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How to set Twitter language settings, return to Japanese when English

I have a sudden experience of Twitter's menu notation, and I have been confused.This article explains how to return it to Japanese when the display language of Twitter becomes English.The browser version, iPhone version, and Android version of Twitter are different, so please select a paragraph that suits your environment from the table of contents.

What is Twitter language setting?

Twitter is a SNS from the United States, but is used globally, corresponding to nearly 50 languages, including Japanese.However, even if the language setting is set in Japanese, there is a problem that user interfaces such as the setting menu and operation buttons suddenly change to English notation.

How to change the language setting of the browser version of Twitter from "English" to "Japanese"

First, I will introduce how to return the display language to Japanese on the browser version of Twitter.This time, we will explain the language setting operation using the combination of iPhone and Safari as an example, but the basic procedure is the same for Android smartphone browsers and PC browsers.


How to add "? Lang = ja" to the URL to make the display language Japanese Japanese

By adding "? Lang = ja" to the end of the browser address bar, you can change it to Japanese.However, if you close and access Twitter again, you will return to a language other than Japanese.Please note that this method is only a "temporary" method.

How to change the language setting of the iPhone version of Twitter from "English" to "Japanese"

If the entire iPhone (iOS itself) is Japanese, but only the Twitter app is displayed in English, open the "Settings" screen and scroll down to check the "Twitter" settings.The procedure is described below.

If not only the Twitter app but also the entire iPhone (iOS) is displayed in English, return the language settings from "Settings" in the same gear icon as "Settings".The specific operation is as follows.

If you can't return to Japanese after trying the method so far, try the following means.

How to change the language setting of Twitter for the Android version from "English" to "Japanese"

Android does not have a twitter app -specific language setting.If the entire Android smartphone (Android OS itself) is displayed in English, open the "Settings" screen and return the language settings to Japanese.The specific operation is as follows (the description screen is trimmed in vertical 1/2).

If the Android OS is displayed in Japanese but only the Twitter app is displayed in English, try the following means.

What is the "language" in the "Content Settings" of the Android version of the Twitter app?

From the menu of the Android version of the Twitter app, there is an item called "Language" on the screen that advances "Settings and privacy" → "settings of passing".If the app is displayed in English, the item name is written as "Language", so it seems that it can be returned to Japanese display, but this item is a language setting for tweets recommended by Twitter.Unfortunately, the display language of the app cannot be changed from this setting item.By the way, in the iPhone version Twitter app, the same item is written as "Filters".


We explained how to deal with Twitter language in English.The phenomenon in English, even though you haven't changed your language settings yourself, can be said to be a bug.In the case of the browser version of Twitter, there is a language setting item in the setting menu, so it is easy to return to Japanese as introduced in this article, but in the case of a smartphone application, it is easier to try restarting the application or re -login.It may be fast.In any case, let's calm down without panic.

Abe's job


In 1998, he started his career as an editor in the PC magazine "PCFan".In 2012, he joined the Digital Editorial Department and was in charge of PCs, cameras, audio, smartphones, and digital home appliances.He will be the president from 2014 to 2017, and will be the producer from 2019.Currently, I sometimes edit and write on Twitter, LINE, Amazon, iPhone, and Android from marketing departments.Click here for his writing article.
