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Think of a mobile line that can be secured immediately in an era when remote work is required

Due to the new coronavirus, the demand for remote work such as home work is increasing. Internet access is essential if you want to stay at home so that you don't go to crowded places as much as possible. However, you may not have a fixed line at home, or you may need a line urgently to work elsewhere.

Consider the case where a remote work instruction is given and a line is needed immediately.Cheap SIM is relatively easy to contract, but there are also factors such as line speed and the need for a separate terminal.

First, organize the communication method. The optimum one changes depending on what you use and how you use it.

There are various lines required for remote work. PCs will be the mainstream for remote work, but smartphone tethering will be the first choice. In many cases, the problem will be solved if the amount of communication on the smartphone that is normally used increases.

Also, it is often more convenient to start using a new mobile router instead of tethering. With a mobile router, it's easy for multiple people to use it, and unlike tethering, the owner of the smartphone just picks up the terminal and leaves the seat, and the person left behind does not lose the line.

Furthermore, due to the rapid shift to the cloud in recent years, there is a situation where the amount of communication is unexpectedly increasing when working on a PC, and it is possible that when starting work remotely in earnest, it became insufficient at once.


On the other hand, we do not know when this problem will be resolved. There is a possibility that it will be prolonged and that it will converge due to seasonal fluctuations. Even if it takes a long time, it is possible that the company will provide an environment and the contracted mobile router will no longer be necessary.

If so, I think a line that has a large capacity, can be used immediately, and can be easily stopped is suitable.

You can change the plan of the smartphone you are currently using to increase the amount of communication, but even if you switch, it will switch from the next month. The additional charge is expensive, so if you need a large capacity right away, a new line contract is an advantageous solution.

With recent iPhones and iPads, you can increase the capacity immediately by using eSIM.

If you need it right now and without going to the store, it is convenient to subscribe to data communication with eSIM. The eSIM that can be used normally in Japan is IIJmio's "eSIM plan", and 6GB per month is 1520 yen (all tax excluded). It can be used on some Windows machines such as the latest, one generation ago and the latest iPhone / iPad, Pixel 4, and the latest Surface, and you can use it immediately if you apply online.

The iPhone / iPad one generation ago is equipped with eSIM, making contracts easy.At the moment, the choice is almost IIJmio

However, unfortunately, the campaign has ended, and now it costs 3200 yen as an initial cost, and due to the IIJmio fee system, the data capacity if you subscribe in the middle of the month will be prorated. If you sign up at this timing, the amount of communication for that month will be 2GB or less, so it may not be suitable for people who want a large capacity right now (If you sign up for "Data Option 20GB" for 3100 yen a month, 20GB can be added from the day).

If you use a mobile router, is the large-capacity resale plan of the cobblestone mixture advantageous !?

Next, how to use a mobile router. For those who need a line right now, there are rental mobile routers with TV commercials and online advertisements of 100GB per month and about 4000 yen per month with no capacity limit. It is a service that is often named "○○ Wi-Fi".

Each company has various service provision methods and networks, and there is a mechanism to resell SoftBank lines, and there are also those that can be used both in Japan and overseas, and that all networks of the three carriers can be used in Japan.

It would be convenient if a large capacity could be used at a relatively low price, and even a mobile router could be set, but the problem is the contract period. Although it is not all, it is not suitable for short-term use because some contracts have a two-year contract and a large penalty will be charged if the contract is canceled in a short period of time. In addition, there are some that cannot be used with SIM alone, assuming that they will be used with a set mobile router.

However, since the services are really various, there are some that can be used for a short period of time without penalty or that only SIM is provided. And since there is also the most important problem of line quality, it is necessary to carefully examine the reputation etc. in advance and select the one that suits the usage scene.