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"LUMEN" review that can manage health by checking breathing: There is a result of weight loss support during home waiting!

Gadget for serious people.

The metabolic tracker "LUMEN" supports the management of daily exercise and dietary habits with apps and gadgets.GIZMODO's Victoria Song reporter has shared the impressions that he used for 6 weeks.

If calorie management feels troublesome, calculation of macro nutrients is a more broken work.When the advertising email of the metabolic tracker "LUMEN", which can check whether fat and carbohydrates are burning by breathing analysis, arrived at me, I had already tried all methods.That's why I thought...Alright, I have to do this!When.


What is this?: Portable metabolic tracker

ikura?: $ 350 (about 37,500 yen)

Favorite place: Prosage data from macro nutrients, excellent app emperiences, and eat habits according to the goal

I don't like it: The first calibration (adjustment) is troublesome

What is "metabolic tracker"?

If you use the device first in the morning, you can get a nutrition plan based on the results through the app.Specifically, he holds his device in his mouth, inhale, stops for 10 seconds, and exhales.If you repeat this three times, you will get a 1-5 level score.

If the score is 1-2, the fat is mainly fat, the 3 is carbohydrates and fat, and 4 to 5 mainly burns carbohydrates.The recommended diet plan based on these results (the past few days to the morning measurement) can be checked in the app.

The plan depends on the goal (healthy weight loss, intensive training for events, etc.).Four weeks after you start using it, you will be able to get a score indicating "flexibility of metabolism".This seems to be based on the idea that if the body can switch between fat and carbohydrates well, the efficiency of metabolism will increase and the necessary results are easier.

In the first place, when I heard "metabolism tracker", I first thought of it was to tell me the current state of metabolism and give advice on how to increase metabolism.However, in fact, it is an impression that you can check if you are taking nutrients that match your goals.

Why fat and carbohydrates

For those who are not familiar with the whole story of fat and carbohydrates, the following is a brief explanation.For example, if you want to lose weight, it has recently attracted attention as one way to cut carbohydrates and use fat as a major energy source.This is an idea behind the background of Atkins diet and ketone meals known as low -carbohydrate diets.


If you want to get results immediately, the burning of carbohydrates that can be broken quickly and faster may be attractive.Many carbohydrates can be stored in muscles as glycogen at the stage before the excess is turned into fat.The difficulty is that while a sufficient carbohydrate is needed to strengthen workouts (especially in the case of an endurance athlete), it is necessary to burn fat when it does not move much.It is not easy to know the balance from the fact that a nutritional team has a professional athlete.

Probably LUMEN is a gadget that supports these personal nutrition management.After using it for six weeks, I can't say "I was able to strengthen my metabolism", but I realized that eating habits would affect training and weight loss.

When the days that do not go as planned continue ...

Gadgets are well -formed, easy to use, and convenient to carry.I brought it to hiking several times, but I am glad that it can easily fit in a medium size pocket.A charging dock is included and lasts for about a week with a single charge.

It takes about 2-3 minutes for breathing measurement.In a hurry morning, it feels like eternity...。During the measurement, there is a sound like a dozvaider (should this be called a curve vader?).But from the surroundings, it looks like you're smoking electronic cigarettes.There is an explanatory video for detailed ways.However, at first, the impression is that you need to get used to it.

What impressed me was the app.The schedule for the goal will be regularly confirmed.On the first day, only 45 grams of carbohydrates were set, but I could not do it (I love wheat and bread ...).As I spent my days without going as planned, the app reorganized my goals after some questions.

The app also contains useful information such as what is defined as a carbohydrate and which foods contains how much carbohydrates.There was a meal sagesteon, but I don't really like it personally.However, it helped to visualize what kind of meal to eat.

The app also provides a ly -mendation on exercise.Ideally, it is to measure before and after the workout.I can't do it anytime, but when I was able to practice it, it helped me know which movement would lead to which combustion.

For example, the score was 3 in the measurement 30 minutes before the workout, but after exercise, one or two.The same is true for muscle training.On the other hand, long activities such as two -hour hiking have increased the amount of carbohydrate intake on the day.When you need to replenish fuel before long activities, you will know which type of carbohydrate to choose.

People who usually use a meal recording app will not be necessary by LUMEN ...It was particularly troublesome at first because I often go back and forth between apps than I thought.

There is a calibration in the overall process, and you need to read it several times in a few days according to the timing of the meal.People who are not regular to eat may be a bit frustrating.However, once a series of processes are completed, at most measurements per day are one to three times (unless you work out many times a day).

About data credibility

LUMEN's technology is based on a respiratory exchange ratio called the so -called RESPIRATORY EXCHANGE RATIO.This is expensive and difficult to reach.Therefore, I can't measure how accurate the measured value.However, the score the next morning after eating a huge pasta dinner at 9:30 pm was jumping up, and the next morning after eating chicken breasts and broccoli at 7:30 pm, basically as expected.It is the impression that the result is obtained.On the other hand, there are times when expectations and results are shifted after exercise.The app also has an option to record the relevant factors in the logs that were unexpectedly.

According to LUMEN, the technology has been verified and the founder has published its own research.In the health -related field, I think it may be somewhat skeptical of the company's "scientific backing".Some medical device manufacturers have a "research" in a hurry to summarize ... (such as DAYSY, a pregnancy tracker).

On the other hand, the focus of LUMEN's verification results is that they can mainly provide results comparable to clinical Rer tests.This study was written by researchers at San Francisco State University.However, Metaflow LTD, a company behind LUMEN.There is also a note that it was supported by.Although I have not received an external assessment, at least the study shows methodology, research design, and results, and quotes trusted sources, and the evidence of fake and exaggerated claims is as long as I see.It seems to be good.

It was worth trying!

I think many people are worried about using devices and apps.I am 3 pounds in 6 weeks (about 1).3 kilograms) succeeded in losing weight.It's not really dramatic, but I think it's a sustainable and healthy figure.(Although the accuracy is unknown) The smart weight meter at home showed that muscles have increased and fat has decreased.

The endurance during the running was sometimes good and sometimes sick, but I was able to get out of the plateau (I could not improve), which had been struggling for months.Is these results thanks to LUMEN?120%must be so!Rather, I feel better.

What kind of gadgets are recommended for?

Another thing I wanted to write is that LUMEN sometimes recommends fasting.However, it is recommended that you finish dinner by 8:00 pm, do not snack until breakfast the next morning, and to be hungry for 12 hours at night.Sometimes I couldn't stop ice cream after dinner.That doesn't mean that the app complains.If you are suffering from eating disorders, it may be better to consider one.

LUMEN is $ 350 (about 37,500 yen) and is not cheap.However, compared to the monthly costs of personal trainers and dietitians, and the monthly cost of fitness apps, the point is that it has a sufficient function as a wellness fitness gadget, and it does not cost a sub -skirt.

If anyone wants to start casually, you may feel a little hard.Conversely, it is perfect for those who want to seriously work on eating, exercising, and nutrition management.I use LUMEN for 6 weeks, but I still want to continue using it for more than a few months.


・ Gadget of $ 350 (about 37,500 yen).Analyze exhalation and check the burning of carbohydrates and fat.

・ The experience of the app is good.However, the first calibration is troublesome.

・ It is highly designed as a device and is convenient to carry.

・ It does not dramatically increase metabolism, but checks if the optimal nutritional balance is obtained according to the goal.