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Mikitani CEO rebound "I don't understand the meaning" Rakuten back circumstances of both the United States and Japan.

The Japanese and US governments agreed to strengthen their eyes on Rakuten Group.The reason for the fact that Rakuten's personal information collected by Rakuten has flown to Chinese authorities as a subsidiary of Tencent, a major Chinese IT company, has become a major Rakuten shareholder in March 2021.

Rakuten emphasizes that "Tencent's investment is pure investment and is not involved in management" (stakeholders), but as the U.S. government collects forced personal information led by Chinese authorities.It was exposed to "sparks".

Rakuten, which develops US businesses, "joint monitoring"

Rakuten's investment in the mobile phone business echoed, and in the fiscal year ending December 2020, he had the largest deficit ever.In order to strengthen the financial base, a total of 242.3 billion yen, a total of 242.3 billion yen, which is a underwriting of domestic and foreign companies such as Japan Post, is one of the Tencent subsidiaries.He has invested 65.7 billion yen, and has jumped to a major shareholder who owns 3.65 % of Rakuten's issued shares.

三木谷CEO反発「意味がわからない」 楽天を日米両政府監視の裏事情

The Foreign Exchange Law obliges Japanese companies that are deeply involved in national security, and if foreign companies and investors have a certain investment, they will be reported to the country in advance.In order to prevent China, which uses huge investment funds as a weapon, to prevent the situation in the Japanese core industry, the investment ratio that requires a prior notice in 20 years is "10 % or more" to "1 % or more".There is a history of lowering.

Rakuten, who works in telecommunications and IT businesses, is of course a Japanese company that is deeply involved in security.Originally, Tencent needs to be reported to the country in advance based on the opposition law, but Tencent has not yet done the procedure.This is because the Foreign Exchange Law is not covered by a "net investment" that is not involved in management.

However, it was the US government who stood here.

Rakuten is developing a business in the United States in addition to Japan.If Tencent can access Rakuten's personal data as a leverage, there is a risk that US personal information will flow to China via Rakuten.Prior to the Japan -US summit meeting in April and the United States, the Rakuten joint monitoring proposals seemed to have been embodied in the form of a US -Japan -US summit.