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Trouble occurred immediately after the start !? The degree of perfection of Rakuten Mobile's network found in the "Free Supporter Program"

■ Serialization / Smartphone conference of Takayuki Horin, Atsushi Ishikawa, Junya Ishino, Asako Fusano

"Smartphone talk" that you can understand the back side of the industry by four people who are interviewing at the forefront of the smartphone industry. This time, we will discuss the completeness of the MNO Rakuten Mobile network found in the "Free Supporter Program".

A series of people who fail to open

Mr. Fusano: The "Free Supporter Program" provided by MNO's Rakuten Mobile started in mid-October 2019. 5000 people selected by lottery can use it, but Mr. Horin and I were elected, and Mr. Ishikawa and Mr. Ishino were unfortunately lost. I saw an article I was trying to borrow from another person.

Mr. Fusano

Mr. Ishino: I was eager to win, but it was a "lost mobile" (laughs). When I received an email, I thought I was a winner, but it was a blue banner. Even though the color expresses the win (pink banner wins, blue loses), I was a little irritated, I wonder if it expresses blue feelings (laugh) It is good because a strict lottery was held Even so, it was a little that the person who hit was able to apply for up to 5 lines ...

Mr. Ishino

Mr. Horin: That wasn't made with the intention of applying for up to 5 lines, but I accidentally set it to 5 lines.

Mr. Horin

Mr. Ishino: According to what I caught in my ear, I was aware of the error, but I heard that it was okay and left it alone. It was a fuss, so I fixed it. Isn't the attitude of the MNO completely useless?

Mr. Horin: From the specifications of applying for an additional line, how to manage user data, and how to link Rakuten ID, it should have been originally made with one line for one ID. However, due to the specifications of the homepage, it was possible to apply for up to 5 lines. These 5 lines are not related to this free supporter program, but are made according to the specifications of the homepage, following the 5 lines that existing carriers commonly and self-regulate, that is, 5 voice lines that can be contracted per person. Just that. The free supporter program should have been done on one line for one ID.

Mr. Ishikawa: Originally, it was made so that you could apply for 5 lines for commercial services.

Mr. Ishikawa

Mr. Horin: That's right. I started a free supporter program without changing it.

Mr. Ishikawa: The rule was that each person had one line, but he said he started without closing the hole and left it unattended even though he had noticed it.

Mr. Ishino: You didn't close the hole for a week, didn't you?

Mr. Horin: The reason I thought so was that the behavior when inserting the second line SIM card was obviously strange.

Ishikawa: There were various things.

Mr. Horin: As you can see from the posts of people who appear with the hashtag of "#Rakuten Free Supporter Program" on Twitter, when you insert the SIM card of the second line, there are people who open and people who can not open. It was divided.

Mr. Ishikawa: In my case, the editor in charge of the Nikkei newspaper first opened this program with OPPO's "Reno A 128GB" that I bought from Rakuten's free supporter program. I asked him to lend me the second of the multiple applications he had applied for, and inserted the SIM card I borrowed into the "Reno A" I bought at Yodobashi Camera. Then, the radio wave is grabbed but the data does not flow.

OPPO "Reno A"

Mr. Horin: That's right.

Mr. Ishikawa: I heard that people from different carriers are doing various research, but apparently the terminal sold by Rakuten's free supporter program has some profile, and Rakuten's The moment I connected to the radio wave, I thought I would go to write to the SIM card. Therefore, it seems that even if the SIM card is inserted into the terminal procured by the user without permission, the data does not flow easily.

Mr. Fusano: I see. I opened it without any problems, and after that I tried inserting a SIM card into my SIM-free iPhone and it worked, but that's what it is.

Mr. Horin: Mr. Ishino wrote on Twitter that "it seems that you can make a contract for multiple lines," so I wondered what it would be like and applied for it. I wonder if that was Sunday, October 13th.

Mr. Ishino: It seems that there were quite a few people like that.


Mr. Horin: Such a story came out around Friday, and when I applied for the opening of the second line SIM card, it remained "in preparation". The SIM card arrived on Sunday and opened ... I had a lot of trouble before opening this second line, but for the time being, it opened, but the status of "my Rakuten Mobile" is "preparation". It is "medium".

