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Mouse computer aiming for "72 hours repair completion service" for over 96 hours

More than a year has already passed since the mouse computer started the "repair completion service in 96 hours" at the Saitama Service Center.

The service will be repaired within 96 hours after the repaired goods are arrived at the Saitama Service Center, and will be shipped from the Saitama Service Center.One of.

Due to the effects of CM and videos by Nogizaka46, it is now an important differentiation measure in the company's PC business.Ken Sato, director of the Mouse Computer Saitama Service Center, said, "Average 87 hours in 2016 achievements. If a PC that can be repaired free of charge within the warranty period, it will be repaired within 72 hours and the system has already been left.It is in place. I want to send this as a new message later this year. "

We visited the Mouse Computer Saitama Service Center in Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture, covered the "repair" site, and followed its efforts and commitment.

The mouse computer Saitama Service Center is located in Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture.

The nearest station is Ichinari Station on the Tobu Isesaki Line.It is a small station that can only stop at each station, and there are only several stores in front of the station, such as convenience stores.There is a mouse computer Saitama Service Center in a quiet residential area, about a 10 -minute walk from there.

The number of employees working at the Saitama Service Center is about 100.Except for the year -end and New Year holidays, it is operating openly.The characteristic of the Saitama Service Center is that the ratio of employees who have been working for more than 10 years is 10 % or more, and repair is performed, mainly for employees with specialized knowledge.

埼玉県春日部市のマウスコンピューター 埼玉サービスセンターマウスコンピューターを中心にMCJグループの製品を修理する拠点になっている

However, in order to realize the "96 -hour repair completion service", which is an important differentiation measure in the company's PC business, it was necessary to significantly change the mechanism of the Saitama Service Center.

The mouse computer started full -scale "repair completion service in 96 hours" in July 2016.Originally, the number of "96 hours" numerical goals were set as an in -house goal, but the reaction of employees at that time was anxious about whether it was really possible.

"In 2015, the average time to repair and ship was 167 hours. The goal of within 96 hours was far far away," said Kenken Sato, director of the Mouse Computer Saitama Service Center.

In particular, in the year -end and New Year holidays when repairing PCs in home and office is concentrated, and in the summer when the temperature rises and the PC breakdown increases, the number of repair requests is increasing, and the time it takes to repair per unit tends to increase.there were.

At that time, Sato was the director of the call center directly managed by the company in Okinawa, and since April 2016, he has also served as the director of the Saitama Service Center."At that time, the call center had a scolding voice that it took too long to repair," he recalled.

Mr. Sato, who became the director of the Saitama Service Center, has launched a policy for employees to "achieve the completion of repair within 96 hours within 96 hours" at the first greeting at the Saitama Service Center.

Unfortunately, the reaction of the employees at that time was not good.Even if the goal was made up of, the employees were not fresh, and they were too far away.However, with the clear goals, everyone was aware of the current situation and issues, and had the consciousness of acting to achieve the goal.


"Call centers are complaining, no matter how good they are supported, but they are not connected, so we are dissatisfied with our customers.The idea of Director Sato is just increasing customer dissatisfaction.He listened to the customer's voice at the call center and knew where he was dissatisfied, and focused on the prompt repair system at the Saitama Service Center.

The first Saitama Service Center worked on the overall repair process.

The Saitama Service Center goes through the process of entry, diagnosis, repair, quality control, and shipment.We started reforming from where we analyzed where the repaired products were staying.

"Is the repaired product staying at the unpacking, whether the diagnosis has not been completed, is it a diagnosis?In each process, we analyzed whether it was progressing well for the goal or whether it was stagnation, and decided to check it every day. "

As a result, the leader meeting, which starts at 9:15 am, was born.For example, it is possible to discuss why the work until repair has been completed quickly, but why it is delayed by shipment.Conversations were repeated about how to do it and how to solve it.

Depending on the day, the employees were rested due to a cold, and the work could be stagnated in a specific process.In addition, as a result of the process of working hard, the next step was that repaired products would stay without catching up.Furthermore, in the early stages of improvement, overtime work was performed by overtime to create an environment to eliminate stagnation.While repeated fine -tuning, we built the optimal arrangement and flow.


