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The latest trend of 5G smartphone middle range seen from CES 2020 seems to proceed more than expected: Junya Ishino's Mobile Eye (page 1/2)

 From January 7, 2020, the CES 2020 was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.At the event, 5G was one of the main themes, but Verizon's CEO Hans Bestbag was on stage, and T-Mobile was 5G in the 600MHz band in collaboration with Intel.It was a change from 2019 when demonstrations were performed.I have the impression that the 5G -related exhibition was somewhat modest.

CES, which was unsatisfactory in 5G, the influence of the US -China trade war?

 Qualcomm reduces booths only for cars, and Intel has also sent off the booth, and Samsung Electronics has stopped the press conference that has been held every year on the day before the session, and has been unified in a keynote speech.In major countries and regions such as the United States and China, 5g commercial services have already started, and it is becoming more everyday.It may be that it was not a phase that appealed to its advancedness at the exhibition.

基調講演では「Age of Experience」を打ち出したSamsungだが、プレスカンファレンスは見送った

 In February, MWC Barcelona is scheduled to be held in Barcelona, Spain, and manufacturers and vendors can see that they are preserving their physical strength.Due to the influence of the US -China trade war, participants from Chinese manufacturers and China are on the decline.Huawei, under the US Ministry of Commerce sanctions, exhibited a booth, but only the announced terminal was on display.It seems that political messages are suppressed and the products are appealing lightly.

CES 2020から見えた5Gスマホの最新動向 ミドルレンジ化が想定以上に進みそう:石野純也のMobile Eye(1/2 ページ)

出展を見送るのではとの観測もあったHuaweiだが、2019年と同様のブースを構えた折りたたみ型の「HUAWEI Mate X」発表済みのスマートフォンを改めて展示するとともに、HMSの紹介コーナーも開設。米国の開発者も、エコシステムに取り込んでいく意向だ

 Major Chinese smartphone manufacturers such as OPPO and Xiaomi have not exhibited at CES.ZTE, a US sanctions a little earlier than HUAWEI, has stopped exhibiting booths since 2019 and has only had business talks at a hotel in Las Vegas.Because of the strong presence of Chinese manufacturers in smartphones and communication, it is natural that the CES that the Chinese are deciding on will remain unsatisfactory.

 On the other hand, Samsung had no press conference, but the booth appealed 5G.On January 2 (local time), just before the opening of the CES, the total sales of 5G smartphones introduced in 2019 were announced.He revealed that it sold about 6.7 million terminals.In accordance with the CES, it has also been announced that "Unpacked" will be held in San Francisco, USA on February 11 (local time).


 In the smartphone corner, a comparative demonstration of 4G and 5G is implemented.In 4G, games and videos that stopped in some places were introduced in a way that the two terminals were lined up at 5G.Although it is a announced terminal, the 5G version of "Galaxy Fold" has a high degree of attention for visitors, and there was a line in the exhibition corner.Looking at the 5G era, it showed a high interest in Fol Double Smartphone, which is said to be a shape.


The appearance of a 5g smartphone below $ 500, the spread of 5G that advances in the terminal

 At 3G and 4G, infrastructure development such as base stations and core networks preceded, and the terminal caught up later.DOCOMO, who started the first service in Japan, has prepared only two data communication cards at the same time as LTE launched.On the other hand, 5G has a smartphone from the beginning, and 5G compatible for many high -end models is becoming standard.The value of 6.7 million units of Samsung mentioned above also supports it.


 At the moment, it is a 5G smartphone centered on high -end models, but it is rapidly spreading under the middle range.Qualcomm will hold a press conference on January 6 (local time), the day before the exhibition.In December, the company explained the introduction of "Snapdragon 865" and "Snapdragon 765 / 765g", which was announced by the "Snapdragon Tech Summit".

 According to the company's president Christiano Amon, Snapdragon 865 and Snapdragon 765 / 765G are twice as much as one -generation chipset..It is said to have been adopted for 5 times the terminal.In particular, the Snapdragon 765 / 765g, which is used in terminals with a lower price than high -end, has also succeeded in integrating modem chips, and a wide range of manufacturers seem to be interested.OPPO has already announced "Reno 3 Pro" with Snapdragon 765g in China.

立ち上げ時の比較になるが、Snapdragon 865は2倍、Snapdragon 765/765Gは2.5倍の採用数を達成した

 In accordance with these movements, Chinese manufacturers' TCL has announced the TCL 10 series, which is the company's brand following "TCL Plex".The announcement at CES is positioned as "pre -release", and the detailed functions and specifications are unknown.The company's booth was not exhibited at the company's booth, but what I would like to pay attention to is that all three models, including 5G compatible "TCL 10 5G", will be sold for less than $ 500 (about 54,700 yen).Thing.This is below the OPPO Reno 3 Pro.By expanding the scope to the middle range, the spread of 5G smartphones is likely to be spurred.

TCLが発表した5Gスマートフォンの「TCL 10 5G」詳細はMWCまでお預けだが、TCL 10シリーズは、500ドル以下で発売するという

 Although the presentation was not held, HISENSE also exhibited a 5G smartphone "F50 5G" equipped with a Chinese semiconductor vendor UNISOC chipset "IVY 510".According to the company's explanation, commercialization still takes time, and the price is unknown, but it is aiming for a popular price range.Qualcomm also states that 5G compatible with the Snapdragon 600 series, and 5G of middle range and low -end may be more than expected.

Hisenseは、中国製のチップセットを搭載したF50 5Gを出展した日本メーカーも5G対応を本格化1|2次のページへ