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How does the absurd world global management facing the rational demon and semiconductor industry think about economic security?

"Introduction to the real Japanese economy that cannot be understood in the Internet News", "Many economic phenomena can be more understandable if you know the basic principles of a limited number," and economic news related to economic news.Motoshige Ito, Professor of Gakushuin University, reads the flow of the global economy.

Designed Apple, manufacturing is Taiwanese specialty factories

There is a case where the shortage of semiconductors is waiting for a new car purchase.Underlying, there is actually an extremely advanced international division.


合理化の鬼・半導体産業が直面した不条理世界 グローバル経営は経済安保をどう考えるのか

Today, the reason for the shortage of semiconductors is complicated, but one of the causes is the US -China economic conflict.Huawei ran to secure semiconductors in global production markets in 2020 that the US Trump administration would strengthen sanctions on Huawei.

In the same year, the US sanctions on Chinese semiconductor manufacturers became full -fledged, and it is said that the Western semiconductor manufacturer, which had outsourced production, changed the outsourcing to other companies such as Taiwan.

The influence of the new colona was that the demand for cars was high due to the spread of infection and temporarily calming down.In early 2021, a cold wave attacked Texas, USA, and a local semiconductor factory was forced to suspend operations due to a power outage.

What is the global production system of the semiconductor that was more brittle than the most expected?

In the semiconductor world, the division of borders is progressing, from upstream design and design to downstream manufacturing processes.

Global companies such as Qualcom and Apple are designed for semiconductors used for smartphones and personal computers.Its design directly affects the performance of the product and supports the competitiveness of these high -tech companies.However, the process of actually producing semiconductors is often played by a company specializing in manufacturing.

TSMC in Taiwan is particularly famous among the 2ndry, accounting for more than 50 % of the world's foundery share.Without TSMC, the United States, Japan, and China are in a situation where cutting -edge semiconductors are not available.