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It's really slimy!"Windows 95 and SimCity 2000" is running on iPhone X σ (゚ д ゚)

日本でのインターネット普及に一役買ったWindows 95。今から22年前に発売されたそのWindows 95が、なんと今年発売のiPhone Xで動く様子が動画で公開されました。

Furthermore ... you can play that huge hit game "SimCity 2000" σ (゚ д ゚)

It is not only iOS that can be moved on the iPhone

This time, the person named Hacking Jules has released Windows 95 on the iPhone X.Here is the video ⇓

The iPhone X version is iOS 11.1.

It's not jailbreak, but it seems that Windows 95 operates using the DOS emulator application "Power Dos (120 yen)" distributed on the App Store.

めっちゃヌルサク!iPhone Xで「Windows 95とSimCity 2000」が動作してるぞ Σ(゚Д゚)

If you turn your iPhone X sideways and enter something like a code on the keyboard ...

It is a bit hard to see by hand, but the start screen of Windows 95 was displayed immediately!It's so fast.

And the home screen is again in a haste.Windows 95, which is so fast, may have seen it for the first time ( ^ ω ^)

The mouse cursor is running by touch operation, but the movement is quite smooth.It is slimy.

Mine Sweeper can play without any problems,

Word can be used without any problems.

And I can play up to "SimCity 2000" which was a very popular game at the time σ (゚ д ゚)

By the way, videos in which Windows runs on iPhone 7, iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple Watch, were released.

However, each operation was not at a comfortable level, so you can see how much the iPhone X specifications have improved.

Although it is an OS 22 years ago, it is surprising that Windows 95 can be moved without any problem with a small device like iPhone X.