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SD-WAN strategy for communication carriers over the next-generation network: Computer Weekly product introduction guide

 Network functions such as all WAN access channels (MPLS, broadband, 4G / LTE, VSAT, etc.), and network functions such as firewalls, load distribution, security, switches, routers and optimization have been trapped in dedicated devices, and Bear Metal in the WAN edge.It was programmed by the SD-WAN router.

Eliminate the enclosure of telecommunications carriers

 The SD-WAN router combines intelligent pass control with Over-The-Top (OTT) connection to cloud services.By separating the control and the data surface and adding an orchestration surface, the enclosure by the telecommunications carrier is substantially eliminated.

 You can now regain the control.All WAN accesses are integrated into a single virtual channel, and it can handle a wide range of communication operations, from low -band IoT traffic to high -bandwidth data traffic, such as sound sensitive to latency.This realizes the flexibility of the network connection (increase in bandwidth, cost reduction), and simplifies management in the center.

 The impact of these trends includes telecommunications carriers, network optimization suppliers, application delivery controllers, load distributed tools, firewalls, switches and routers, etc.It extends to a wide range of network suppliers, such as commercial routers (Cisco, Juniper Networks, HP, etc.) and Consumer / Small Business CPE (in -customers).The field of SD-WAN has become the driving force for the rise of many cloud-centered software only technology for network service providers such as telecommunications operators.

SD-WAN supplier for telecommunications carriers

 通信事業者向けのSD-WAN市場を主導するVeloCloud Networksは2012年に創設された。同社はクラウドにおけるデータプレーンサービスをサポートする唯一のSD-WAN企業と銘打っている。顧客の通信事業者にはDeutsche Telekom、AT&T、TelePacific Communications、Sprint、Windstream、Vonage、MetTel、EarthLink、Telstra、MegaPath、CHT Global、Global Capacity、ネットワンシステムズなどが含まれる。同社によれば、顧客は100社を超えているといい、このほどVMwareに買収された。

 VMware aims to expand the portfolio of network products by acquiring Velocloud.The direct aim seems to be placed in Cisco, which was invested in the early Velocloud.Interestingly, Cisco is currently building a cloud -based service business based on the main network business.

 Since 1986, Cisco has competed with Ericsson, Nokia, and Huawei recently as a global Tier1 WAN hardware provider.Cisco has entered the SD-WAN market for telecommunications businesses early on intelligent WAN (IWAN) technology.The product has a full function, but it is complicated and difficult to manage.In order to reduce complexity and enhance agile, a third -party product like GLUE Networks may be required.

 Cisco has expanded its presence in SD-WAN through the acquisition of VIPTELA.SD-WAN is gaining momentum and is loved by customers.Above all, VIPTELA is a pure software company, so Cisco can provide this product for our customers, along with existing hardware products.

 Nokia acquired Nuage Networks when merged with Alcatel-Lucent.The company's virtual network service (VNS) complements the existing customer IP and Carrier Ethernet VPN services.Nuage Networks VN was developed for companies that adopt cloud -based IT consumption models.

 Versa Networks is used for careers like Colt Group and Verizon.The multi -tenant system provided by the company is very highly expandable, and telecommunications carriers can support large companies and retail service companies on a single platform.This platform allows you to host any number of internal units and separate customers, and manage everything with a single user interface.Without multi -tenant, telecommunications companies have to build controllers and director infrastructure for each customer, and become almost professional sales services.Verizon Ventures has invested in this company.

 VIPTELA is used by major carriers, including Verizon and Singtel (Singapore Telecommunications), to provide management SD-WAN services.VIPTELA FABRIC was designed dedicated to the purpose of achieving a secure, highly expandable and stable WAN application performance.The product is built based on the zero -trast model.All components are mutually authenticated, and all edge devices are allowed to be connected to the network after being authenticated.By using VIPTELA, telecommunications companies can build large IPSEC networks crossing tens of thousands of branches.

次世代ネットワークを巡る通信事業者のSD-WAN戦略:Computer Weekly製品導入ガイド

Communication company SD-WAN Transformation

 The first waves of the SD-WAN router from 2012 to 2015 combined all available WAN access channels, providing the optimal pass control and unified management.This makes it possible for customers to make use of the available bandwidth much more effectively.These products are suitable for mid -sized companies with many branches and branches that require connections but cannot manage IT locally.

 However, in more complex corporate network projects such as SIP gateway and MPLS, further efforts are required to manage multiple orchestration platform management and compliance with the European Union (EU) GDPR (general data protection rules).。Therefore, the second wave of SD-WAN has been implemented inside the carrier infrastructure, implemented in the software definition network (SDN) orchestration platform, and emerged as an integrated management service.The second wave pulled the SD-WAN technology to the communication field.In the EU, more than 70 % of enterprise entrusts WAN delivery and management to network service operators and generally outsourced to telecommunications carriers.The telecommunications carriers are all in the SD-WAN trend, but at that stage has a large width.

