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Suspicion of the Wall Street Journal Japanese version of Huawei, the details spoken by former employees

 One evening in the summer of 2004, this is the event when the event at Supercom in Chicago was closed.According to the people who were on the scene, middle -aged Chinese visitors began to walk between the almost uninhabited exhibition booths.Then, when I opened the lid of an expensive network device, I tried to take a picture of the internal circuit board.


 The man claimed to the event staff as the engineer ZHU Yibin.His name tag from his neck was written as "WeiHua".The man explained that the spelling before and after Huawei, the place of work, was reversed.According to Peter Haywood, a co -founder of Light Reading in the telecommunications field, this engineer appeared in a wrinkled clothes the next day, and this is the first time he came to the United States.He said he did not know the rules of Supercom, which is prohibited.

 Haywood, who interviewed the man as part of the Light Reading event coverage, recalled, "He was a person with the opposite impression of James Bond."I didn't think, but I guess he had the wisdom to impress him. "

 After that, Huawei has been a major trespasser in China, the leader of the world's largest international high -tech company, the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer, the leader of the 5th generation mobile communication system (5G), and the main cause of the superpower.Grew up to.Huawei currently employs 188,000 people in more than 170 countries, sells more smartphones than Apple, provides cloud services, produces microchips, and operates a sea submarine cable that supports Internet communication around the world.There is.

 In the process, Huawei has been criticized for its rise to imitation and theft.The fact that many interviews were scrutinized in the contents of 10 trials in the US Court, and many interviews have been raised as a result of many interviews for US officials, former employees, competitors, and partner companies, which gained competitiveness.It was a corporate culture of Huawei where the border between the means to do and ethics was ambiguous.

 People who criticize Huawei point out the company's methods that are widespread and vigorous and vulnerable.It is an example of a relatives of Huawei's founder, Nobuannon, who worked in Motorola, who brought detailed confidential information on Motorola's technology at a meeting in Beijing.

 The U.S. government is now increasing pressure on Huawei.The U.S. government has seen the company overtaking competitors around the world at a stretch and scattering national security risks.The Trump administration has taken measures last week to break the relationship between Huawei and the company, which has become an important supplier for the company, and to ban Huawei business in the United States.

 The Trump administration believes that Huawei, like other Chinese companies, has to follow the Chinese government's orders.He also believes that the company's status as a world's number one telecommunications equipment manufacturer will be a powerful weapon for the Chinese Communist Party, which is concerned about dictatorship in recent years.This is the driving force for regulatory measures against Huawei.

 According to the US Security Authority, around 2012, it was found that Huawei's US facilities have a confidential room that cannot be eavesdropped using electronic devices.This was similar to the facilities in the world's information authorities, which contributed to the worse of US authorities.

 Huawei has argued that no spy activity is performed for any government, and US authorities have not provided evidence that Huawei spy in cyber space.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has stated that the law of the country will not force Huawei to spy.

 Huawei has the most common patents in the 5G standard technology in the world.The company claims that it has been working on the law in the global market through e -mail, and has been repeatedly innovating technological innovation."We respect the value of intellectual property rights, as well as our own business, but also our peers, affiliated companies, and competitors."

 Until a few months ago, officials have acknowledged that the US Huawei measures had not been unified.U.S. companies did not want authorities to take action because they wanted to continue trading with China.

 Robert Lead, who worked as a contract engineer at Huawei Sweden office from 2002 to 2003, said, "they were all energetic to steal technology."It is a task of imitating. "


 Huawei was striving to make it inconspicuous at the beginning of the country.He initially used the Futureway in the United States, with his office in Santa Clara, Texas in 2001 and Santa Clara, California in 2002.He is still using this company name in the research and development project in the United States.When he entered Stockholm, which was at the top in Europe, which was superior to network technology at the time, Huawei chose a location opposite Elicsson across the street.However, for four years, he used the company name Atelier.

 "I didn't want to raise a sign in the building that informs you that" Huawei is here, "said Yarn Yakstrum, a senior advisor from 2004 to 2017 at the Swedish office in Huawei.I'm talking.

 According to former employees, the staff of the Huawei office was instructed to recruit rival companies, but did not work at first.Therefore, Huawei has begun to scrutinize rival network equipment.According to Lead, the Stockholm office had concealed foreign equipment in a confidential basement to prevent electronic information leaks.Some of them were brought to China and were broken down by engineers.

 These secret rooms were located at all of the Huawei Empire.According to American officials, Huawei had created such confidential rooms in the back of offices in various places, such as Texas.

