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Ricoh Co., Ltd.'s integrated accelerator program "TRIBUS 2021" will be held

~Utilizing internal and external resources to accelerate co-creative innovation~

01Booster Zero One Booster Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Norifumi Suzuki; hereinafter “01Booster”) ) held “TRIBUS Investors Day” on February 17 to present the results of “TRIBUS 2021” operated by Ricoh Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Yoshinori Yamashita, hereinafter “Ricoh”). This program is an internal and external integrated accelerator program that supports the growth of in-house entrepreneurs and start-up companies and aims for business co-creation. At the 3rd TRIBUS Investors Day, 5 teams of in-house entrepreneurs and 6 start-up companies that passed the integrated pitch contest in October 2021 will discuss the progress of their business, such as announcing new services and demonstrating prototypes. We presented the results of future development. This year, the “External Judge Special Award” was newly established, and seven external experts who served as judges in the internal pitch contest and the integrated pitch contest of “TRIBUS 2021” selected the companies and teams that they highly evaluated. . In addition, one startup company was selected as the "TRIBUS Company Award" by the person in charge of the Tokyu Group's "Tokyu Alliance Platform" and was given the opportunity to interview with the company. Two teams of in-house entrepreneurs were selected for the "TRIBUS In-house Entrepreneurship Award" by internal judges and external investors, and from the next fiscal year, they were recognized for their activities with full-time discretion.

"TRIBUS 2021 Investors Day" speakers and judges

Ricoh Integrated Accelerator

"TRIBUS Company Award (Tokyu Alliance Platform Award)" winners and judges

This program is an integrated accelerator program that integrates an in-house entrepreneur program that any Ricoh Group employee can apply for and a program that invites applications from startups. This year, under the theme of "Creating future options in an irreversible world," we are soliciting business ideas for a new era that support the creativity of working people, and received 78 applications from within the company and 117 from outside the company. bottom. During this fiscal year's accelerator period, startup companies that received newly established scaler-type support (support aimed at expanding the scale of the target business division) will conduct a PoC (Proof of Concept) jointly with the Ricoh Group. etc. In addition, the in-house entrepreneur team received support from Mr. Takahiro Yamaguchi of GOB Incubation Partner and Mr. Gen Kuge of tsug as mentors, brushing up the proposed business plan and working towards its realization. Ricoh will continue this program as “TRIBUS 2022” next fiscal year, which will be the fourth year of the program. Kiyoshi Ichimura, the founder of Ricoh, founded Riken Photosensitive Paper Co., Ltd. (currently Ricoh Co., Ltd.) as a venture company born out of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. rice field. Going back to the founding spirit, we aim to further foster a culture that supports and nurtures people who take on challenges and promotes the creation of new businesses. [Overview of “TRIBUS 2021” participating companies/teams] Startup company< tr>< tr>
Company nameRepresentativeOverview of application planActivities
APTO Inc.Ryo TakashinaAI development A service that can create the most labor-intensive data “cheaply”, “quickly”, “largely”, and “highly” Started using the annotation platform "harBest" and aimed for horizontal development for other services
CALCU Inc.Ryuya Kaneko< /td>Next-generation dust box "CALCU" IoT system that maximizes business profits by reducing and optimizing food waste・Extraction of verification candidates at Ricoh Group customers・Inside Ricoh
Crie Japan Co., Ltd. [Tokyu Alliance Platform Award] [Scaler Recruitment Area 6 * 1] Satoshi UedaVideo DX service "PRISM" that automatically generates videos optimized for each person based on various data・Ricoh Japan customer printing industry company Three companies are currently making specific proposals for creating menus and sales support for the future ・Considering utilization in the signage business, mainly for distribution and retail businesses ・Considering cost reduction and automation in new content development ・In Ricoh Japan's sales activities , continue to consider the use of videos for the purpose of matching with various products and supporting sales
JDSC Co., Ltd. [scaler recruitment area 3 * 2] Satoshi Kato ErtesUsing data such as electric power and AI to detect frailty while living in daily life, challenging to extend the healthy life expectancy of the elderly・Using infrastructure data, etc. MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) early detection and tracking business model, promoting cooperation with partner companies ・Currently conducting interviews with local governments and customer surveys in collaboration with Ricoh Japan
Smart Shopping Co., Ltd. [ANOBAKA Award/Fujita Fund Award] [Scaler Recruitment Area 6*1]Takayuki ShigaUse IoT weight scale "Smart Mat" Inventory management and ordering automation solution with ・Preparation for expanding sales channels through smart mat cloud distributors・Consider in-house use within the Ricoh Group
Unifinity Co., Ltd. [LEO Award]Shunsuke SoraNo-code development platform for business mobile apps that makes it easy to create apps that make work sites more convenient ・Construction and release of an automatic generation tool・Collaboration with 6 departments within the Ricoh Group resulted in 85 leads and 6 application applications・In anticipation of nationwide expansion, Ricoh Japan and development partners

