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Phantom MWC2020, Changing World Communications Industry (4) About the protection of customer information of 5g needed INFOCOM News Letter created by the new colona

This is the fourth story of a three -way talk that went to the "MWC2020" that was canceled to prevent the new colon virus infection.


Mr. Kurosakatatsuya Co., Ltd., CEO, Keio University Graduate School of Policy, Media Graduate School of Media, Associate Professor Communications and Broadcast Sector Management Strategy, Consulting Focused on Business Development, Supporting Government Projects, etc.He is a government committee member.Recent book "How does business change with 5G?" (2019)

Mr. Isao Horikoshi BP Nikkei Clostec Technology Deputy Editor -in -chief Media, one of the most outsforms that has been conveying the world information and communications around the world.The latest trends are being serialized on the Nikkei Crostek (online media) on the next generation of Kasu Horikoshi.

Kishida Shigetsu Co., Ltd. Institute of Information and News Research Institute ICT Research and Consulting Department Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher Research, which specializes in information and communications, followed by long -term mobile communications in the world.Participated in MWC in 1998 (its predecessor "GSM World Congress").Many lectures, contributions, appearances, etc.(Researcher introduction)

"Phantom MWC2020, changing world telecommunications industry (3)".

10.5G needs created by the new Corona

In terms of solving Horikoshi social issues, it is often said that Chinese cases are particularly said, but there is a story about "smart cityization" the whole city.

Kishida I, China, well, there is a story about Coronavirus this time, and there is a story that a hospital can be created in about 2 nights and 3 days in a city like Wuhan, right?How many of them are in 5G gutsli?

It is Kurosaka Volse Mountain Hospital, Raijinzan Hospital.

In Kishida, for example, a company that is doing communication in China, Huawei, and so on will put various things in full cooperation.So, instead of saying, "Suddenly, a prefab hospital was created," it was already a medical treatment in a state -of -the -art hospital, which was already 5G.

CEO Krosakatatsuya Co., Ltd. (middle), Nikkei Crostek Deputy Editor -in -Chief of Horikoshi Horikoshi (right), ICR Superior Researcher Shigeki Kishida (left)

Horikoshi Smart Hospital has been created.

Kishida: Suddenly, a box was made from the building.And there is a need.There is a need, definitely.This must be responded quickly.

Kurosaka Yeah.

In the sense of Kishida, what is happening in China now, the hospital suddenly contains a 5g shiny thing, and it became "different from the conventional hospital", which is, this is.In a world where Corona has made needs, may it be an example like a rolling around?I think it will be a timing like that.So, the story of Corona is now, but there is some convergence, but the similar story may come a little in the future.

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kishida: A earthquake occurs in Japan.Well, if you want to spread close to a natural disaster.If people can't stop.Then, if you can make it a turning point or a chance, I would like to be able to talk about "needs" there.

Horikoshi: Hey, Japan is said to be a “developed country”, but I think there is something that can be done more.As far as you can see the strength of China.Japan is quite slow.There is a feeling that I have not been able to take one step.

Kishida: At present, it's a progressive form, but if there is such a thing, many people will experience it once.It's not a play or virtual, but a real experience.

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kishida: "Virtual" was a movie, games, and such a temporary experience in various ways, but now, this Coronavirus has always been done on TV programs for a long time. A guy like a pandemic program is happening in real life, everyone has experienced it. So, after all, after all, the common sense level goes up by one, isn't there a place like that? So if you accumulate such a need, a solution, a combination of what is there, or something like innovation, it was still difficult, but it was there now. "Is it a connection of the history of the story, so it's a good idea to communicate with that kind of thing, and it's a good idea to get involved.

It looks like Kurosaka.

Kishida: In the nearest example, in the nearest example, "Don't come to the company."

Kurosaka Yeah.

Kishida was triggered by "Remote Work".At this point, more people say, "Isn't it okay to use telework?"Everyone is experienced, right?I feel that this is quite big,

Horikoshi Yes.

Kishida: That, including 5G, ICT, in a sense, a video conference or a telephone conference without an ICT.

