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What are the points to emphasize when choosing a smartphone? Find the perfect terminal with IIJmio and switch to a great deal

Many attractive smartphones have been released this fall this fall.Many people are considering buying a new product by referring to reviews and word -of -mouth, and exploring the buying of the old model that has been value.

Some people may say that there are too many functions and models to compare and say, "I don't know which one to choose!"Therefore, this time, we conducted a questionnaire survey on how to select a smartphone for 1,000 Mynavi News members.Here, based on the results, we will introduce recommended models along with the advice of IIJmio's "middle person", which is known for the cheap smartphone, based on the "points that emphasize the smartphone".

What is the "point of choosing a smartphone" that you can see from the questionnaire

Immediately, when I asked if I was dissatisfied with the smartphone I'm currently using, nearly half of the respondents answered "yes" 44..I was 1 %.

It seems to be a tool that is indispensable to everyday life, so it seems that the level of smartphones is high, and many people are dissatisfied.So, when I asked a question in a free answer format what kind of dissatisfaction was felt, the most common thing was that the battery was getting worse.In addition, answers such as "the storage capacity is running out", "the image quality of the photo is poor", "the reaction is poor", "not waterproof", "freezing", "heavy movement" are noticeable.rice field.

Many people seem to be unsatisfactory about the battery and storage capacity while using it.In addition, the smartphone app tends to evolve every day and the operating requirements tend to become stricter, so even if there is no problem at the time of purchase, it seems that there are many cases where the operation gradually becomes heavier and dissatisfied.

Therefore, we asked up to three points that are important when purchasing and replacing a smartphone, and the following results were scored.

The price of recent smartphones is soaring with high functionality, so the top is the top person who emphasizes "prices"."Battery drive time", "storage capacity", "OS", and "size" have been ranked.The fact that "cameras" and "displays" are not as expensive as expected may be that many people already feel enough performance.

In the questionnaire, I asked how much to use after purchasing a smartphone.

As a result, there are a total of people who buy a new one in 2-3 years..8 %.On the other hand, there are 31 people who use it for more than 5 years..I got 9 %.It can be said that the polarization of those who purchase new models according to the replacement program of the career and those who use the models that are used for a long time are progressing.

By the way, if you look at it in one year, the change in your smartphone seems to be small, but in multiple years it has evolved considerably.For example, the storage capacity installed as standard in the last three years has doubled, and the camera has more than two labels.In addition to the conventional 4G, the number of smartphones compatible with 5G has also increased.

The performance of the processor that affects the smartphone operation, such as the startup of the latest apps and the processing of high -pixeling photos year by year, the performance of the processor that affects the operation of the smartphone has also been greatly improved.For example, in the case of Snapdragon, which is often mounted on Android machines, the performance is improved by about 20 to 30 % every year, and for the iPhone, it has increased by 40 % in the last three years.If the processor is using a slow one, the operation of the application will be heavier and it will be difficult to use, so I want to be careful every few years.

In addition, as the power saving and the large capacity of batteries have progressed, the battery ownership has been greatly improved.It seems that a couple of years is best as a replacement cycle in the sense that it is easy to feel the evolution of performance.

スマホ選びで重視するポイントは何? IIJmioでピッタリの端末を見つけてお得に乗り換えよう

What is the perfect one for you? Let's get a great deal at IIJmio!

Based on the results so far, many people are dissatisfied with the "battery" and "storage capacity" of the smartphone used, and those who value "battery" and "storage capacity" after choosing a smartphone.It turns out that there are many.

By the way, in the questionnaire, we asked "whether to emphasize the campaign when purchasing and replacing a smartphone", but 78.6 % of people answered "yes".If you can get it a little cheaper using a campaign, that's best.

What I would like to pay attention to is the smartphone of MVNO (virtual mobile telecommunications carrier), which is also called a cheap smartphone.Among them, IIJmio, a long -established IIJmio, has a wide lineup from popular models to unusual species, so you can enjoy finding one that was perfect for yourself.Moreover, depending on the campaign held at any time, the price has been reduced and the value is greatly increased.Here, we will introduce recommended models for each point, giving advice from the "middle person" of IIJmio.

▼価格重視の人におすすめ! コスパ抜群な「OPPO Reno5 A」

It is a popular middle -class smartphone with a high -performance Snapdragon 765G for 5G.In addition to the 64 million pixel main camera, it is equipped with a four -eye camera that can support a variety of scenes, such as a macro lens that can be shot at 4 cm closer to the subject and can shoot.6.The 5 -inch large display is compatible with a high refresh rate of 90Hz, so you can enjoy a more moving game with a smooth video compared to a general 60Hz display.In addition, it is equipped with Osaifu -Keitai, waterproof / dustproof, and fingerprint authentication.It's a fulfilling feeling like just exhausting.

