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The semiconductor industry in Japan is amazing ... "I'm going to re -float!"

The article first introduced the Japanese semiconductor, saying, "It began to develop in the 1970s, and the number of goals beyond the United States has become 30 % of the world's share in the 1980s." He told the momentum at the time that it accounted for 80 % of the global share at the peak. However, the United States has noticed that it is too strong and pointed out that "as in the current Huawei, it has been closed out of the market." Japan, which suddenly dropped from 80 % to 10 %, said that Japan, which had experienced bubble burst, has entered the "lost 30 years." "The free competition is just a name, and it is the United States's way to break the market rules when it is about to be overtaken," he said, but still praised Japan's strength, but still "re -emerging" with semiconductor materials. Why was Japan re -floated with semiconductor material? The article analyzed that the Japanese "spirit of the craftsman" was greatly demonstrated. For example, the silicon wafer, which is a semiconductor material, is said to have been "invincible" with its purity to the limit. In addition, semiconductor material is a field where the difference in basic research is as it is, and Japan has been focusing on this field, leading to the strength of semiconductor materials, and produces many Nobel prize winners. I analyzed that it has become. [Next page] China does not like the US way of Huawei, and Japan used to be the same eyes....Editorial department Recommended

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