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Is it ZTE that sold Huawei to the United States?――In China High Tech "Disposal of 30 Years"

Huawei, a state -owned company and a private company, has been confronted within 30 years in China.It was a Jewish American law adviser that sold ZTE to the United States, and the observation that it sold Huawa to the United States was constant among Chinese Chinese Chinese.

ZTE (Chuko Kodai) was a state -owned company that developed in 1985, which was founded by Kiitsu Kenshi, was nationalized in 1996, and became the current name in 1997.

Kiki, born in 1942, worked at the Chinese government's 691 arsenal production site and was dispatched to the United States in the early 1980 and was transferred to technology.He became the chief of production site of the 691 Area in 1985, and in the same year he was dispatched to Shenzhen to create a co -foundation of the continent and Hong Kong to create the basics of ZTE.

When it was nationalized in 1996, a new management style called "national privately owned" was launched in a joint investment between the Arsenal 691 Arsenal and the Shenzen Hiruu Industrial Group.Since then, ZTE has a completely Chinese government backbone.

Kata and Huawei are private companies established by Shizen Non -Sen in 1987.

Born in 1944 joined the People's Liberation Army to escape the difficulties of the Cultural Revolution.His first job was to help a French architectural project.Around 1983, the reduction of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has begun by a decrease in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (officially 1985), and the non -Jonnon was "fired" without any military floor as a military, and the Nankai Oil after Nankai Oil in Shenzhen.I was assigned.However, the content of his job was not so interesting, and it was Kojiro's foundation that collected 20,000 people (about 300,000 Japanese yen) by borrowing from others.

ZTE started with a semiconductor, but Non -Non did not have any knowledge of e -communication, so he started business with emphasis on sales.

Eventually, ZTE and Hani came to compete in bidding, etc., and ZTE began to carry out business with the help of the government.In 2003, in a bidding against Mahaanagar Telephone Nigam in India, ZTE explored the internal circumstances of Huao's technical level with the help of the government, and ZTE succeeded in a successful bid.

The furious Non -Masannon became independent of Hui's research department and began to be ragged in research and development.He was born in this way (established in 2004).

The president of Hisisiricon himself wanted to immerse themselves in research and development as an engineer without being affected by the business development.It is no surprise that Hi -Silicon does not change its own semiconductor, because he is one of the research departments of Huawei.

I know that if you sell it to the Chinese government, you will always go to ZTE.So, if it's the current situation, we haven't sold it yet.

In October 2011, ZTE adopted Jewish American Ashley Kyle Yablon as a legal advisor to the US branch.However, Yablon, who should have been hired to protect ZTE when he was in trouble, browsed ZTE's "secret documents" as an excuse for having to seize all the internal information of the company to protect.

At that time, it was found that ZTE was selling electronic devices banned by the United States to Iran through a fictitious company.To point out that, ZTE's owner asked Yablon to say, "Don't be a good idea."When Yablon refused, ZTE has frozen YABLON's business activities.

In May 2012, YABLON accused the FBI of ZTE's internal circumstances, and many middle -class media other than the continent of China wrote.Some have similar continental information.

According to Reuters, Yablon was also a legal advisor to Hui.

Is there such a story that develops "beautifully (simply?)"?

On the contrary, everyone will guess that Yablon is not the possibility of a spy hired by the US government."It's too big".

The middle media continues.


The proof is that in the ZTE's secret document that Yablon holds down, there is a company name "F7", apparently this is Hani.At the end of 2010, "F7" submitted a plan to sell an American Hewlett -Packard computer to Iran Moving Communications Company (MCI), a subsidiary of Iranian telecommunications company (TCI).There is a record.Hui seems to have withdrawn the proposal in 2011, but there are many other internal information on Hui.The Hong Kong liberal media "Ringon" or Washington or New York reported that ZTE has been confidential as a judicial transaction.


One of the reasons why high siricon does not sell external sales is the "30 -year conflict" between ZTE and Hui, mentioned in this column.

President Xi Jinping, who is promoting the national strategy "China Manufacturing 2025" as a junction of the national fate, is actually driven into a distress by such "internal conflict".


Because it is a one -party control system, if you forced Sassa, Hanori and its subsidiary Hi -Silicon to "give the result of the semiconductor", it may be visible from the outside.

I can't do that because the momentum of high siricon is so amazing.

For example, when TRENDFORCE surveyed in November 2017, the "2017 Chinese IC -related company's revenue ranking and income"

1st place: High silicon ... 387

2nd: Unit loop spread tram ... 110

3rd place: ZTE / Sain Chips ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 75

  (Unit: RMB $ 100 MILLION)

It is.Both the second -place unit loop and the third -place ZTE are state -owned companies, and the spread tram is a semiconductor company that ZTE is a semiconductor company acquired by a unit loop.Why is the Chinese government losing to a private high siricon, despite the fact that the Chinese government has dropped a wealth of funds without interruption?Why is high siricon running on the top?

Because it is popular.

Young people express "indications that do not like the one -party control system" by purchasing Huao's high -tech products.This is equivalent to a new election by young people who have gained economic power.

I have covered a few Chinese young people.



This may be a form of new democratization in China.

It would be nice to see what Meng Shune really did.

No matter who is the manager, 98.7 % of employees have.So young people are willing to work at this company.1 to the management side.Since only 3 % of the profits can be made, it is not a big problem who is the manager, and the chairman is a circle.

Xi Jinping, who left such a company, must have been driven into a hardship.

If you forcibly sell high siricon semiconductors, the high siricon must stop growing at once.That's a problem.After all, high -sillicon has been overwhelmingly far away from other companies in China, so it delays the realization of "China Manufacturing 2025".

In a sense, it may be said that the limit of the one -party rule system that promotes the market economy by reforming and opening is appearing in such a place.

If Hua is hunted down and it affects management, maybe Huang will probably acquire ZTE, which is in a business crisis, and to sell the Chinese government and other companies in the same industry.unknown.In that case, "China Manufacturing 2025" will be realized at once.

As I wrote on the column on December 11, "Xi Jinping's aim is the moon military base -the first back of the moon in the world", China is already in the United States in outer space.Is it okay for a country that is suppressing speech to conquer the world?

At that time, will the young people continue to support the enthusiastic support for a private company, Huawari and Hi -Silicon, which has been a certain distance from the Chinese government?We will pick up the only new democratization sprouts in China today.

We are concerned that the limits of the one -party rule of the Chinese Communist Party, which suppress speech, will be picked up to the slightest possibilities that are trying to blow new buds.

The author was the crime of repression of Chinese speech, as it was a crime to announce the record as a person who survived while staying on a starvation body, at the time of the Mao East's Changchun Shushing in Mao Zedong.I have been fighting over my life.So, if there is a germination of democratization, I want to support it.But now it is about to disappear.

I want to believe that the Japanese can have a direct view of the truth and the wisdom of the predicted future potential and crisis.