 Information agencies believe that Huawei treated information as if it were a state information agency for the existence of these rooms.There was a strictly managed confidentiality hierarchy relying on a safe communication path with the Chinese government.

Huawei argues that this confidential room was to prevent spy of the company, and did not allow spy to other companies.

Theft and industrial spy are relatively common in the world's high -tech industry.Huawei is not the only company that is blamed for theft of foreign intellectual property.He pointed out that the critical direction of Huawei is the malicious of theft that makes the company special.

 In January 2003, 18 months before Supercom's turmoil, Cisco appealed to Huawei for copying the company's software and manual.For the first time, Huawei decided to compete in international trials over theft.

 Cisco said in a trial, "They copied all of the Cisco user manuals without changing each word."According to Cisco, the company's manual is enclosed in the router, and the company's software is visible while the router is moving.Therefore, the two were easily copied.

 According to the trial, Huawei inadvertently copied Cisco's software bugs because the copy was too wide.

 "The Huawei could not ship the router," said Huawei's human resources manager, Chad Reynolds, in a court document, "Until a fairly common bug in the router was modified," Huawei could not ship the router.He was afraid that he was stolen.Cisco refrained from commenting.

 According to a person familiar with the matter, Cisco's Mark Chandler Legal Advisor headed to Shenzhen with evidence of Huawei's theft in order to confront him.There was evidence that Cisco's manual type mistake remained in Huawei manual.

 Mr. Nisu listened to the story with no expression and replied, "It's a coincidence.""We will not disclose information about unofficial business meetings as one of the trusted companies," said Cisco's spokeswoman.

 Huawei acknowledged that he had copied a part of Cisco's router software and settled in a lawsuit with Cisco in July 2004.A month later, Huawei revealed that Light Reading had fired ZHU, who had a turmoil in Supercom.He tried to contact him, but couldn't.

 According to former employees, Mr. Nisu, who seeks the results, visited Atelie in the high -tech district of Stockholm several years in the first few years.

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 According to Red, Ericsson announced Reof, and the Huawei executive gave a wad of a local currency, Sweden Crona, and went to a bar near Sista Station on the subway.Say.This is to spend a drink to the high -tech human resources.In 2010, Huawei established a research base in the southern part of the country.According to Jake Strom, it was a few months after Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications announced that Lund would lay off 450 employees.

 Dotcom Crash, which occurred at the end of the 20th century, received the benefit of large hiring instead of being hit.William Pr been, who was in charge of government work at the company's Washington Office, said in an interview this year, "Many of these human resources were suddenly abandoned. Everywhere was hit. What is magical?It wasn't. It's just the timing. "

 According to David Hikkkon, a federal prosecutor in the western part of Pennsylvania, the US company with Chinese companies is concerned about the stealing of technology, but also the formula of the company's secrets.I hesitated to make a claim.However, many were informal in unofficial officials for help.

 One of the officially filed companies was Motorola based in Chicago.In July 2010, Motorola, who has invested in China for 20 years, appealed for Huawei for stealing SC300 technology.The SC300 is a simple base station that connects terminals in the wireless network, which can be installed inside the building or in rural areas.

 Seven years ago, Mr. Ban Shao, a relative, who worked in Motorola, flew to Beijing with two colleagues.According to Motorola, his mission was to show him a secret SC300 specification to Huawei.

 Huawei has been in the Illinois Federal Court, and Mr. Ban has told him that he has reported information on the product development of his team, customer reactions, and his intention to leave Motorola.The company has denied that Ban and his team have developed products for Huawei.I asked Ban for a comment, but there was no response.

 According to the e -mail fragments that restored from Mr. Ban's laptop and added to Motorola's complaint, Ban was sent to the e -mail sent after visiting Mr. Nisu, "I will attach a document on the specifications of the SC300 requested by you.Was written.Huawei later manufactured similar small equipment (weighed half of SC300) and sold in rural areas in emerging countries.

 In February 2007, the US authorities arrested Kankan Ki, one of the people who had been conspiracy with Ban.At the Okago International Airport in Chicago, he stopped Kim, who had more than 1,000 documents including Motorola's corporate secrets and a one -way ticket to Beijing.In July of that year, the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) interviewed Mr. Ni, but could not judge whether they were discussing theft.The Ministry of Justice refused to publish the FBI investigation results.In 2012, the federal government was convicted of Kim for the sin of the secretary of the company.

 By that time, Motorola had withdrawn the complaint.The Ministry of Commerce has prolonged the anti -trading (violation of the antitrust law) for Motorola selling the network equipment business to Nokia Siemens Networks for $ 1.2 billion.Analysts believe this is a retaliation act through the Ministry of Commerce.Motorola was doing business in China, and the Ministry of Commerce had an influence on this.

