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Universal Robot, AGV and DC battery -driven collaborative robots for AGV and autonomous mobile robots |

Category: Product service

ユニバーサルロボット、AGVや自律型モバイルロボット向けDCバッテリー駆動の協働ロボットを発表 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Release issuance company: UNIVERSAL ROBOTS A/S

In the process of using collaborative robots, the motor of robots (Japan branch representative Tsuyoshi Yamane, Minato -ku, Tokyo) is a new DC battery -driven collaborative robot "OEM DC Model UR3E/UR5E/UR10E/UR10E/The provision of UR16E will start today.This product is optimized for integration for AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle Unmanned Transit, hereinafter AGV) and AMR (Automated Mobile Robot autonomous mobile robot, AMR).Universal robots will actively develop systems using collaborative robots in industries such as logistics, distribution, and medical care, along with sales partners nationwide.。In recent recent manufacturing sites, where labor shortages are progressing, the movement of replacing the man -performed man -performed to collaborative robots is gradually progressing.In particular, universal robot collaboration robots are small, lightweight, unnecessary for safety fences, and are easy to program, so they can be used flexibly in multiple processes.Many can be seen.The OEM DC Model for E-Series, which was launched this time, is installed in the 24-48V DC battery-driven AGV/AMR, which automates transportation between multiple processes with long distances.Expectations for such automation systems are increasing in Japan and the world market, which has been short of manpower.◆ OEM DC Model UR3E/UR5E/UR10E/UR16E Features 1.Power supply is possible directly from AGV/AMR battery 2.Providing excellent features and benefits of standard UR robot arms in DC Model 3.No need for a teaching pendant and control box, and contributing to the miniaturization and weight of the system, Universal Robot Japan Branch Tsuyoshi Yamane states:"The needs of the mobile system integrated with AGV and AMR have been increasing in Japan in recent years. New DC -driven products to be offered this time, as well as transportation between processes in the manufacturing industry, as well as logistics.・ It is a product that responds to the needs of various industrial fields such as distribution. We will contribute to improving productivity in factories and facilities and eliminating labor in factories and facilities through the provision of this product. "A reporter presentation on this matter was held, and like Universal Robot, Teradyne Inc.(NYSE: TER) Demonstrated an application demonstration equipped with a UR robot in AMR of Mobile Industrial Robots (MIR) under the umbrella.MIR is an autonomous driving -type transport robot, such as transporting parts for assembly, transporting and collecting documents in medical facilities, distributing documents in medical facilities, and delivering equipment in a clean room.Realizes business automation.With simple work automation, people can concentrate on more advanced work, which is expected to improve productivity.[About Universal Robot] Universal robot, established in 2005, is a small, easy -to -use, reasonable price setting for a small, easy -to -use price, for the purpose of realizing a robot technology at a company of all sizes.We are working to develop a robot.Since the announcement of the first collaboration robot in 2008, it has grown greatly with the provision of user -friendly cobots and is now sold worldwide.Universal robot is Teradyne Inc.He is a subsidiary company, has a subsidiary and branch office in the United States, Germany, France, Spain, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Turkey, India, Singapore, South Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico.。The universal robot in 2018 was $ 234 million.www.UNIVERSAL-ROBOTS.COM/JA Corporate Press Release To PRTIMES Top

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