Kurosaka Yeah, yeah.

Kishida: I think it's a little "digging needs" when talking about a new place that is close to life.

I want you to be connected to Horikoshi.There was an article like "Double contact with NTTcom's telework system".5G is fine.

Kishida: There are many things that have no needs, or maybe they didn't use it just because they didn't notice, so that's fine?Well, like the smartphone.

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kishida: I've had a terminal for "Touch on the screen" for a long time.

It looks like Kurosaka.As you said, isn't it "close" to the state where there is a clear task right in front of you?It is extremely important to say that it is close, but this is ... motivation, or continuing to use it and continues to spread it.But honestly, there are still skeptical parts today.

Horikoshi Yeah.

There is a place that says "Kurosaka, that is, if the throat is too much, will you forget everyone again?"Nobody clearly says, "I'm trying to solve this with a task."And this requires a scientific approach.

Horikoshi Yeah.

In a society that believes in Kurosaka Science, the problem is scientifically identified and unless it is scientifically solved, it cannot be formed.In addition, those that are not consensus are brought back to the elements due to the inertia from the past.Especially when it comes to 5g, everything that happens becomes a scientific evidence base, so if this is not explained, you will not be able to reach the true needs in the future.

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kurosaka For example, the response of a cruise ship was a success, for Japan. This "Japan" is very important about this matter. It was a very painful event for 3,000 crew and passengers on that cruise ship, and I would like the bereaved families who have died to provide a generous support in the future. After that, "quarantine" has been successful. For example, when you come back from an overseas trip, at the quarantine counter, "Leave things you should not bring to the country here." That is the purpose of quarantine, which is generally successful. Those who have developed there are really sorry, but the damage did not spread in Japan because they were under control.

Kurosakatatsuya (left), Isao Horikoshi (right)

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kurosaka, of course, said, "No, I'm sorry." "I'm sorry."Certainly, there are many places to say how to quarantine in the 21st century.But he said, "What I wanted to do was quarantine."And probably the same is the same for "Wuhan Entering".So, over China, that size is that of 1.3 billion people, that's that number."I can control this with this."So, if you do not think about statistics, public health will not always be established, so I think that it fits in statistics.Of course, if you believe in the numbers issued by the Chinese government, it is premised.

Kishida, maybe it's still there, but I don't know if it's next week or next week, but the numbers will spread and it will spread to Europe, but China's numbers are "the time to decrease".I think it's not surprisingly far away, but I personally think something and good expectations.And it's already clear that the numbers that come up in the current system are going down rather than how the numbers are.

Kurosaka Yes.

Kishida: It's not very meaningful to see if the current number is true, and it's a sampling, so it's good.After all, as a "strategy", maybe both Japan and China are doing the right thing for "strategic" what they feel from around.The site of each one is very difficult, but if you make a mistake, it will be out.It is said that strategy mistakes can not be covered by tactics, so it is OK for the strategy for now.

Hori over.

In Kishida, Japanese people are probably reported overseas, and even if their friends say, "Is Japan okay?" Or "I'm reported like this."Here, "Well, maybe it looks like that?"

Kurosaka Yeah.

In Kishida, the Barcelona has disappeared this time, but in the "containment" story, it is "no help" anymore, right?

It looks like Kurosaka.

Kishida This had no choice but to stop.

Horikoshi Hmmm, I wouldn't have been able to do it anymore.

Kishida: I can't go back anymore, so if you use it on the side of how to use it after this, it's a turning point."How to stay" changes.

11.From GSMA to China, from heart to dispersion

What is Kishida's first change?MWC, I will do it once and do the next 2021, but I don't see much of "this" in 2019 and 2021.

Kurosaka: The hypothesis in me is a somewhat diagonal view, but I think that "GSMA's centripetal force decreases".

Kishida I see.

Kurosaka This year's MWC2020 had to be canceled.So, some people may complain about the cancellation, but everyone says, "I can't help it."

Horikoshi is convinced.

I think all the Kurosaka will agree.However, I think that it was the biggest failure from the GSMA perspective, after all, the story at the beginning of today, but let me say "I, I missed" and "I missed".That's what you did.