 According to Michael Wesel, a member of the U.S. -China Economic and Security issues Review Committee on the Federal Congress on National Security, said, "China is" anti -money, anti -money laundering (fund cleaning), and national secrets.He uses methods to retaliate to a large number of companies and shock the industry. "

 Chinese authorities approved the sale of Motorola's network business in April 2011.This was one week after Motorola agreed with Huawei.Motorola and the authorities asked for comments, but no answer.

 Still, the suspicion of theft was not gone.David Barker, the highest technical director of Quintel Technology, who develops an antenna for network, attended a meeting with Canadian telephone terrace in 2015.Then, the people on the terrace explained the new technology "User Specific Tilt" provided by Huawei.

 Barker had never heard of "User Specific Tilt".It increased the number of signals from the antenna and adjusted the inclination, increasing the accuracy of communication by mobile phones.

 However, Barker had conceptually heard about the same technology, "Per User Tilt."According to Quintel, a trial of Huawei's abuse of a corporate secret, it was created seven years ago.According to Quintel, it was a technology shared with Huawei in September 2009 after Huawei proposed a business alliance.

 But the partnership between Huawei and Quintel did not happen.One month after the first meeting with Quintel, Huawei submitted a document to obtain a patent of this technology concept, but one of the documents was printed with the name of "Quintel" and "Open.The word "secret" was described.

 Last year, Quintel agreed to reconcile in the court after three years of lawsuits.The company's former engineering director, Brent Arbin, said that the settlement included a "permanent secretary clause."Other Quintel officers did not answer the comment request.


 The 2012 parliamentary report stated that Huawei was a national security threat.However, the company strongly denied the report.Congress reports were not enough to stop the company's business.

 According to Portuguese and multimedia producer Louis Oliveira (45), he visited the U.S. Business Division of Huawei in Texas in 2014 in 2014.The reason was that the officers of the company were interested in the patent of the attachment camera for smartphones.

 According to Oliveira, two Huawei officers explained his product in a conference room surrounding 12 -legged chairs.Mr. Oliveira is expecting a licensed production by Huawei, and as a reference price of the product 99..He proposed $ 95.

 Huawei told Oliveira, "Let's talk later."Three years later, a friend of Portugal told me why Huawei is selling your camera.Oliveira's reaction was "Huawei? It is impossible. What is it?"

 And Oliveira saw a photo of Huawei products.The front (square type) was tilt from the center to the edge, and the four corners were rounded.Huawei's camera was substantially unrivaled by Oliveira's patent.The retail price is 99.It was $ 99.

 "I thought I was stolen," said Oliveira.

 When he tried to talk to the Huawei side about the issue, the company's executives took over and taught.He warned that he would file a lawsuit.

 Conversely, in March, Huawei filed a non -infringement confirmation lawsuit in Texas.Among them, Huawei has been dissatisfied with his public opinion on the camera to get an advantageous position.The company mentions Oliveira's claim in a document submitted to the court, but claims that his patent has not infringed.This lawsuit has not yet been settled.

 According to former former employees, Huawei puts a fierce pressure on employees to produce results.Mr. Ni writes words that drove employees on the internal portal site, but the content is comparable to Huawei's international mission to military actions.

 According to the indictment of the United States and the former stakeholders, the engineers of Huawei China headquarters are studded with foreign staff and the words "Kindly Reminder (just confirmation)".Through email, we repeatedly demand foreign data including confidential information.Huawei refused to comment.

 US mobile phone major T -Mobile has previously developed a technology called "tappy" used for smartphone tests.It was a device that resembled a human finger quickly, and was inspected the reaction of a smartphone.In response, Kumasa Shinpuku, a Huawei engineer living in the United States, received a request to acquire information on the duplicate method of the device all at once from the company's engineers living in China for nine months.According to the U.S. prosecutor, Kuma was instructed by Huawei and stealed some of the tappy information in May 2013.



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 Huawei, who was filed by T -Mobile, fired them, saying that Kuma and one colleague had "acted on their own discretion."In September 2014, T -Mobile filed a lawsuit against Huawei for stealing a corporate secret, and was $ 4.8 million in the jury trial (in May 2017).

 In January this year, the Federal Prosecutor charged the Federation in Seattle, Seattle, Washington, and repeated T -Mobile's claim.Huawei has denied his prosecution.

 The US Department of Justice issued a statement and said, "The question of the federal crime in civil lawsuits, how serious it is, or whether the law has been judged.It is not a solution. "
