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"NURO Hikari / NURO Mobile Set Discount" started.Sumahon !!

Sony Network Communications Co., Ltd. applies for the fixed line "NURO Hikari" and the mobile line "NURO Mobile" as a set, and will start offering "NURO Hikari / NURO Mobile Set Discount" that can receive one year discount on February 1st. Announced.

If you apply for "NURO Hikari" and apply for a "NURO Mobile" voice plan from the dedicated URL, the monthly fee for "NURO Mobile" will be 330 yen per month.

The condition is to meet all of the following.

・ During the application period, apply to "NURO Hikari", and from the dedicated page, new vs (3GB), VM (5GB), VL (10GB), and NEO (20GB) plan of "NURO Mobile" voice call from "NURO Mobile".Or apply by transfer from another company (MNP).・ During the privilege application period, continue using "NURO Mobile" without changing to a plan that is less than the data capacity at the time of application.

If you apply for "NURO Mobile" other than the dedicated page, this benefit will not be applied.If the plan is changed to a plan that exceeds the data capacity at the time of application, the benefits will be applied even after changing the plan.

Sony enters the local 5G."NURO Wireless 5g" that can be used for individuals and fixed communications next spring

「NURO 光・NUROモバイルセット割」提供開始。 すまほん!!

NURO Mobile, Value Plus 8GB → 10GB increased.

NURO Mobile eliminates MNP transfer fees

NURO Mobile started 5G options.

A new plan for SoftBank for 20-30GB or less of 5000 yen?[Mobile charge price cut]

SONY, the midrange "Xperia 10 II" is thrown from MVNO!!

Introduced "Xperia 8 Lite".NURO Mobile 29,800 yen (excluding tax) + cashback

Wimoba is also "1Mbps after restriction".Smartphone Basic Plan M/R will be revised from July 1st

Softbank, no transfer fee between 3 brands!

NURO Mobile new plan.2699 yen per month for 20GB, twitter such as Twitter, 1Mbps after excess