If you think that three cameras are arranged vertically with "HUAWEI P20 Pro", this time "Huawei Mate 20 Pro", which was tightly arranged in the center.
The P20 Pro is three, but the Mate 20 Pro has four consecutive trains ... but the camera is almost the same size, but the design is "I feel like I can do something amazing."It may be overflowing.
So, you can actually do it.
P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro.The "breakdown" is completely different for the same triple camera.The former was a "wide -angle camera x 2 (color sensor and monochrome sensor) + 3 times telephoto camera", but Mate 20 Pro is "0.6x ultra -wide -angle camera + wide -angle camera + 3 times telephoto camera ".A super wide -angle camera was attached instead of a monochrome camera.
This is interesting.
中央部やや上に4つのマルが並んだデザインが印象的なMate 20 Pro。このデザインはインパクトがあってよい!Mate 20 Proのカメラ部をアップ。4眼に見えるけれど、実際は3眼にLEDライトだったりするEnjoy a super wide -angle camera!
So, when I tried to shoot a female college student (thank you) who always modeled me, I was told suddenly.
"Which camera should I look at when shooting ...?"
"... Please look at the middle of the four circles for the time being."
So, I checked what was later, so I first explained the camera.The three cameras are the main wide -angle in the upper right, tripled in the lower left, and the lower right is the highlight of this time..6 times super wide angle.
What is complicated is the use of these three cameras properly.How do you switch?The three pixels are different, but how are they consistent?
To put it simply, "The camera is automatically done in that area, so don't worry about the number of pixels for those who use it."
In the "Photo" mode of the camera application, you can select a shooting (image) size, but if you set it to "40m (7296 x 5472 pixels)", which is the maximum number of main cameras, no zooms will not be used.Although it is a high pixel, the angle of view is fixed.
It spoils the usability of Mate 20 Pro, so it is good to set the default "10m (3648 x 2736 pixels)".Then, it can be used from 16mm to 70mm (up to 135mm in 5x).
アウトカメラの解像度。デフォルトの「10M」がオススメBy the way, the zoom magnification of the out camera is "1x (1x)" the main camera, so the ultra -wide -angle camera is "0.6x ".
0.From 6X to 3x ... how many times is it?It usually talks about the zoom magnification based on the wide -angle side, so it is "5 times" compared from ultra -wide -angle (16mm) to telephoto (80mm).In the original sense, telephoto cameras are "5 times".
For the time being, this article will follow the notation of Mate 20 Pro.
Check the behavior of each camera while shooting.
This is the highlight of this time.Personally, this is this.Speaking of 16mm equivalent, it is a wide angle.
If you tap a place with "1X" on the camera, 1x → 3x → 5x → 0.The magnification switches from 6x to 1x.
0.It has to be tapped three times to make it 6x, but it may be faster to swipe the "1X" to the right and slide it to the end.
これの「1x」をタップするかスワイプして「0.6x」にすると……「0.6x」にするとこんなに変わるThe mark in the center is "electronic level instrument".It appears as needed and teaches the camera horizontally when shooting landscapes.
This is convenient ... but I don't know when to appear.When shooting, there are many things that you do not notice a delicate inclination, so I want you to put it out more often.
So, the difference between the super wide angle angle is obvious at a glance.
1xで撮影(27mm相当)0.6xで撮影(16mm相当)Not only the super wide angle is shown in a wide range, but it is better to emphasize the perspective of the perspective.If you look at the depiction of the clouds, you can see this power well.This wide feeling is fun even in the video.
Ultra wide -angle is good not only in the landscape but also in a small room.
古い昭和のビルの昭和な感じを1発でIf you take a ultra -wide angle from a slightly diagonal (or from the top or from below), the perspective will be emphasized.
By the way, 0.When 6x (that is, when taken with an ultra -wide -angle camera), even if the image size at 1x is set to 10m, it is automatically shot at "20m (5120 x 3840 pixels)".
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