Mr. Ishino: Can I use the line?

Mr. Horin: You can use it.

Mr. Fusano: Of course it's free, right?

Mr. Horin: Yes. The application method is the same, and phone number candidates have come out separately.

Mr. Ishikawa: Before the network, it was not established as a mail-order business. Rakuten's main business is mail order.

Mr. Horin: I thought I'd put the second line SIM card in the borrowed Reno A, but after all I thought that a different model would be good, so I inserted it in the Huawei "P30 lite" I had. But it doesn't work. By the way, it says that software update is necessary, so when I try to update the software, the update data does not come down. It doesn't come down anyway. I couldn't help it, so I inserted another SIM card and tapped the update button when I noticed, and the update data finally came down after 2 or 3 hours. By the way, I connected it to my PC and checked it with "HiSuite", but it didn't come down.

Huawei "P30 lite"

Mr. Fusano: The update is provided by Huawei, isn't it?

Mr. Horin: We provide Huawei, but I think it's mostly for Rakuten Mobile.

Mr. Ishikawa: After all, it seems that Rakuten customization exists. Manufacturers don't like it, but there seems to be something like that for some reason.

Mr. Horin: I was able to update the software, so when I inserted the SIM card, it seemed to work, but this time I can't see the phone number. So, with the SIM card inserted, I left it for about an hour with Rakuten's radio waves without connecting to Wi-Fi, and finally the phone number came down and it worked. Around that time, I received an email for those who applied for the free supporter program. It seems that there were quite a few people who couldn't open well at that timing. One more thing, there was a person who posted this on Twitter, but if it is a compatible model, it does not work immediately if you insert a SIM card, but I do not know whether it is Rakuten customization or software update. , It doesn't work unless APN is set. That is quite a drawback.

Mr. Ishino: VoLTE has complicated behavior, so it is surprisingly often rejected if the connection sequence is not proper. VoLTE standards are different for all three carriers. Therefore, it is quite difficult for SIM-free terminals to support VoLTE, and I have passed the IOT (interoperability test) of each carrier, but Rakuten suddenly entered there. I think that if you insert a SIM card into a terminal that was not supposed to be a Rakuten network, it may or may not be connected. Therefore, Rakuten tentatively specifies that these models should be used in the free supporter program. It can be said that it is your own responsibility not to connect using other models.

Mr. Ishikawa: It's okay not to connect using a completely different model, but the difference between the Reno A sold at home electronics mass retailers and the Reno A sold at Rakuten with 128GB of storage is a trap. (Smile)

Mr. Horin: As with other terminals such as the P30 lite, the SIM lock is unlocked, but the software needs to be updated.

Mr. Ishikawa: P30 lite is not good unless "the first 4 digits in the parentheses of the build number is C635", isn't it? You don't know until you buy it.

Mr. Horin: So, you can run the second line with P30 lite and use it with dual SIM, but I bought another terminal at Rakuten.

Mr. Ishino: I wish I hadn't made other terminals usable.

Mr. Horin: I'm not good at creating a free supporter program. I feel like I don't know what to do or how to do it as a career.

Mr. Ishikawa: If it has such specifications, only the terminal set will be sold.

Mr. Ishino: Shouldn't we put restrictions on IMEI?

Mr. Horin: Besides, inquiries are made by chat in the app of my Rakuten Mobile, but this does not connect. The first response to the chat was AI, and I chose the menu provided by AI, but after selecting it, I said that I would connect to the person in charge, and there was no reply for about two hours.

Mr. Ishino: Good, I want to experience that kind of experience (laughs)

Mr. Horin: That kind of thing has not been done. Furthermore, there is no "Rakuten Link" app that was appealing at the press conference at the beginning of September (as of October 30, 2019). I feel like I'm preparing it.

Mr. Ishikawa: You said that the handover is smooth if you use Link.

Mr. Horin: That's not a handover. Because it's an IP phone, it's like making Viber (an internet phone service provided by Rakuten) huge.

Mr. Ishino: That's the story of making the roaming connection method seamless with an IP phone as a link from "S8" to "S10", isn't it?

Next page: What is the result of Rakuten's network?