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Softbank abandoned the sale of ARM to NVIDIA.The next move goes to the listing

The acquisition of ARM, a major semiconductor design company announced last September.This SoftBank Group's Financial Results announced the abandonment of the plan.


Many people have never heard of the name of ARM, but this is a company that designs a processor (brain) architecture that has been adopted from smartphones to supercomputers.The iPhone, Android smartphone you are using, and the Mac equipped with the recent "M Series Chips" are also using ARM architecture!

From acquisition to listing

It is such ARM, but in 2016 the SoftBank Group in Japan was about 3..Announced the acquisition for 3 trillion yen.At the time of the acquisition, it was expected to be used in "IoT", which allows everything, such as appliances and cars, to connect to the Internet.Certainly, ARM architectures are widely used in small computers.

And NVIDIA, who raised his hand to the acquisition of this ARM, assumed "use for AI (artificial intelligence) and supercomputer".Softbank and NVIDIA had a share acquisition contract, but the acquisition plan was canceled due to "there was a major regulation issue to prevent this."

Softbank has announced that ARM will be preparing for stock listing during the fiscal year ending March 2023.I hope that ARM and their technology, which support our daily lives, will continue to develop in the future.