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Necessary items and procedures for canceling a contract with au other than the person (agent)

In the past, it was natural that the cancellation procedure could only be done by the contractor himself.

However, if the contractor cannot cancel the contract due to unavoidable reasons, the contract can be canceled by anyone close to the contractor, such as a family member or a parent or guardian.

This time, I have summarized the necessary items and procedures for canceling a contract with au other than the person himself / herself.

Items required for cancellation by someone other than the person using au

We will explain not only the necessary items and procedures for canceling a contract with au, but also how to write a power of attorney.

In addition, we have summarized what you need to cancel if the contractor dies, so please refer to it.

Items required for cancellation by someone other than the person using au

First, I will introduce what is necessary for someone other than the person to cancel the contract with au.

Basically, the contractor must go to the au shop to complete the cancellation procedure.

Since it is a procedure to cancel the line contract (the telephone number cannot be used), if it is done without the intention of the contractor, it will lead to a big trouble.

In order to avoid such risks, in principle, the contractor himself / herself cancels the contract at au.

However, if the contractor cannot cancel the contract due to unavoidable reasons, it is possible to set up an agent.

As a general rule, the contractor must go to the au shop.

If you cancel the contract, the line contract will be canceled and you will not be able to use the phone number you have been using.

Therefore, if the agent cancels the contract and the contractor does not have the intention, it will lead to a big trouble.

That is why, in principle, carriers such as au cancel the contract by themselves.

Agent who can cancel

On the other hand, if the contractor cannot cancel the contract, the contractor can cancel the contract.

However, please note that the number of people who can process as an agent is limited.

Only the above persons can cancel the contract as an agent.

Identity verification documents for the contractor (copy is acceptable)

First of all, when canceling the contract with an agent, the confirmation document of the contractor is required.

Some things, such as a driver's license, must be in your possession whenever you drive, so you can copy them instead of the original.

Power of attorney from the contractor

Next, you will need a power of attorney from the contractor.

The power of attorney format can be downloaded from the au official website.

Please use the link in the next chapter, "How to Write a Power of Attorney".

The power of attorney must be signed and stamped by the contractor, as well as the address, name and contact information of the agent.

Identity verification documents for agents (original only)

Next, you will also need your agent's identity verification documents.

Please note that the identity verification document of the agent is only the original.

A driver's license, passport, Individual Number Card, and health insurance card are valid.

View au official shop

How to write a power of attorney

Image source:

You can download the power of attorney and check the entry example from the au official website.

I will explain in detail how to write the above images from ① to ④.

How to write an au power of attorney

① Enter the date when the power of attorney was created

First, enter the date when the power of attorney was created in column ①.

Since the power of attorney is basically filled in by the contractor, the contractor also fills in the date.

(2) Fill in the au phone number and procedure details for which the procedure is delegated to an agent.

Enter the au phone number for which you want to delegate the procedure to an agent.

This is the phone number to cancel, so be careful not to make a mistake.

Next, check the procedure details, but since there is no cancellation item, check "Other" and enter "Cancellation" in parentheses.

③ Read, confirm and sign the agreement regarding 5G / 4G LTE service and communication identification function.

③ is the place to read the explanatory documents related to the 5G / 4G LTE service and communication identification function, and sign if you agree.


However, in the case of cancellation procedures, the contents of these two items are not so relevant.

I don't think there is a problem without checking and signing, but if you do not fill in all the information, you may not receive it, so please check and check it just in case and sign it.

This is also filled in by the contractor.

④ Fill in the address, name, contact information, etc. of the contractor and agent * The contractor must have a seal

In ④, first enter the contractor's address, name, contact information, and date of birth.

The contractor is required to have a seal, so don't forget it.

Then enter the agent's address, name, and contact information in the fields at the bottom. This is the only entry field for agents.

View au official shop

Procedure for canceling a contract with au other than the person himself / herself

I will explain the procedure for canceling a contract with au by someone other than the person himself / herself.

  1. Go to au shop
  2. Tell the staff that you came on your behalf and want to cancel
  3. Post the required documents
  4. Procedure completed

Cancellation must be done at an au shop by both the contractor and the agent.