Horikoshi Yes.握手しないようにうんぬん、を起点に、いろいろたくさんありましたもんね。

It looks like Kurosaka.After all, unless the organizer stops or keeps the event, everyone except the organizer will be in trouble.So, the exhibitors could only listen to "What do you do?" And "What are you doing?"I think this has been visualized as "this person has no leadership."

Eee Kishida.

Kurosaka should have said that GSMA should have said that this is impossible and stop, and otherwise it would not be possible to maintain the centripetal force.And the other is that if you spend a lot of time until you make a decision, you have to say "I'll do it!"。


Kurosaka I think that if you do not do this in the industry, you will not be able to settle it if you do not do this in the industry.So, of course, I think it will continue next year, probably in the same "building".

Kishida Yeah.

I think the Kurosaka GSMA will probably do MWC2021, but at that time who has a real leadership has probably changed from 2019.Perhaps the Huawei, the first sponsor and husband's husband, has become a "real leader."

Horikoshi Yes.

Kurosaka: To be correct, if we say, "We have experienced this much, we have realized this 5G solution."In particular, the word "there is a solution", not "I found a task" is very strong.

Kishida: Nobody else has experienced it.

In Kurosaka, when we say, "We think this is a smart city in the 5G era and a solution, and we have found it."Well, there are many people who complain, but you should want to see it, including those who complain.

Kishida: I introduced it in Barcelona and said, "If you want to see the real thing, please come to MWC Shanghai."

Kurosaka So!

Kishida If you think about the flow that seems to go to Shanghai somehow, it is already a variety of things, but in this MWC, various things will change with one of China's movements.

Horikoshi Ma Ah, this may have been talked somewhere, but after all MWC seems to have been much too much hypertrophy for GSMA.Once, this is a vacant and reset, and these three major lords say, "I will do a private show".

Kurosaka Yeah.

Horikoshi: If you are already starting to move there, you can't help but make a part of the flow of your centripetal force and maintaining business negotiations at a private show.Well, I think Huawei, Nokia, and Ericsson will have a booth for 21 years, but the "emphasis" will be a little off.

Kurosaka Umm.

Horikoshi's impact may be quite large.

I think it's big.

I think Horikoshi's money and how to spend money on hospitality will also change.

From the perspective of the Kurosaka three major sectors, isn't that a private show route, to some extent this year, including the unavoidable?

I have to go over the moat, already.

Kurosaka Eye.So, what you feel about MWC2021 one year later with the experience of being established is that we can do it even if it's not MWC.

Kishida Yeah.

Despite Kurosaka, when you go to MWC, I think that it will be like "Fuse" for small and medium -sized businesses, which are lower than the lord.It's a bit ridiculous.

Horikoshi Uh.

If it is Kurosaka, it may be somehow done next year, but it may reduce the amount, and then the weak allied people become even worse.

Kishida: That's right.

幻のMWC2020、変わる世界の通信業界(4)新型コロナが作った5Gニーズ InfoComニューズレターの顧客情報の保護について

Kurosaka, if that kind of difference is clearly 2021 ... Well, it is quite possible to continue to expand and become more autonomously as expanded, as in the past 10 years.And ... is it questionable?I mean.

Horikoshi That's right ...

Kishida MWC is a stage, or in a sense, in a sense, being active here, prominent, business talks, and presence, are a very good chance that can be linked to the presence of this ecosystem.

Kurosaka Eye.

In Kishida, there is a chance to come out at any size company, and there are opportunities to attract attention.In the last time, Rakuten was noticed, how much?Apart from that, Rakuten is not a history in this industry, not a unique player, but "I was very attracting much attention from overseas."

Horikoshi Yeah.

In Kishida, isn't that "attracting attention" itself affecting this ecosystem?Rakuten also says that he will go abroad as a strategy, and there is a story like a partnership in Singapore during this time, so it is a place to create an important trend of such a one -time one.But, as Kurosaka said, well, if a private event succeeds, how many colors will come out like "It's good, you don't have to put it out?"

