlimited capacity".

Some, such as Softbank Air and home 5G, do not have either a monthly capacity limit or a short-term limit.

If you choose such a service, you can use the Internet with peace of mind.

Who should choose a mobile router

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People who recommend mobile routers are those who fall under the following.

People who recommend mobile routers

Let's take a closer look at each item.

People who want to use WiFi (Internet) on the go

If you want to use the Internet with Wi-Fi on the go, choose a mobile router that you can carry around.

With a mobile router, you can connect to the Internet wherever you carry it within the service area.

People who want to reduce the amount of data communication on their smartphones

Mobile routers are also recommended for people who want to reduce the amount of data communication on their smartphones and save money.

If you use a mobile router for data communication when you go out, you can reduce the contracted capacity of your smartphone.

However, if you are trying to save money, it is important to calculate the difference between the mobile router charge and the smartphone charge that you can save.

In some cases, it may be higher.

Recommended home router

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From here, we will introduce recommended services for those who want to subscribe to a home router.

The following two services are introduced this time.

Recommended home router

We will introduce each feature from now on, so let's compare and consider and choose the one that suits you best.

Broad WiMAX recommended for those who value speed

Service name Broad WiMAX
Initial cost 20,743 yen
price 4,413 yen / month
Maximum communication speed 2.2Gbps
Monthly communication capacitynone
Short-term restrictions 10GB / 3 days
Fixed term contract 3 years
Trial periodnone
remarksAll-you-can-giga plan

Broad WiMAX is a home router that uses WiMAX2 + / WiMAX + 5G provided by KDDI.

Therefore, the maximum communication speed is as high as 2.2 Gbps.

Please note that since the main line is WiMAX, there is a capacity limit of 10GB / 3 days and there is a 3-year fixed-term contract.

It is recommended when the fixed-term contract does not become a disadvantage, such as when you plan to use it for a long time.

When signing up, check that the short-term limits and contract period are okay and that you are within the WiMAX service area.

Broad WiMAX official website

Mobareco Air recommended for those who value data capacity

Service nameMobareco Air
Initial cost 3,300 yen
price 5,368 yen / month
Maximum communication speed 962Mbps
Monthly communication capacitynone
Short-term restrictionsnone
Fixed term contract 2 years
Trial periodnone
remarksAt the time of contract only for Mobareco Air

Mobareco Air is a service provided using "Softbank Air" provided by Softbank.

Therefore, the basic usage is based on Softbank Air.

Compared to Broad WiMAX mentioned above, the big advantage is that there are no short-term communication restrictions.

However, please note that there is a regular use for 2 years.

Like Broad WiMAX, it is recommended for those who are considering long-term use.

Go to Mobareco Air official website

Recommended mobile router

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For those who are thinking of subscribing to a mobile router instead of a home router, the following two services are recommended.

Recommended mobile router

We will explain the features of each service in detail from now on, so please refer to it.


Service name AiR-WiFi
Initial cost 3,300 yen
price 3,278 yen / month
Maximum communication speed 150Mbps
Monthly communication capacity 100GB
Short-term restrictionsprivate
Fixed term contract 1 year * No contract period Available with options
Trial period 30 days
remarksCrisp plan

AiR-WiFi is a mobile router that supports 4G lines of 3 carriers of DoCoMo / au / Softbank.

Since it supports 3 carrier lines, it can communicate in a wider area.

AiR-WiFi has a one-year fixed-term contract, but it is also possible to pay 330 yen / month separately to eliminate the fixed-term contract.

If you are worried about the ease of connection, we recommend that you take advantage of the 30-day trial campaign and try it out.

30-day trial 0 yen campaign to AIR-WiFi official website

Mugen WiFi

Service name AiR-WiFi
Initial cost 3,300 yen
price 3,718 yen / month
Maximum communication speed 150Mbps
Monthly communication capacity 100GB
Short-term restrictionsprivate
Fixed term contract 2 years * No contract period Available with options
Trial period 30 days
remarks MUGEN Advanced Plan

Mugen WiFi is also a mobile router that supports 4G lines of 3 carriers of DoCoMo / au / Softbank.

The contract period is 2 years, but you can change it without a fixed-term contract by paying 660 yen / month separately.

In addition, it is guaranteed that you can replace it with the latest terminal free of charge in two years, so you can rest assured that 5G has penetrated.

The maximum speed is 150Mbps, and the basic specifications are the same as AiR-WiFi.

You can try it for 30 days, so if you are worried about the area or want to try it properly, please use this.

Cheapest pocket WiFi with 100GB Go to Mugen WiFi official website You can try it for 30 days!Full refund campaign

Understand the difference between a home router and a mobile router and choose the one that suits you best!

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This time, I explained in detail the difference between home router and mobile router that you often hear in the world of wireless Internet.

The following is a brief summary of these two communication services.

What are home routers and mobile routers?

Each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to understand them well and choose the one that suits you best.

The following is a brief summary of what kind of people each is suitable for.

People who are suitable for home routers People who are suitable for mobile routers

When subscribing to these Wi-Fi services, be clear about what you are looking for and choose the right one.

This time, we have picked up and introduced two recommended services for home routers and mobile routers, so if you are wondering which one to sign up for, please refer to it as well.

If you choose the right service and make a contract, you will be able to use the convenient and comfortable Internet!