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Full-scale rollout of "LINE Mobile" President Kado talks about "user-oriented" strategy: Interview with MVNO (page 1/4)

LINE Mobile entered the MVNO market with much fanfare in September 2016, but its sales channels were limited to the Internet, and it was known only to those in the know. As a newcomer to LINE, which is extremely well-known, and while the count-free function has been attracting attention, it is also true that there were voices from users such as "I don't know where to buy it" and "I want to sign a contract, but it takes a long time to ship." . For LINE MOBILE, the last half year was almost a preparation period. It started only on the Internet, and while gradually expanding the number of users, it was waiting for reactions.

The LINE mobile finally started full-scale deployment in March. As a start, immediate opening counters and special counters will be set up at 10 home appliance mass retailers. LINE Mobile, which had been online only until now, has finally made its way into the real world. At the same time, we plan to increase the number of “touchpoints” with users to more than 100 by the end of 2017. At the same time as the expansion to home appliance mass retailers, we will also start a TV commercial featuring the actress "Non", aiming to expand the name recognition at the same time as the contact point.

In order to improve the service, it was revealed that the number of count-free targets for the "MUSIC +" plan will be increased in early summer. At the same time, we will start a flat-rate voice call, which had not been introduced, and prepare a perfect system. Then, from March onwards, what kind of policy will you use to operate LINE MOBILE? We asked Ayano Kado, president of LINE Mobile, about strategies and future policies.

Ayano Kado, President of LINE Mobile

――First, I would like to ask about the counters set up at electronics retail stores. When I visited the Bic Camera Yurakucho store on the first day of its opening, I was surprised by its size.

Mr. Kado: We had decided to open a real store (store) for a long time, and for half a year we continued to check the roadmap for when we would do it. Originally, LINE MOBILE was planned with an eye on shop development. At the time of launch, it was key to make something that was easy for the staff to explain at the low-price SIM corner of shops such as mass retailers. It is said that the plan is simple, but it was also based on the development of the shop.

People at the store are having a hard time. There is also a sense of justice that we must make this easier, so we have been listening to how customers decide on plans. Because I kept listening to it at the store, they might have thought it was suspicious (laughs).

――Eh. Does that mean you were standing next to the counter the whole time?

Mr. Kado Yes. I was standing as a customer the whole time (laughs). Customers start with what they are using. This is the 1GB plan because I mainly use LINE, and this one because I use other SNS. With that, I decided that Count Free would probably be popular. There are several usage patterns, so you can use the ○○ plan for each usage scene.

The reason why filtering is free is because it would be troublesome to explain it with tick marks. This is also decided by considering what percentage is acceptable in terms of cost.

Originally, I had decided that the shop would open in the spring and the commercials would be in the spring, so I had a goal to absolutely match it. I decided to do mass sales first.

From March 15th (March 18th for some), a total of 10 Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera stores will start delivering SIM cards on the same day. time), but how does it feel?

Full-scale deployment of LINE Mobile ``President Kado talks about the ``user's perspective'' strategy: Asking the MVNO (page 1/4)

Mr. Kado: Mass retailers seem to be happy with the numbers. It seems that the weekend event has also been strengthened in a hurry. Mass retailers look at the initial speed and decide what to do on the weekend, but depending on the location, decisions are made more and more from the top down.

There are various developments, and Yodobashi in Umeda, which opened on the 18th, is nearly 8 tsubo and has character dolls. There are dedicated counters, there are large places where characters are placed, and sometimes it is one of the common counters. For the shop development, I was thinking of taking a method that is easy to do first. I just have to have a place to judge. I can't help it if the customer doesn't come.

―― The policy is to expand to 100 stores, but that includes your own shops, right?

Mr. Kado Actually, I didn't say 100 "stores". There are several types of touchpoints, such as a place where customers can ask about LINE MOBILE and a place where they can make a contract. That's what I couldn't write clearly.

――Does that mean that it also includes areas that specialize in support? I think it would be nice to be able to sign a contract there.

Mr. Kado Although it is still in the planning stage, we are thinking of having people buy an entry package and receive support when they are unable to successfully open the network. I have to discuss this with Mr. Channel, but I have to create a flow for people to come to the touch point. On the other hand, it is also important to solve it on the Internet because it is not good to go too far. That's why there's always help.

You can always ask for help on LINE. It's positioned as a place where you can ask questions on the spot when you have something you can't ask or don't understand.

―― There are AI-returned help and manned help. What is the ratio?

Mr. Kado: The ratio of AI to manned is about 7 to 3. Half of the AI ​​is during business hours and the rest is outside business hours.

── More than I thought, everyone will be able to solve the problem with AI alone.

Mr. Kado: That's because manned services can only be used by contractors. AI still has to learn. To take an extreme example, when a non-san commercial is played, the AI ​​asks, "Please tell me about the commercial," but the answer has not yet been decided. I look at those questions one by one and create answers every day. When I receive a question from a customer, answer it, and say "no" (to the question about whether it was useful), I feel like I'm starting to analyze what I should do.

―― Since you can ask questions casually on LINE, I have the impression that the content is likely to be diverse.

Mr. Kado: I was surprised when he asked me so casually (laughs). But I can say "thank you" for this support. You can be happy to say, "I will answer even this kind of question." Rather than e-mails and phone calls, I think the non-verbal communication with customers is amazing, and I'm really happy to see it.

── From the perspective of LINE as a whole, the character shop "LINE FRIENDS STORE" is also in operation.

Mr. Kado  Since character customers come for the character, is it okay to leave the SIM there? "There is." That's rude and doesn't help the customer. However, it might be possible to completely redo that and have a LINE mobile shop next to the FRIENDS STORE.

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