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kishida: While doing a private event, there are normally people who are on MWC.So, well, MWC Shanghai is a local event, though it is not a private, but not a private event, and LA is a US carrier event because its original formation is CTIA.

MWC2019LA Entrance

It looks like Kurosaka.

In Kishida, it is, for example, Qualcom is to say that he will go all the way without entering both, and Qualcom will come to Barcelona while doing a private event at the end of the year in Hawaii.Well, of course, there was a CES in January, and CES said, "I only talk about cars."Some companies can do such "use properly" properly, but from now on, these three sectors will "use properly".

Horikoshi:If 5G is not only a smartphone, but also various industrial infrastructure, there are medical events and smart factories events, and there is an image of distributing in such places.

The Kishida MWC spread, the ICT spread to various places, the smartphone was spreading, and the ecosystem spread there, so the number of companies that came to Barcelona was simple.It expanded.

Horikoshi has spread.

Kishida: It's a "smartphone ecosystem", including the quantity of the other venue.

Kurosaka Yeah.

I think Kishida itself is the same, but now that it is 5G, the world's telecommunications industry is trying to expand it. Well, for example, for example, 2000 ...Is that about 10 years ago?Ford and so on

Kurosaka Ah.

Hori over.

Automaker with more exhibitions at MWC venues

I came to Kishida Barcelona.In short, it's a good example of Barcelona MWC's centripetal force, or a symbolic story, like that.

Kurosaka Yeah.

Kishida: "Ford has come." Or "Yoyo came from the industry." So, for example, it seems like MWC's LA during this time.

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kishida: Even in the first year of the year in the United States, there is something that says, "I came from this industry!"This year's Delta Airlines is like.

Hori over.

Other industries have come to the Kishida telecommunications industry event.So, in the ICT industry, some companies have a private event, and in each private event, they are working directly with people in other industries, for example, for example.When it comes to "I'm taking care of Elixon now," it's like "I don't have to go to MWC separately?"When it comes to such a story, I feel like the centripetal force is distributed.

Horikoshi will be dispersed.

Kurosaka That's the "Trust" of the entire industries.

Horikoshi I need to put out more strongly, but I feel that the power will drop.I think that it will be more persuasive that people from various industries will come out in places such as key notes, such as Huawei and Ericsson.

In that sense, isn't it a CES that expanded the expanded route in the first place to the user company or the "use side"?

Kishida: That's right.

In Kurosaka, CES was a more common event unlike MWC, so it was somehow successful.Also, the CES was simply too large, regardless of Corona.So it's probably not easy for MWC to focus on user companies as a new format next year by MWC from now on the same thing as CES.

Horikoshi will not, well.

12.Reasons for the existence of MWC and tension

Kurosaka is not an event for consumer ...Then, I think that I have to go back to the original reason to go back and find the reason for existence, that is, "I don't have MWC".I think there are two things, including the story and repetition.

Horikoshi Yes.

One Kurosaka finds a startup for this telecommunications industry, such as Rakuten.MWC has to carry it.In fact, I have a little question mark, but the simultaneous event called "4 years from now (4yfn)" is not very functioning in terms of revitalization of the communication industry.

I'm not going to Hori.

In Kurosaka, I can see that the incubation function is weak.If that was a little better, it would have become an alternative."Let's bring a company to MWC from 4YFN next year."So, it's probably a pretty tested.

Horikoshi Yeah.

In Kurosaka, one more thing, in a sense, a little weak, but now I want to expect it, and I came up with a movement like "Open Ran (O-RAN)".

Hori over.

Kurosaka After all, O-RAN, TIP, that industrial wide, or standardization, "standardization as an alternative", maybe it's worthy of MWC, or is it established?Say.Maybe that's probably not very powerful if you just do O-Ran Alliance alone.

Kishida: That's right.

In the case of a certain number of sellers and buyers called Kurosaka MWC, O- as the intention of "wait a little" and "I can't help listening to the vendor."Because it's RAN,

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kurosaka I feel that thinking about alternatives in such a place may have MWC's original meaning.

Horikoshi Ah, really.A few years ago, it looks like an alternative like the third OS.

