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Propose a new license system that lends infrastructure to JTOWER's "serious" mobile carrier

A business operator other than a mobile carrier built an infrastructure and lent it to a mobile carrier. A new scheme that overturns the "common sense" of the mobile phone industry is attracting attention. The trigger was the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Digital Transformation Radio Policy Radio Policy Radio Policy Radio Policy Radio Policy Radio Policy. Atsushi Tanaka, president of JTOWER, an independent tower business operator who spoke in the business of business operators, said, "In order to promote the quick area development with Beyond 5g, a license system is required to increase the number of players to build wireless infrastructure." We proposed a study of "Network Providing License System for". For many years, for mobile carriers, network development with their own equipment is one of the sources of competitiveness, and each company has been competing intensely in the area. The background of the proposal is that it is 5G and a turning point is coming. In 5G, it is highly straightforward and difficult to fly radio waves 3.7/4.The 5GHz band and the 28GHz band are used, and it is necessary to install more base stations closer than 4G. However, the growth of communication income itself cannot be expected in the future, so we need to maintain a 5G area while reducing costs as much as possible. Therefore, by combining mobile carrier equipment in shared equipment, the use of infrastructure sharing that can be operated more efficiently at less cost is progressing. Up to 4G infrastructure sharing is JMCIA (Moving Communication Communications (Public Interest Corporation, Corporation, Corporation, etc. The main focus was to build shared facilities, but since JTOWER started providing indoor infrastructure solutions, the number of introductions has been greatly increased in the last three years (Chart 1). 。 Furthermore, in 5G, it is expected that common equipment will be installed in commercial facilities and transportation where many people gather.

JTOWERの「本気度」 携帯キャリアにインフラを貸し出す新たな免許制度を提案

Chart 1 Introduction of infrastructure sharing

Beyond 5Gでは、300GHzまでのさらに高い周波数が使われる可能性が高い。低い周波数帯はひっ迫しており、割り当てられるとしても限られた帯域だ。「従来のエコシステムが効果的に機能するには若干課題がある。新たな制度で無線ネットワークに設備投資を行う事業者を増やし、ネットワークの整備促進につなげたらいいのではないか」。JTOWER 執行役員 渉外・L5G部 部長の大橋功氏は、携帯キャリア向けネットワーク提供免許制度を提案した背景をこう説明する(図表2)

Chart 2 Examination of a license system for mobile carriers (clicked on the image)