While optimizing the entire process as a whole to eliminate such repair products, they worked on multifunctional construction.

In the past, a place to work was determined, but a mechanism to help the process of increasing the daily work was adopted.As a result, the residence of repaired products has been reduced.

"The process has been visualized, and in the morning, which work is concentrated on which time, it has made it possible to arrange the whole optimal person."Say.

For example, the final shipment deadline is 7:30 pm.On a day when many repairs must be shipped at that time, in the evening time, the person in charge of diagnosis and quality control supports the shipping process.

"By doing so, the repair time will be reduced by doing what you need to do that day. It has been thoroughly not sent today's work the next day."Said Sato.

The fact that it was operated on weekends on Saturdays and Sundays was also a factor in achieving 96 hours of repair.

The fact that the overall work has been reviewed, the work that has been determined to be wasted, and the transition to the way necessary work has also reduced the burden on employees, leading to the efficiency of repair work.

Diagnosis and quality control require specialized knowledge and know -how, but in this work area, a wide range of desks are introduced so that they can work side by side.

In the case of working alone, the aim is to enhance the efficiency of putting multiple PCs to work in parallel, and to achieve an environment where two people are arranged in line.There is also.

In addition to shortening the working time by parallel work of multiple units, it also leads to training for multifunctional construction, and increasing the number of employees who can be in charge of multiple processes."Some employees perform 5 to 6 PCs at the same time in diagnostic work, and about 20 % of employees are currently being able to perform multiple tasks, including quality control."

In addition, we started reviewing inventory management of repair parts.

"In the past, it took more than an hour to pay the parts required for repair from the warehouse, or the necessary parts were missing, and repair work was delayed," he said.Takeshi Konuma, the center repair work group."The management number was given for each type of part, and the repair parts were reorganized so that it is easy to take out the repair parts. If there is something that is likely to be missing two weeks later, it will be refilled and a missing environment is also created at the same time."Say.


Mouse computer is also known for sending PCs with the latest technology as soon as possible.

In other words, many products are difficult to share parts.There are various types of keyboards for laptops, but the product lineup of mouse computers is expanding not only on notebook PCs and desktops, but also on tablets and smartphones, which is also repaired.It led to the increase in the types of parts.

In order to perform prompt repair, it is essential to manage many repair parts efficiently.

The employees in the inventory management department are almost fixed, and they know where and which parts are.Currently, about 2,500 parts are in stock, and in about 5 minutes, the parts required for repair can be aligned and the repair process can be paid.

Another thing that cannot be overlooked as a shortening effort to shorten the time of repair is that the ratio of "same -day repairs" has been increased.


If the repair content is a simple replacement, such as replacing the power supply unit, the word "immediate" is automatically printed in the work instructions.The printed PC will be repaired on the same day and will be left on that day.

"As of 2015, the ratio of the PC, which had been repaired on the same day, was very small. This is now about 20 %," said Sato.


So what are the results of these initiatives?

Since April 2016, the mouse computer, which has begun improvement, has succeeded in reducing the average month to 97 hours a month in the same month.

Furthermore, as a result of improvements, the average of 87 hours in 2016 was achieved."The PC that was left within 96 hours reached over 80%," he said.

Many of the remaining about 20%of the remaining about 20%of the remaining about 20%, which could not be deployed within 96 hours, were required to present estimates to users in paid repairs, affecting the time spent in waiting for contact.

"In addition to the estimate confirmation, the situation of the defect cannot be reproduced to identify the failure point, so it may take time to contact the user for that. Storage replacement is required and data is necessary.It may be contacted if the password occurs or cannot be launched. In order to achieve repair within 96 hours, it is important to quickly contact users.The element (Chief Konuma).

The company has set up a specialized department to contact users, and in addition to telephone contacts, we will contact you in multiple ways, such as email and LINE.In particular, LINE has led to a quick repair response through the Mouse LINE official account.


Director Sato said, "If it is limited to free repair within the warranty period where there is no quote, it will be less than 72 hours on average in half a year from April to September 2017 to September 2017.The next day, the repair has been completed about 40%. "During the year, he says that the product within the warranty period will be sent as a new message, "a new message within 72 hours."

However, Director Sato said, "This is just a passing point," and said, "I would like to continue to work on efforts to reduce repair time."

