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News Open all year round, 24 hours OK Electronic Library February 2 Opening Starts from 1000 books Kagoshima City

Electronic library image screen (provided by Kagoshima City Library)

ニュース 年中無休・24時間OK 電子図書館 2月2日開館 蔵書1000冊からスタート 鹿児島市

 Kagoshima City will enter a dedicated site from a personal computer or smartphone to start an e -library service on February 2.There are about 1,000 books at the start.Under the new colon virus, you can enjoy reading without coming to the museum.This is the first attempt in local governments in the prefecture.[Photo] Prepare for opening an electronic library Kagoshima City Library = 2 -chome Kamoike, Kagoshima City

 The use of an electronic library requires a "municipal library user card" that can be created by citizens and people who commute to work and go to school. It can be used 24 hours a day over a day, and can borrow up to 2 books per person. The lending period is up to 2 weeks. It can be linked to a dedicated site from the homepage of the municipal library. The breakdown of e -books is one -third of the literary arts, children's books, picture books, dictionary, business, and hobby life. The characters can be read and read, and 186 books have a voice reading function. Some books, including "Urashimata", are also compatible with foreign languages. "Japanese bird 300" can be viewed in addition to the cry. The borrowed e -books are automatically returned after the deadline, making it easier to manage without fear of dirt or loss. The introduction project cost is about 10 million yen. The municipal library, which is preparing, will continue to enhance the collection of books while looking at the usage status, saying, "It is attractive to be able to borrow anytime, anywhere.