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LINE announces about strengthening governance and risk management systems

LINE announced on October 18 that it would strengthen the governance system and risk management system in the future.This is a final report published on the same day by the "Special Committee on Global Data Governance" (hereinafter referred to as the special committee), consisting of external experts installed by Z Holdings.

The company has a special committee on the handling of data since March 2021.He has been verified and evaluated from the perspective of governance.Through the process, the company has shown that the development of governance and risk management systems in line with the growth of the business and company has not been caught up, and will announce the improvement and strengthening measures in the future.

The announced improvements and strengthening measures are broadly divided into those that are related to the safe management system of data and those that are responsible for explanation to stakeholders.The details are as follows.

Regarding the organizational structure that manages the risk of the group, the risk management department was independently transferred from the security department on the 1st 20217 and transferred to the CEO.The risk management department is enhancing risk management, such as centrally managing and analyzing the risks of the entire group.

Promote the strengthening of independent risk management activities by the business department.

Specifically, from July 2021, risk managers will be installed in each business unit, and risk managers will develop and penetrate the rules for unique risks for each service, so that they will avoid the risks in advance and use them with confidence.Develop and operate services that can be done.

In addition, on October 1, a risk management committee with CEO as the chairman was established.We will discuss the risks that will affect the strategy of the entire group and the achievement of business goals, and decide on measures.In addition, a task force (directly below CEO), which enhances and organizes the company -wide governance function / risk management function, and a task force (directly below CTO), which is responsible for the specific execution of development governance, has been set up, and jointly by each jurisdiction.Manage the progress of improvement measures.


On October 15, a new management department will be placed, and a subsidiary management department will be newly established to enhance the governance of group subsidiaries (including overseas subsidiaries) and work closely.

In addition to collaboration within a group company, LINE's co -development and development outsourcing projects are appropriately operated by the company, and the transparency of operation is ensured so that the company approves.Review and strengthen the system.

Immediately below the CTO, a CTO room will be installed in the entire group, including overseas subsidiaries, and a CTO room that will be responsible for systemization of development and technology strategic system, and along with taskforce, which will be responsible for execution of the development governance, development, quality control, disability support, etc.We will promote the development process of formulating and operating rules guidelines and the operation of the formulated rules.

In addition to specific improvement measures that have been examined and implemented for the guidance of the Personal Information Protection Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the unification of personal information obtained by each service is unified and the management status is comprehensively grasped.In order to enhance, we are promoting visualization of personal information management and improving the environment for that, including the development of personal information management ledgers common to group companies and services.

In a conference body that aims to strengthen the coordination system between the business section and the management department directly below the CEO mentioned above, the information sharing required by the directors, senior executive officers and managers responsible for the management department, etc.By performing, we will work on a horizontal collaboration of information sharing.

Until now, there have been issues in the public policy department and the external positive departments, such as the system that systematically ensure accuracy and appropriateness of accuracy and appropriateness of external information dissemination have been established.

On the other hand, from each department, related technical departments and business departments, such as negotiations with public sector, politicians, government agencies, local governments, etc., to communicate foreign -related activities with foreign -related activities.In addition to the line section, the external department of the policy and public relations will be verified in advance through specialized departments such as legal affairs and security, public relations departments and compliance departments as necessary.In addition, the internal audit division will develop a system in which the internal audit department will audit the process from the creation of the material to the completion, presentation, and verification of the minutes.

From the perspective of strengthening the accountability, we will strengthen LINE's public relations functions and promote initiatives to disseminate the correct information to stakeholders.As part of this, we will have a public relations staff from Z Holdings on October 1, and will strengthen cooperation with Z Holdings in the future.

In LINE, by steadily implementing these initiatives, we will build a data management system that allows users and related parties to use the services with peace of mind, and take the perspective of users and society with accuracy and transparency.It is said that he will thoroughly communicate with foreign outside.