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North Korea, 20 million tons of rare earth buried in the basement ... Japan grasped detailed data, diplomatic negotiations.

On May 1, Japan entered a new era, Towa. Remember, Japan, which was defeated in 1945, has achieved a phenomenal economic recovery that shook the world after the war. Although there was a tailwind of special demand due to the Korean War, which began in 1950, it is the result of the ingenuity and the stimulating of the people. From textile products to automobiles, home appliances and IT, Japanese products have swept the world market against the backdrop of the brand power of Made in Japan. What is the secret of success and social stability of Japanese companies? Many American media have actively referred to "lifetime employment," "seniority," and "familyism", which values ​​Japanese historical development processes and bonds. In addition, the luxury of the Japanese people did not make the money in the peak of the Japanese bubble was also a big topic. In a luxury sushi restaurant in Japan, gorgeous sushi scattered with gold flour is served, and it is still being handed down as an episode reminiscent of those days. In any case, the United States and the world's managers have focused and praised the new attitude and values ​​of the Japanese, replacing the conventional European and American capitalism. Met. In the trend, the population density in large cities, the degree of freedom brought in due to family -based management between managers and workers, and even the highest priority on growth, occurred in various parts of Japan. In response to issues such as pollution issues, the world has been hot from the world, saying, "Japan must have a solution." However, due to the total amount of regulations launched with the beginning of the "Heisei" era, the real estate market collapsed, and in a blink of anxiety, the whole was overwhelmed. It is exactly the moment when the bubble burst. Later, as was ridiculed as "lost 20 years," Japan was swallowed by the recession and deflationary waves and lost economic vitality. However, the truth of the collapse of the bubble has not been revealed at all, but recently Japan has been danced again with the new growth strategy called "Abenomics" and is said to be "Yumeyo!" Perhaps they are starting to float in such a slogan and are trying to walk on the bubble -backed path. In the past, Japanese financial institutions, which have won the world, are now incorporated under foreign capital, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange has been tossed by the Wall Street. Not only financial institutions, but also half of stocks owned by the manufacturing and services have been held by foreign groups that once vowed revenge on Japan. In 1989, in the world market capitalization ranking, Japanese companies accounted for the top seven companies, led by NTT. However, in the last year of Heisei, no one has been ranked in the top 30 companies. In fact, for overseas investors with a feeling of being swept the Japanese market, it is before breakfast, such as launching offensive to companies aimed at funded in Japan and forcibly dropping stock prices. Buy back when the price drops. It will make a profit by repeating that repetition. ● The fact of the collapse of the bubble bursting will need to look at the existence of a huge organization that controls overseas investors who have driven Japan to the bubble. The coordination with the Roschild Zaibatsu and the Economic Advisor of the Dutch Royal Family, which reigns in Europe, is mostly unimaginable. The target of the American Rockefeller clan and the European Rothschild clan trying to hold his hand and hold down economic interests was the bubble and fat Japanese market. If you summarize the actual situation of the collapse of the bubble, it will be so. There is a document entitled "The Future Scenario of the Japanese Economic", which is compiled by Senator Rockefeller in the United States. The US policy is clearly stated as follows. He says, "We must suppress the runaway of the Japanese economy that has lost control and stop the adverse effect on the global economy. Japanese politicians and financial authorities do not have such a bold power. The only Japanese finance is. Destroy the market. Then, take control of European and American funds. This is promoted as a structural reform. " In fact, looking back on the changes in the Japanese economy after the collapse of the bubble, it is clear that the Western government has continued to pressure the Japanese government in accordance with these plans. Such a movement is not a surprising conspiracy theory, but a Western -style cool financial diplomatic strategy. The Japanese government and the business community overwhelmed the United States in a mono -building game, but only defeated the information strategy. Today, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe states that "the Japanese economy has been steadily and the employment is stable." The budget deficit is over 200 % in GDP, and it is no exaggeration to say that the state is broken. The 10 -year government bond issued by the Bank of Japan has an interest rate of 0.135 %, and it seems that there is no buyer. Perhaps because of that, Japanese wealthy people have a comedy ending in which "closet deposits in the safe" become the mainstream. Overseas funds are also heated off for good companies. ● The major factor in the United States and China is the success of the United States and China, which should be a successful case of the Japan -China -China business. That's because the hidden aim of the American First, which is promoted by the Trump administration in the United States, is nothing but China. President Trump repeats "China's criticism" every time, "If this is the case, the United States may be going to the Chinese gate. Now is the last step.