In the case of IIJMIO, the regular price is reasonable at 35,800 yen, but until January 31, 2022, it will be eligible for the "Giga Plan Limited Smartphone Large Special Price Sale" campaign, which is even better.If you purchase a set with a voice SIM with MNP transfer, you can get it for 21,100 yen.According to IIJmio, "The price that can be said to be more than necessary and this is so far, this price is highly evaluated, so Reno5 A is recommended for those who value both cameras and cospa.I'm doing it. It's one that has an excellent comprehensive balance in the contents and appearance, so I am worried that I want to buy a smartphone in the first place, but I do not know which one to use in the first place.It is also recommended for those.

▼バッテリー持ちならこれ! 電池残量を気にせず使える「Xiaomi 11T Pro」

IIJMIO's "Middle person" is a flagship model of "very momentum Xiaomi".The compromised performance equipped with the latest processor Snapdragon 888 is attractive.Equipped with a three -eye camera including a main camera with 18 billion pixels, and an HDR10+video shooting function that can realistically record a intense scene with darkness, you can easily shoot images like a movie.。It is 62,800 yen even at the regular price, so I am surprised at the starting cost performance.

"The whole specifications are of course wonderful, but we were more surprised to see the evolution of battery technology."It is a major feature that it is equipped with charging technology "120W Xiaomi Hyper Charge".Even 5 minutes can be charged 42 % and 72 % in 10 minutes, so even if you have forgotten to charge in the morning, you can charge quickly while you are ready.

The regular price is 62,800 yen, but this model is also eligible for "Giga Plan Limited Smartphone Large Special Sale", and if you purchase a set with a voice SIM by moving in MNP, you can get it for 49,800 yen.If you want to enjoy your smartphone as much as you want without worrying about the battery, it is one of the best you want to recommend.

▼ストレージ重視の人に! データ容量を選べる「Zenfone 8」シリーズ

"Isn't there a lot of people who have taken photos and videos, and the storage is full?""series.There are two types of storage, 128GB and 256GB, and the point is that you can choose according to how you use it.Certainly, if you have 256GB, even those who often take videos are less likely to suffer from lack of capacity.

Another recommended point is "5.A compact body that can be operated with one hand of 9 inches.However, even though the size is small, the battery is 4,000mAh, and the processor is equipped with the highest peak Snapdragon 888, so you can use it quickly without worrying about the battery level.It seems to be a smartphone that makes you want to take it out and enjoy a lot of shooting.

In the case of the top model "ZenFone 8 [16GB/256GB]" equipped with 16GB memory and 256GB storage of the lineup, the regular price is 92,000 yen, but MNP is transferred during the "Giga Plan Limited Smartphone Large Special Sale".When purchasing a voice SIM and a set, 79,800 yen is OK.

Similarly, there are discounts and gift vouchers gifts for other models, so why not check them out?


In fact, unused and used beautiful goods of the iPhone series can be purchased at IIJmio.According to IIJMIO, "from November 12, unused iPhone 12 and second -generation iPhone SE second -generation used beautiful goods have joined the lineup. The iPhone 12 [64GB] currently on sale" and the iPhone 12 mini [Green and purple are added to 64GB.The selling price will be revised and it will be reasonable, so please pay attention. "The iPhone 12, which uses a sophisticated flat edge design and supports 4K HDR video shooting and 5G for the first time, is still very popular with the new model iPhone 13.Especially green and purple are not in 13, so don't miss this opportunity!

All -you -can -eat options appeared! A chance to buy smartphones at a great price

By the way, in addition to the "Giga Plan Limited Smartphone Large Special Price Campaign", there are also special campaigns.

In IIJmio, the long -awaited “flat -rate call option” has appeared from December 7 (Tuesday).In addition to "Mio -Pon Dial Unlimited+", which allows you to make all -you -can -eat domestic calls for 1,400 yen (tax included) per month, the "5 -minute fixed" and "10 -minute fixed amount" are available at a reasonable price.

At the same time, IIJMIO has launched a new all -you -can -eat! Call flat -rate options for 3 months free campaign from the same day.If you apply for a flat -rate call option with Giga Plan, the option fee will be free for 3 months.For some target terminals, it will be even cheaper if you purchase with a flat -rate option and a set, so be sure to check out IIJmio at this opportunity.

【スマホに関するアンケート】マイナビ会員向けアンケート調査数 1,000人調査期間 10月21日~22日

[PR] Provided: IIJmio