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The reason why ``the ability to find the correct answer quickly'' has become obsolete Professor Akihiko Shinozaki's Information Economy (87) | Business + IT

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    The ability to find the correct answer quickly Reasons why it has become obsolete Professor Akihiko Shinozaki's Information Economy (87) |Business + IT

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    Why the ability to quickly find the correct answer has become obsolete Professor Akihiko Shinozaki's Information Economy (87) shaking the walls of In such an era, the role of education, which is said to be the “100-year national plan,” or the development of human resources becomes important. However, since the rapidly advancing technology and the time axis of human resource development are significantly different, it is easy to fall into a situation where the educational effect quickly becomes obsolete. This time, let's consider what kind of human resources are required in a society where innovation is accelerating.

    Kyushu University Graduate School of Economics Professor Akihiko Shinozaki

    Kyushu University Graduate School of Economics Professor Akihiko Shinozaki

    Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University. Kyushu University Ph.D. (Economics) Joined the Japan Development Bank in 1984. After being stationed in New York and working as a researcher in the International Affairs Department, he became an associate professor at Kyushu University in 1999 and a professor in 2004. During this time, he was engaged in information economics and corporate investment analysis at the Research Bureau of the Economic Planning Agency and the Yanqing Institute of Harvard University. He is also a member of many committees such as councils related to computerization. ■ Click here for the laboratory's website ■ Information Economy: An Overview of the Information Economy and Society ・Author: Akihiko Shinozaki ・Price: 2,600 yen (excluding tax) ・Number of pages: 285 ・Publisher: NTT Publishing ・ISBN: 978-4757123335 Release date: March 25, 2014

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    As we saw last time, in an information society where waves of innovation surpass the boundaries of "industry", it is difficult to accurately predict what kind of knowledge and skills will be required by identifying industries that will prosper 10 or 20 years from now. Virtually impossible. In this era, collaboration between the labor market and the education market is essential to increase earning opportunities and raise income levels. Acquisition of knowledge and skills to respond to changes = expansion of educational opportunities can be said to be the "National 100-Year Plan." What must be noted here is that social mechanisms such as education differ greatly in terms of the "time axis of change" from the ever-advancing technological innovation, and the divergence between them is accelerating. Real society is run by members of various generations. Several months are necessary even for young people who are highly receptive to new events, and even if they are to provide immediate-effect education and training, the time axis may be several years if they want to acquire real skills from the stage of basic academic ability. Become. However, in modern technology, where Moore's law has continued for half a century, the amount of change is exponential. Cheap. In this era, instead of people competing head-on with technology, we should let technology do what it can and focus on what people are good at. Efforts to continue to search for a complementary division of labor based on superiority are necessary. Simply being able to find the correct answer quickly is obsolete. The qualities required are willingness, passion, sensibility, imagination, and the ability to take action to do things that only humans can do, making full use of technology that has exploded in popularity due to overwhelming price drops. [next page] What are the qualities of human resources that will be required in the future

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