Therefore, please be sure to remember that the agent must also go to the au shop.

The documents introduced in the previous chapter are required for the procedure.

Be sure to go to the au shop with everything in place.

Procedures can only be performed at au shops

Cancellation can only be done at the au shop.

This is the same for contractors and agents.

Be sure to go to the au shop.

Tell them that you are an agent and post the necessary documents

When you go to an au shop, first tell them that you are an agent.

Then, tell them that you want to cancel on behalf of the contractor and show them the necessary documents.

At that time, you will be asked about your relationship with the contractor, so answer honestly.

If there are no deficiencies, the cancellation procedure will be carried out as it is

If the required documents are complete, you can cancel the contract as it is.

If there are any deficiencies, you will have to correct them or retrieve the documents, which will be a hassle twice.

It's a lot of work to do twice, so be sure to prepare the documents so that you can complete the procedure in one shot.

If I can't write a power of attorney, can I cancel the contract other than myself?

If the user who has an au contract creates a power of attorney and transfers the rights to the agent, the agent can also proceed with the cancellation procedure.

However, there may be cases where you cannot write a power of attorney for some reason, such as when you are bedridden. What should we do in such a case?

The bottom line is that even if a power of attorney is not available, an agent can cancel it.

At this time, the items required for the cancellation procedure are as follows.

What you need to cancel

Instead of a power of attorney, you will need the mobile phone to be canceled and a written pledge of the agent.

Pledge forms cannot be downloaded online. It will be written at the au shop.

No special application is required as long as you have the necessary documents. You can proceed in the same way as a normal cancellation.

In addition, minors will not be accepted for cancellation by pledge.

What about cancellation when the contractor dies?

You can predict some situations where the contractor cannot cancel, such as illness or staying abroad.

Then, how should we cancel the contract when the contractor dies?

The procedure is basically the same as the normal cancellation procedure.

And if the contractor dies, all the costs for cancellation will be exempted.

However, in addition to the documents introduced in the previous chapter, there are other documents that must be prepared in order to cancel.

I will explain what kind of documents you need, so please check it out.

What you need to cancel when the contractor dies

The following items are required to cancel the contract when the contractor dies.

If the contractor dies, you will need the au phone itself, so be sure to bring it with you.

And the documents that can prove that the contractor died are as follows.

There is no problem if any one of the above is required, but in principle, the original should be submitted.

You need to take all of this to the au shop and complete the procedure.

I think it's a tough time both physically and mentally, so it's a good idea to wait for a calm time to complete the procedure.

However, you will be charged a monthly fee during the contract, so it is better to do it as soon as possible.

If it is difficult to submit the original document that can prove that you died, you can copy it.

If it is difficult to submit the original document that can prove that you died, you can copy it.

I think it is necessary to submit other than au, so submit a copy if necessary.

No contract cancellation fee will be incurred even if it is not the contract renewal month

If the contractor dies, no cancellation fee will be charged even during the contract period.

The contract cancellation fee is completely exempt.

No cancellation fee for au purchase support

When purchasing an au smartphone, if you apply a large discount or purchase at a lump sum of 0 yen, it is highly likely that you have subscribed to au purchase support.

au purchase support is support that charges a cancellation fee if you cancel or change models within one year after purchase.

However, if you cancel the contract if the contractor dies, you will not be charged a cancellation fee for au purchase support.

With au, it is possible to cancel the contract other than the contractor himself / herself! Check what you need and get ready!

Finally, I will summarize the procedure for canceling a contract with au by someone other than the person himself / herself.

Procedure for canceling a contract with au by someone other than the person himself / herself

If a person other than the contractor cancels the contract with au, a power of attorney and an agent's identity verification document are required.

You will also need a copy of the contractor's identity verification documents, so be sure to have them ready in advance.

Even if you cannot create a power of attorney, you can cancel the contract by proxy.

If you want to cancel the contract, you need to visit the au shop.

If the required documents are incomplete, you will not be able to cancel the contract.

Make sure you have all the necessary documents and check for any omissions before going to the au shop so that you don't have to bother with it again.