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What happens if you change the model from iPhone 11 to Oppo Reno A?Thoroughly verify the advantages and disadvantages of the impossible settings.

Apple's iPhone is extremely popular in Japan.The iPhone is attractive with high processing capacity, but the price is a bit higher.The new iPhone SE, which was released as a low -priced version, is about 50,000 yen (tax included) for 64GB of storage.It's not cheap.However, as long as you continue to use the iPhone, it is an expensive iPhone to buy next.There is no doubt that it is high performance.But think about it once.Do you play a game?Do you want to edit the video?If it does not apply, you should immediately consider a model change to Android.

Mac is the only Mac, and the iPhone is also an iPhone.However, Android has many options.For iPhone users who have been worried from a few types, such as "Which iPhone should I buy?"Also, even if you change the model to Android, you want to use the function you like and use as it is.For example, Apple Pay.

Apple Pay can be used with Android's Osaifu -Keitai.Android is the one who has a FeliCa chip rather than a substitute.In other words, Osaifu -Keitai can be used more comfortably than Apple Pay.

Also, iPhone has a high processing capacity, but of course there are weaknesses.The basic model iPhone 11 has a display resolution of 1,792 x 828 pixels.The Liquid Retina HD display is a good name for Apple, but its resolution is less than a general full HD.Furthermore, in the case of iPhone 11, an organic EL is not adopted as in the upper model, and in this respect it is inferior to some Android devices.

And the other weakness is "battery".For iPhone 11, the battery capacity is 3,110mAh.Since the previous model was less than 3,000mAh, it fell into an illusion that the capacity was larger, but Android is less than 3,500mAh.If you think that the battery capacity is small, Apple's idea is to carry a mobile battery or wear a battery case, but it is quite troublesome to carry a mobile battery today.And when the battery case is attached, the design with the slender attractive is completely collapsed.After all, most people will use it while paying attention to the decrease in batteries.

The camera is a triple lens if it becomes a higher -end model with over 100,000, and the iPhone 11 is a wide -angle and ultra -wide -angle dual.I think there are quite a few people who value camera image quality, but those who change the lens are surprisingly few.However, the fact that only the upper model is equipped with an optical zoom, and the recent trendy macro camera is a weak point.

Since the iPhone 11 is still a new terminal, it is not easy to change the model from there.However, there are surely people who are wondering whether to buy iPhone 11 or Android.For such people, I would like to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of changing to Android by setting the model change from iPhone 11 to Android.The best candidate for models is "Oppo Reno A", which is famous as the best cospamodel.

Contents written in the article

  • 1 OPPO RENO A is such a smartphone
  • 2 If you use it in OCN Mobile ONE and Dual Sim, "Rakuten Un-Limit"!The first 3 million people are free for one year.Other points reduction are also enriched!
  • The iPhone 11 is a dual lens camera that supports wide -angle and ultra wide -angle shooting."OPPO RENO A" is also a dual lens specification, but the contents of the camera and the camera are different from the wide angle.Although there is still a two lenses, the iPhone 11 can be taken widely, and "Oppo Reno A" can accurately measure the distance to the subject, and it is possible to beautifully describe the background blur.。The advantages and disadvantages depend on what you shoot.

    What you should not forget is the dustproof function.The iPhone 11 supports the high dustproof and waterproof standard called IP68.This feature is essential for those who use the iPhone in the bath.But please be assured."OPPO RENO A" also has a high grade called IP67.Looking at the details, "6", which represents the dustproof performance of both models, "dust does not enter the inside.] And definition.Regarding waterproofing, "7" of "Oppo Reno A" is "Protection for immersion in the water", and "8" on the iPhone 11 is "protection against submerging".Both have waterproof performance that does not break even if dropped into water.The manufacturer does not recommend using it underwater, so if you just think about it when you drop it into water, you may not need to worry too much about this area.