Suspicion: Orange

 Using the standard OTT implementation of the SD-WAN loses many existing services, especially 20 or more general cloud providers.Therefore, Orange has not yet provided a complete SD-Wan service.

 Orange does not want such trade -off, but instead offers virtual access to the NAAS platform (NAAS) platform as a service via the on -site UCPE that incorporates the Fortinet firewall as an early virtual network function.Orange Business Services and Riverbed SteelConnect are collaborated to develop virtual network functions (VNF) software, incorporate them into existing Orange SDN and network function virtualization (NFV) infrastructure so that they can be managed by CIENA BLUE PLANET orchestration.did.

1st wave SD-WAN communication carrier: COLT

 The SD-Wan of the telecommunications carrier COLT offers a basic global SD-WAN function.The company will use Versa Networks SD-WAN technology to provide set firewalls, routing, application performance monitors, and security at the Advantech CPE on the premises of customers.Several gateway crossing the EU, Asia and the United States offers a connection that covers MPLS and Internet cloud.

Second-level SD-WAN communication carrier: BT

 BT adopted Cisco's IWAN technology for the first time to SD-WAN in early 2016, and for companies with cheap and secure interconnections to remote areas using MPLS, VPN, private, public Internet, and mobile technology.providing.In that year, the company expanded the SD-WAN service by incorporating the VNS of Nokia Nuage Networks, and has begun to support the construction of self-service VPN, on-demand bandwidth and additional virtual services by companies.

 Next, the "pre -purchase trial" function that can be used with a pay -as -you -go system is also planned.


 Verizon's VNS is also built with Cisco's IWAN technology.This provides VNF so that customers can easily migrate to intelligent hybrid networks that integrate network services such as broadband to company WAN.This on -site universal CPE (UCPR) processes multiple network services such as routing, security, and WAN optimization by plug and play system.These services are like integrated services, as automatic orchestration and service clinning collaborate on all different services.


 AT&T SD-WANは、AT&T FlexWare CPEデバイスに搭載するVNFで、AT&T Integrated Cloudゾーンに接続する。顧客は、エンドユーザー側での総合的なニーズがある企業向けの第1世代プレミスベースサービスを導入できる。AT&Tの第2世代オプションは、場所によって安定性やパフォーマンスや帯域幅のニーズに大きな幅がある多国籍企業向けとなる。


Does the telecommunications carrier take over the SD-WAN market?

 Originally, the WAN routing technology has released customers from enclosure by telecommunications carriers, but it seems that it is now returning to the same telecommunications business with the increase in network demand in both volume and complexity.Simply providing the SD-Wan CPE on the premises to connect to the cloud control center will not be able to respond to stricter security and application needs.No matter how SD-WAN is provided, the use of the WAN bandwidth is greatly improved, the lead time is greatly reduced, the flexibility is improved, and the WAN access is improved according to the scene.。

 It makes sense to procure the first wave SD-WAN from a special SD-WAN router provider for many SME customers who have a connection problem at the branch, and for companies in a specific industry, such as transportation and retail.There are many examples of introduction for SME, which is planning to adopt SD-WAN.

 For major companies that expand business and preserve personal information, more generous support is required, and SD-WAN integration into existing internal networks becomes even more complicated.Generally, the experience of SD-WAN of telecommunications carriers is still relatively new.Therefore, it is highly recommended to involve a reliable system integrator with deep insight into applications that are indispensable for business.

Main advantage of SD-WAN communication use


 The SD-WAN router is distributed between multiple WAN connections by following the application-based rules.By using multiple reasonable Internet connections at the same time, a stable connection over the conventional WAN router can be realized at 10 to 20 % of costs.This allows the organization to extend the network to more places.


 The SD-WAN router can handle bonding technology that combines multiple WAN connections to increase the bandwidth.This allows you to guarantee high -speed transfer of data, such as file transfer, video streaming, and data backup, between the data center and the branch.If the organization uses this, the bandwidth in remote areas, mobile bases, and temporary bases, which were difficult with conventional WAN routers, such as near -show cruises, mobile clinics, and retail pop -up stores.


 With the SD-WAN router, WAN connection can be easily added or deleted according to fluctuations in bandwidth demand.In addition, WAN connection can be added for backup.In general, the branch office adds a mobile line as a fixed line backup to guarantee the maintenance of the connection even in the event of a fixed line connection.This helps to add a POS system and an IP phone system that is essential for retail operations.This application is important in guaranteeing stable connections of unmanned facilities such as digital ads and ATMs.


 Unlike conventional WAN edge devices managed individually, all SD-WAN devices in the tissue can be centrally managed by the SD-WAN controller.The network administrator can refer to the network from here and maintain hundreds of devices in remote control.