*1 Scaler Recruitment Area 6: Real x Digital Fusion Marketing Service for Companies*2 Scaler Recruitment Area 3: Visualization of cognitive function and appropriate interventions to realize a society that improves "pre-disease*3" of dementia *3 pre-symptomatic disease: A concept advocated by Kanagawa Prefecture that divides physical and mental conditions into health and illness. Rather than grasping it as a continuous change between "health" and "sickness", it represents the process of all these changes.

Internal Entrepreneur Team"TRIBUS Internal Enterprise Award" Winning Team< td>Outline of ideas
Representative Company NameRepresentativeActivities
Ricoh Technologies Corporation [IDATEN Ventures Award]Kazuhiro Koseki Underwater camera accessories・Completed patent and design applications・Conducted market acceptance surveys such as monitoring events・Great interest in the possibility of 360° underwater images from 4 aquariums and 2 fisheries research stations
Ricoh IT Solutions Co., Ltd. [Zero One Booster Award]Kazuhiko KougamiSupport online business negotiations with AI ・Developed and released a limited-function closed beta version of a service that visualizes and supports online business negotiations in real time with an AI assistant, and is currently being used by four customers.・As an alliance partner, a sales training company and a cloud-based sales support related service business.

"External Jury Special Award" Winning Team

・Spiral Innovation Partners Award: Ricoh Japan Co., Ltd. Eishiro Kuroiwa Environmental improvement through greening ・Mirai Creation Organization Award: Ricoh Co., Ltd. Kazunori Matsunaga Solution for utilizing sports videos Names in Japanese syllabary order) ・LEO Co., Ltd. Representative Director and CEO Makoto Ao ・IDATEN Ventures Representative Partner Kenta Adachi ・Spiral Innovation Partners LLP Representative Partner Hiroshi Oka ・Mirai Creation Organization Co., Ltd. Director/Co-Founder Daisuke Kaneko ・Zero-One Booster Co., Ltd. Co-Representative George Goda, ANOBAKA Co., Ltd. Partner Satoshi Hagiya, CyberAgent, Inc. Investment Strategy Headquarters Fujita Fund Manager Riho Payama Related information "TRIBUS" website Related information News "TRIBUS 2021", 11 teams participating in the accelerator program have been decided of business co-creation program "TRIBUS 2021" to support internal and external entrepreneurs and startups started Unifinity, a startup adopted in fiscal 2021, has started offering a free beta version of an automatic site efficiency application creation service 16/unifinity-tribus/* Company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. About the Ricoh Group The Ricoh Group supports customers' digital transformation and provides digital services, printing and imaging solutions that lead their businesses to success in approximately 200 countries and regions around the world. consolidated sales of 1,682 billion yen). imagine. change. For more than 85 years since our founding, we have been close to our customers' work. We will continue to contribute to the improvement of human resources and the realization of a sustainable society. See here for more information. ■ About Zero One Booster Co., Ltd. Based on the corporate philosophy of “making Japan a country where business creation can change the world”, major companies and venture companies complement each other. We are developing an open innovation program “Corporate Accelerator” to collaborate, co-create innovation and accelerate business growth, and a program “Intrapreneur Accelerator” to discover and develop in-house entrepreneurs. In addition, we are expanding our business areas, such as the operation of the active learning program "01Dojo" that trains entrepreneurs and in-house business development staff, venture investment, and venture study abroad for human resources of large companies. In addition, since February 2020, we have been operating the "Yurakucho 'SAAI' Wonder Working Community", a working community that gives form to individual ideas. Trade name: Zero One Booster Co., Ltd. Representative: Norifumi Suzuki, Representative Director Location: Shin Yurakucho Building 10F, 1-12-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006 Established: March 2012 Business: Shared office for entrepreneurs, Corporate Accelerator / Intrapreneur Accelerator program planning and operation, in-house entrepreneurial human resource training, investment and financing support, business creation consulting, M & A brokerage support, etc. URL: *Corporate accelerator 01Booster is a registered trademark.

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