There was Kishida.

Horikoshi Ah, this is LPWA a while ago.Lora, SIGFOX.

It looks like Kurosaka.

Horikoshi: One of the real pleasures of MWC is that the alternative flow comes out a few years ago.So, this year, TIP and O-RAN.

Kishida: This year, the TIP booth is in the middle of the venue.

The Horikoshi booth came in the middle and prepared a lot.Yesterday or the day before yesterday, TIP and ORAN formed a liaison

Kishida Higaku

Kishida was announced.

Horikoshi, so this is the reason why this flow is coming.And various startups, oh.You're checking the booth, it's getting bigger.Actually, there is very much that I wanted to see the performance.

It looks like Kurosaka.Isn't it better to go to GSMA with everyone?(smile)

Horikoshi: In this MWC, I really wanted to check the progress of Open Ran.

Kishida: This time was really good timing.

I think that the O-RAN trend is positive because Kurosaka NEC is working hard again.

Kishida O-RAN and Rakuten are also related ...I think those who are doing Rakuten are having a lot of trouble, but the vendors who are doing that difficult at that level are not other major companies.He has a great homework.

Kurosaka Eye.

I think it is better not to fall in Horikoshi.I felt that Open Ran was finally getting stuck in LPWA a few years ago or a third OS -like being.

Kurosaka Yeah.

Kishida Last year, the exhibition of TIP was in the back of the venue, and I was introduced to it, but it was normally connected to a general -purpose machine and it was working as an LTE network.

Kurosaka Yeah.

"LTE equipment operation demonstration at the Tip booth" (MWC2019)

Kishida After all, one of the things I wanted to ask with vendors this time was the same as Rakuten, but from the major vendors who earned them with career -grade facilities, Linax as an alternative.How far can the movements have a presence in the ecosystem?Around that.

Hori over.

Kishida Linax has always been in the world of Wintel's PC, but it's always difficult, but in the communication ecosystem, the telecommunications carrier that is the key to this ecosystem, especially MWC.The Europeans, the mainstream, are moving to think that they will be their own.

Horikoshi: It's not even European, and there is a movement to put it in not only developing countries but also developed countries like before.It's being flowing.

Kishida: I'm originally intended to be in Europe, Vodafone.

Horikoshi: Of course, in the TIP, there are only 4Gs, but there are a group of 5G NRs, and you are here.

Because it's Kishida, the tension comes out in the MWC, and the MWC camp, for example, booing at the keynote speech when Google once came to MWC, MWC's "MWC".There was a scene of such a story, such as "Ichimokuiwa" or "what do you do in our industry!"

Horikoshi Yeah.

The story like TIP in Kishida Open Sauce is a tension in that, from the event that the leading role is the leading role, right?It feels like you can divide between your carrier and the vendor honeymoon.

Horikoshi Ya and Really, it's a good place to come out this time.The passage of Hall 4 is just this path.Be sure to find everyone.

Kishida Last year, I was in a private area in the back of the second floor.

Horikoshi: I feel like it was a keyword, like the alternative transmission power of this MWC.This time, it was a good timing.

Kurosaka This venue floor map is well made.

Phantom "MWC Barcelona 2020"

It seems like Kishida where is the prime location, and how far it is going to be a career.That was also linked at rent.

I'm really thinking about Kurosaka's "Rent Concentration", "Theme for Hall", and "Who should I show what to show?"

Horikoshi Fufufu.

In the back of the Kishida venue, it seems to be 500,000 yen when it is said to be a small and narrow frontage booth or a business card instead of a business card.

Kurosaka That's the specifications, right?It's like buying a pass or exhibiting.

Kishida is 500,000 yen.If it is 500,000 yen, it is rather cheaper to say that it is an exhibition rather than buy a pass card, leave only the business card without doing anything.I will enter as an exhibitor and put it in other venues.As a participant, it is like an extension of 30, 400,000 yen for Platinum Pass and Gold Pass, so if you add a little, you can get another one.

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Following the "phantom MWC2020, the changing world communication industry (final episode)".