・ The fire of the trade war was cut off. The US -China relations are now getting more nervous enough to be called the "New Cold War." Vice President Pence in the United States, who came to Japan for the third time in November 2018, also spoke for President Trump's intention. Vice President, who created an spirit with Prime Minister Abe in the Indian Pacific Strategy, is over the United States -led Asian -Pacific region, over the "Belt and Road" plan. We suddenly proposed the establishment of the infrastructure maintenance fund in the yen without prior arrangement. Moreover, it is the soul of "let's bear all the new funds for the new funds." In the United States and Japan, China has taken the rise of China as a "new threat", and some are vigilant, but China's involvement is indispensable for stabilizing the Korean Peninsula. Needless to say, China is now the largest trade trade partner. This is time to calmly analyze China's movements and its intentions to win wins with China. In response to Prime Minister Abe's visit to Japan in 2018, Prime Minister Abe visited China, and President Xi Jinping at the G20 Summit in Osaka in June 2009, and the Japanese relationship has been improved and normalized. I am on the keynote. Regarding the "Belt One Road" plan, the two countries have agreed to cooperate in the third country market. For example, there is a possibility that the daytime will cooperate with North Korea's economic development. After all, 17 kinds of rare earths are sleeping in North Korea. In addition, data on underground resources is still preserved in the Japanese era, which is still available by Japanese companies "earned by feet", and is required by the US government to provide information persistently. Because of the information of the tiger child, the Japanese government has been requesting the US government. Nevertheless, depending on the situation, these valuable data may be a trump card for Japan, depending on the progress of US -North Korea relations. According to the US -led economic sanctions, nearly 10 million people have fallen into chronic food shortage in North Korea. Kim Jong Un's Labor Party Chairman should know that the development of unprophilized underground resources is the most effective way to improve the economic state. In fact, China and Russia have aimed for rare metals sleeping in the North Korean border area. In the "Belt One Road" plan, which is promoted by China, the Korean Peninsula's North -South Palace Railway must have been hidden. In April, the "2nd Belt and Road International Summit" was held in Beijing. At that time, President Xi, the host, was forced to launch a new machine to the "high -quality units and roads" in consideration of concerns and opposition to some acceptance countries. Therefore, China advocated the "ecology civilization" and emphasized that the purpose was specified in the constitution. In this field, it is highly likely that the day will cooperate based on environmental technology such as energy saving and renewable energy. If data on North Korea's underground resources owned by Japan could be shared, it could be a success example of the "Japan -China -China -China business in the third country". Abe said, "We are ready to meet Kim without a prerequisite." Until now, the condition was that a certain advancement could be expected to solve the abduction issue. It seems that if it cooperates with China and the United States regardless of the prerequisites, the judgment that the chairman of the Kim will also turn on the improvement of relations to Japan. As a result, if the abduction issue goes forward to the solution, the heritage of the Japanese rule will greatly contribute to the "post -war diplomatic financial results." ● At the end of June, the importance of Osaka G20 is that the research and development of 5g of next -generation communication is delayed in Japan, but Softbank, led by Masayoshi Son, partners with Huawei in Japan and is a base station in Japan. There is no hardship in installation. Nevertheless, the electromagnetic waves received by the base station from the communication satellite are increasingly concerned about health and plants and human body. The Italian government officially announced a warning to 5G, and 5g prohibitions have emerged, mainly in major European cities. In Japan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has decided to assign radio waves to major telecommunications companies, and is serious about spreading 5g. However, there is a high risk of being too late if you do not take ways to avoid health damage. Safety measures from Japan for 5G are required. Needless to say, Japan is also a “marine nation” that focuses on marine resource development. This is because Japan is ranked sixth in the world in the exclusive economic zone. The most notable is the methane hydrate, a type of natural gas called "burning ice." In the waters around Japan, the amount of energy demand for 400 years has been confirmed, and joint development with China, South Korea and Russia should be considered. Furthermore, for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japanese companies and researchers are willing to introduce the technology to repain the history of the Olympics. In 1964, he attracted the world on the Shinkansen, but this time Magreb is waiting for his debut. Already in Shanghai, the introduction has progressed, and the airport and the city are connected at 500 km / h, and it is popular with tourists. However, in Tokyo, Magreb, over 600 km / h, appears. Definitely the world's fastest ground transportation. At the opening ceremony of the torch, the "Sky Drive" developed by Toyota will surprise the audience. It is a flying car that has been repeated experiments by Western and Chinese car manufacturers, but Japan will come here one step ahead. In 2018, the development was completed, and the practical debut was the opening ceremony of the Olympics. In addition, the plan to decorate the Olympic opening ceremony with artificial meteor shows is progressing secretly. This means that a Japanese space development venture company launches a very small satellite out of the atmosphere and generates a variety of meteors when re -entering using special chemicals. The concept is to add flower to the Tokyo Olympics from space. You should be able to expect a "command" effect to regain pride and confidence to the Japanese. The idea of ​​sharing the dreams and hopes of such a new era with China, and the idea of ​​developing the "space era" with the United States is required to play together in Japan, the United States and China. In short, Japan should not be swayed by the endless tariff wars or military competition between China and the United States, and should aim to promote the "Japan -US -China Civilization Project" with new ideas with new ideas. I hope that the G20 in Osaka at the end of June will be the stage to launch such a new axis. (Sentence = Kazuyuki Hamada / International political economist)


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