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What is "CORD" that transforms a telephone station?

The current telephone station is built with different dedicated devices for each service. Moreover, many of them use vendor's unique specifications. As data traffic increases rapidly and services are diversifying, such complicated equipment configurations have increased Capex/OPEX and have become a quick service development. Therefore, in CORD, many of these existing government facilities are replaced with general -purpose hardware widely used in data centers, and SDN/NFV technology is applied to solve the problem of telecommunications carriers. There is. OTT player data centers such as Google and Facebook have already achieved great results, such as using general -purpose hardware and SDN/NFV technology to improve operation efficiency and speeding up service development. CORD is a project to arrange this success model for telecommunications businesses and reconstruct a telephone station as a data center. Google and Com Cast also participate in Cord, 1 of the use case study group of ONOS (Open Network Operating System), an open source development project launched in 2012 for the purpose of developing an SDN controller that can meet the needs of telecommunications carriers. He started his activities. Later, in May 2016, it started as an independent open source project in May 2016 due to the fact that the target was to be handled in ONOS. Cord is a non -profit research organization that led ONOS, US Open Networking Graatry (ON).ON, which is operated by Lab) and is participating in ONOS.Most Lab partner companies also participate in Cord.ON as of the end of July last year.There are 16 Lab partners. AT & T, NTT Communications, SK Telecom, SK Telecom, Verizon, China Unicom, Google, Vendors are NEC, Intel, Erics System, Sysco System, Nokia, Radish, and Samsung in the telecommunications carrier / service provider. (Elixon and Huawei participate only in OnOS). Following Google in July last year, the company has expanded to non -telecommunications businesses, including the addition of a new CATV Comcast in December. In addition, not only these partner companies, but also CORD, many companies and organizations called collaborators are participating and making specifications. Kashiwa Dai of NTT Communications, who is currently the only partner in Japanese telecommunications carriers, said Kashiwa Dai of NTT Communications, "When ONOS is launched, both AT & T become the first partner for telecommunications carriers. Cord came out later. However, I hope how much practical specifications can be achieved with open technology. "

NTT Communications Technology Development Department Director Kashiwa Dai