    The processing capacity is higher for the iPhone 11 equipped with A13 Bionic.The SOC equipped with "OPPO RENO A" is "Snapdragon 710".If you refer to the score published by Antutu, the iPhone 11 benchmark is "493,498".Regarding "OPPO RENO A", it is "215,948" in MAX, referring to the score published by Garmax.After all, the iPhone and processing capacity are extraordinary but high.

    However, for those who do not edit games and videos, this is a useless long thing.Normally, if the Antutu benchmark is over 200,000, it will work with a generous use.In addition, "OPPO RENO A" is "Game Boost 2.It is equipped with a game extension function called 0, and using it increases the touch speed during the game, and the screen display is smooth.It is an image that uses Kai Kaiken or becomes a super Saiyan as needed.After that, the iPhone 11 is 4GB of memory and 6GB for "OPPO RENO A", so it may be slightly different in multitasking, such as when multiple apps are launched.

    If you change the model from iPhone 11 to "Oppo Reno A", the payment method will change to "Osaifu -Keitai".As mentioned above, "Osaifu -Keitai" is faster for FeliCa, and there are many types that correspond.The biggest advantage of making an Osaifu -Keitai is to support Mobile PASMO.The iPhone user was only available for Suica, while Android can use PASMO.In addition, electronic money payments are compatible with Apple Pay's "Suica", "ID" and "QuickPay", and Osaifu -Keitai is also compatible with "Nanaco", "WAON" and "Rakuten Edy".If you have only used Apple Pay, you will be surprised at the flexibility of Osaifu -Keitai.

    iPhone 11からOPPO Reno Aに機種変するとどうなる?あり得ない設定でメリット、デメリットを徹底検証。

    The display resolution rises from 1,792 x 828 pixels of iPhone 11 to 2340 x 1080 pixels of "Oppo Reno A".Increasing the number of pixels means that the display becomes more beautiful and beautiful.In addition, the screen size is 6.1 inch to 6.Expanded to 4 inches.Since the resolution increases and the screen size increases, the visibility has been greatly improved.And "OPPO RENO A" adopts the same organic EL as the upper model of iPhone 11, so the color is beautiful, and the driving time is longer due to the dark mode and a significant low power consumption effect in night mode.The fingerprint authentication sensor is an embedded type in the display.

    The battery capacity has expanded from 3,110mAh of iPhone 11 to 3,600mAh.It is not a large -capacity model for an Android device, but it looks as stylish as an iPhone because the capacity is small.For model changes from the iPhone, Oppo Reno A is the best terminal for the purpose you see.Also, as mentioned above, the OLED display of "OPPO RENO A" supports dark mode and night mode.At the time of setting, it will realize a long drive over battery capacity.

    And the biggest difference is the price.This is not the merit of modeling, but information for those who are wondering which one to buy.The iPhone 11 has a 64GB model "82,280 yen (tax included)".If you are used to the price of Android, you will feel surprisingly expensive."OPPO RENO A" is less than half the price, "39,380 yen (tax included)", which is a manufacturer's retail price.This difference is extremely large.Moreover, until 11:00 on July 15, the cheap SIM OCN Mobile ONE is currently running a summer bargain 2020.

    "OPPO RENO A", which is the centerpiece, is 10,800 yen (tax included: 11,880 yen), which is less than half price (tax included: 11,880 yen) for simultaneous purchases with voice SIM!If you are worried about the model change from the iPhone to the iPhone 11, or the model change from the iPhone to Android, please refer to the price.However, please note that this price is very likely to be out of stock.

    OPPO RENO A is such a smartphone

    Oppo Reno A is compatible with FeliCa, so of course you can use the Osaifu function.SUICA, mobile PASMO, credit card, and point card can be imported into the smartphone, so it is possible to go out with a smartphone alone.Probably, there are quite a few people who are looking for a wallet function to reduce luggage.