The mouse computer has a TV commercial effect that uses Nogizaka 46, and the number of PC sales is increasing.Considering that repair occurs at a certain ratio, the number of repairs will naturally increase.Under such circumstances, the company's Saitama Service Center will try to shorten repair time.

Since the launch of the "Repair Completion Service in 96 hours", the response from users who requested repair has been well received.

There were many comments that the delivery date was slow, but most of the prompt repairs were grateful.

Among them, there were many voices saying, "Before the repaired PC came back, it was too fast and surprised."

In fact, shortening of repair time has a positive effect on employees.

In the past, it was an environment that was being chased by repaired repaired products, but the environment was completed on that day, so the image of being busy with the work has disappeared.

"The number of employees is increasing in order to realize the repair completion service in 96 hours, but the repair has been completed in a short time even if the number of repairs has increased, and overtime work is less than half of the conventional convention.The number is decreasing, and the fact that the repair completion within 96 hours, which was once a dream goal, has created a great deal of awareness that it can be done, "says Sato.


Of course, even if the speed is fast, there is no point in lowering the repair quality.The Mouse Computer Saitama Service Center has evolved in that respect.

One of them is internal information sharing.

The company is linked to the Saitama Service Center and the call center to provide an "in -house quality control email address".Based on the voices and obstacles of users sent to the two centers, the company share the company all over the company.

"Here we share a lot of information, solve issues, and reflect them in the repair site. Share information that you do not think of a disability can also be given."

In the development department and quality control department, we have a meeting twice a week, and on weekdays, the Saitama Service Center and the Call Center leaders have time to exchange information.

"A firmware can make optimal repair by sharing information such as a defect in a specific usage."

The second is to stick to the reproduction of the bug.The Saitama Service Center has thoroughly activate the PC, reproduce the problem, and perform optimal repair for it.

"In the past, if the bug could not be reproduced, prevented and repaired in accordance with the user's declaration, but the occurrence of the defect was due to a specific usage, and it was not possible to repair it, so it was restocked.It was also happened. Rather than repairing the symptoms, it is reduced the restock rate by reproducing the problem. "

In order to improve employees' skills, training has also led to improved repair quality.As mentioned earlier, in areas such as diagnosis and quality control, preparing an environment for working with one person to work together, leading to passing repair techniques and enhancing each other.。


In addition, there is no choice but to improve the quality of repair.

The repaired PC performs the final test in the quality control area.Check the normal movements of hardware and software, and perform visual inspections here.If a bug is found, it will be returned to the diagnostic area again.

"In the quality control area, 29 items are checked, and if necessary, it is updated to the latest firmware or cleaned dirty parts. After checking all items, the quality control areaThe leader checks again to check if the repair has been performed correctly, and then the work will be performed. "

In addition, motherboards may be returned to vendors for repair, but will be supplied to the repair process after checking whether the returned quality has reached the standard.Such quality control is one of the commitment to the Saitama Service Center.


The Mouse Computer Saitama Service Center also offers a brought repair service and parts shipping services.

Both are services that have been started in 2013 and have been highly evaluated by users.

The brought repair service can be brought in the repair product directly to the Saitama Service Center, so that the engineer of the center can diagnose a failure on the spot, and after repairing the same day, it can be taken home (due to lack of parts, etc.Sometimes it is not possible to repair it on the same day).

"In addition to the benefits of being able to repair on the same day, it is a user who wants to meet directly and explain the defective part, not the phone, and who is repairing it.In some cases, repaired products are brought in because they want to make a repair after confirming whether they are.

In addition, the parts shipping service is to send the components when the product defective part is a specific part, and the user himself performs replacement work.

"This service is implemented in conjunction with the Okinawan call center, and has been working on a trial basis since 2008. I want to identify the contents of the failure at the call center and repair it in a short period of time without going through the Saitama Service Center.It is highly evaluated in that it responds to the request, and the repair can be completed promptly. "

Preparing such repair services has also led to a quick repair response.

For the 96 -hour repair completion service, the Mouse Computer's Saitama Service Center, "It's just a passing point," repeatedly, Sato.

I'm looking forward to how much time we will shorten the time and what new services will be created.