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[Mobile] 1st place is a smartwatch, and the competition intensifies will attract new fees such as AHAMO.

 The most read article in the mobile field in 2021 was "How to choose the latest smartwatch model that you don't regret buying, the six points."According to the MM Research Institute of the research company, the market share of smartwatches in 2020 is 54 in Apple in the United States..It is overwhelmingly popular with 1st place at 5 %.However, recently, options have been expanding from those that can be bought for several thousand yen to those that exceed 100,000 yen.Articles that explain the points of how to choose, not just functional aspects, gathered many accesses.


 The second place is "The reason why it is not visible almost side by side, a new rate plan for the three major mobile carriers."In 2021, mobile phones were intensifying, and three major mobile phones launched online brands against Rakuten Mobile one after another.NTT DOCOMO's "AHAMO", KDDI (au) "POVO", and SoftBank's "LINEMO" were almost sideways, but in fact, articles explained that there are differences in detailed specifications.The competition has settled down at the end of 2021, but there are observations that Rakuten Mobile will be on the offensive again in the 2022 Spring Movies, so keep an eye on it.

 The third place was "5G smartphone that I bought in the 30,000 yen range or less and I will not regret it, and the three divisions are thoroughly compared and decided the top three overall."The upper limit of terminal discounts has been restricted by the revised Telecommunications Business Law in October 2019, and in recent years, low -cost smartphones have become increasingly popular.It was less than 40,000 yen for the latest 5G (5th generation mobile communication system), and the smartphone's ability was thoroughly compared and attracted attention.In addition, on individual terminals, articles such as "BALMUDA PHONE", "Xperia 5 III", "Yoga Tab 13", and "Mi 11 Lite 5g" were read.The article featuring the new version of the iPhone "iPhone 13" did not rank in the 20th place.

5位バルミューダ初のスマホ「BALMUDA Phone」に10万円超の価値はあるのか
6位コンパクトでハイスペックな「Xperia 5 III」、醍醐味はプロ向けアプリを使うところ
7位レノボの新タブレット「Yoga Tab 13」、パソコンの外付けディスプレーとして試した
8位今夏のSIMフリーの主役になるか、4万円台でハイエンド級「Mi 11 Lite 5G」
9位楽天モバイルのサポートは大丈夫か、筆者の「Rakuten Mini問題」は解決に半年
10位ahamo・povo・SoftBank on LINEは本当に「横並び」か、気になる違いを調べた
11位前評判が高かったグーグル「Pixel 5a(5G)」は買いなのか、実力を徹底検証
15位超小型でもスマホの標準機能はフル装備、FeliCaも使えるSIMフリースマホ「Jelly 2」
16位気化熱でどれだけ冷えるか、USB電源のパーソナルクーラー「ここひえ R3」を試す
18位見た目よりパワフル、モトローラ最薄・最軽量の5Gスマホ「motorola edge 20」の実力
19位畳んで使えるスマホ「Galaxy Z Fold3 5G」はまるで手帳、不満はアプリの困った挙動