    And of course it has a waterproof and dustproof function.The IP67 standard of OPPO RENO A is equivalent to the iPhone X and is quite authentic.An excellent category for the performance equipped with a midrange smartphone.There is no need to handle smartphones nervously.

    Oppo Reno A is also practical.The 25 -megapixel high -resolution front camera captures 296 faces on the face.With an advanced AI algorithm analysis, the optimal correction is made from 8 million patterns to match the characteristics of the face.If the number of captures and patterns is small, it is often quite unnatural correction.OPPO has been focusing on self -portraits from a very early stage, so you probably know what to develop.

    The rear camera on the back is a dual lens specification and supports portrait shooting that blows the background beautifully.By switching five filters, you can take pictures of a completely different atmosphere.Try using the filter effect that shines according to the scene.

    The dazzle color mode is beautiful and clear with photos of subtle colors.Since the correction is performed at the pixel level, subtle light adjustment and gradation are naturally finished.

    The enhanced AI function demonstrates its true territory with the rear camera.First of all, it is automatically detected from 22 scenes, and the optimal setting is selected from 416 scenes that are further divided and applied.Anyone can easily get the best shots of each, such as "people," "food," and "scenery."

    OPPO RENO A is also amazing that it supports fingerprint authentication in the display despite the low -priced model.Moreover, the sensor has been upgraded, and the amount of light for unlocking from the previous generation has increased by 10 %.The release speed is 28 due to the increase in light.It has improved by 5 %.Recently, even in midrange, the in -display fingerprint authentication has been abolished to reduce costs.In addition to Osaifu, waterproofing, it is no way to this function.OPPO RENO A, too much.

    The high cospa of OPPO RENO A does not stop.At present, it is necessary to adopt a highly costly organic EL in order to install internal fingerprint authentication.Obtitulation EL is of course adopted in Oppo Reno A.The merit of OLED is not just corresponding to fingerprint authentication in the display, and it supports the dark mode that greatly reduces power consumption, and displays high -contrast images beautifully.

    And Oppo Reno A is practical because it is equipped with "Snapdragon 710".If the number rises simply, it will be high performance.The 700s are for midrange with more than the intermediate class, so you can use it with confidence.Published Antutu (ver).The benchmark of 8) exceeded 210,000.In terms of numerical values, it can be judged to be a midrange or more than the intermediate class.

    OPPO RENO A comes with a "game boost" function for comforting the game comfortably.The version is "2.Since it is updated to 0, speed and stability are improved.The best game environment is constructed by the combination of "touch boost" that accelerates the touch speed and "frame boost" that suppresses the kakitsuki of the image and makes it smooth.

    If you use it in OCN Mobile ONE and Dual Sim, "Rakuten Un-Limit"!The first 3 million people are free for one year.Other points reduction are also enriched!

    "Rakuten Un-Limit" is available for free for one year, for one year, "unlimited use of data" and "unlimited domestic calls" for the first 3 million people.For "all -you -can -use data anywhere in Japan", you can use high -speed communication in the Rakuten Line area (see HP for details), and high -speed communication up to 5GB in a partner area (au line) outside the Rakuten line area.Please be assured that 5GB is not enough.Even if you use up 5GB, you will continue to use data at a speed of up to 1Mbps.

    To use "All -you -can -eat domestic calls", you need an app called "Rakuten Link".It was distributed only for Android, but it also supports iOS.You can now use it on your iPhone.

    Also, if you copy the following "Rakuten Mobile ID" and enter it at the time of contract, you will get "2,000 points" additionally.


    This Rakuten Mobile ID is awarded by contracting Rakuten Un-Limit.If you introduce someone using the Rakuten Mobile ID, you can earn up to 15,000 points (for 5 people).

    However, this "Rakuten UN-Limit" can be used for free for one year only for "first 3 million people".The sense of security that "you can cancel for free if you are not satisfied" has been added, and applications are flooded.Plan usage fee is 2,980 yen per month when it exceeds 3 million.The current return campaign will probably end.This is no longer in a hurry.