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It's not just about going to space that's amazing. "Wild Speed ​​/ Jet Break" Spoiler Barely Review

Dispel the image of a flashy stupid movie!

On August 6th, the latest work of the "Wild Speed" series (hereinafter "Waispi"), which I believe is an option for 4D deluxe viewing, is finally released! No, it was amazing this time as well. Or rather, this time it was too amazing. Although the release of the new Corona was postponed, it was worth the wait for the theatrical release. It was unusual. It was really fun! We will deliver a review that saw the preview.

There is no doubt that you will be told "What was interesting and how was it?" When the comments that seemed to be crazy as "awesome" are lined up, so let's explain the interesting points while introducing the outline of the story. ..

Below, the past works of the "Waispi" series and spoilers up to the middle of this work "Wild Speed ​​/ Jet Break" are included.

Five years have passed since the previous work ...

First of all, the time setting this time is 5 years after the previous work "Wild Speed ​​ICE BREAK". In other words, from the time when Dom brought his secret child to Letty and said, "I'll raise it from today," after blasting on Russian ice to stop the submarine in order to destroy the plan of cyber terrorist Cipher. 5 years later.

Dom and Letty, who had been living in a retreat to raise Little Brian, are once again requesting help to save the global crisis. However, Dom, who does not want to endanger Little Brian, is reluctant. Letty, on the other hand, accepts Little Brian, who was suddenly entrusted to him, and raises her with love, but she is living a life that is not her own. ..

In response to the request that came down there, Letty was delighted as if she had found a way to regain her life and went to the "family". However, when the enemy learns of Dom's younger brother, "Family" decides to unravel Dom's family history ... (along with the blunt car action).

We use less than 10% of the car's capabilities

What you want from the "Furious" series is car action. Since 2001, when "Fast and Furious" appeared in Hollywood like a comet, the audience was fascinated by the gear handling, the clutch handling, and the nitro's pop. With each series, I went beyond the boundaries of road racers and eventually reached the level of "Dom or Ethan Hunt (" Mission: Impossible ") to save the world", but the series is important from the original. What I have always done is "challenge to the limits of the car (and family love)".

So, this time around, I used a car to explode the land filled with land mines, and Letty showed off his acrobatic sprint. A big jump of a car, an airplane equipped with a magnet, a bungee jump of the car suspended in the air, a giant slalom inevitable death (although it is still alive), and a big action that does not make you feel that a luxury car is a luxury car.

Furthermore, this time, a vehicle equipped with a magnet will make the city a hitchakamecchaka! I miss the days when I was robbing a bank with a wire ... As you all know from the trailer, go to Pontiac universe.

I have no choice but to laugh. And if you don't admit. We underestimate the potential of cars. As far as the Fast & Furious series is concerned, we use only 10% or less of the car.

Seriously to be able to laugh

But I can't just laugh. Because the ridiculous car action in this movie is real. The fact that a car goes to space is not a complete picture. I think it is difficult to go to the thermosphere with a jet engine on the back of the car, but I remember that in 2018 Elon Musk carried a Tesla instead of a rocket ballast and delivered a surreal image from space to the earth. Will be new to.


Besides, almost all car actions are done using real cars.

For example, for a car that is pulled by magnetic force and cuts through the inside of a building, a car that can be made with CGI is carefully simulated over 8 months, and the car moves on the rails and inside the truck. Dive to be sucked. Behind them are two programmed motion control cameras that show the trucks running away.

In addition, all the flipping cars and convoys are actually reproduced using wires and special machines called "flippers" that turn over the vehicle. When I was watching "It's CG anyway", I was at the level of jumping dogeza after seeing the story behind the shooting.

The background of the characters is finally the 9th in the series ...

However, the action is always dangerous. Perhaps the real highlight of this time is the deepening of the feelings of the Toretto family and Letty for the first time in the 9th series.

Dom's brother was his sister Mia, but it turned out that he had an isolated younger brother. Moreover, his younger brother Jacom has the same driving skills and strong body as Dom, is supported by a super rich man, and has the ambition to get the world.

I can't hide my surprise from the setting of the pop out because I haven't been touched on the existence of my younger brother at all, but the two have a fierce feud over the death of their father, and Dom has a pride that he does not want to expose the shame of the family. I was making fun of Jacom's existence.

And it becomes clear that Jacom was the cause of Dom's insistence on the pseudo-family.

But what made me most happy was that I knew how the thrilling junky Letty felt about the appearance of Little Brian.

At the last family barbecue of her previous work, she was suddenly handed an infant, saying, "Because it's my child." She had a new girlfriend in Dom and she gave birth secretly, no matter how much she was supposed to have died in an accident and because of the development that happened during her memory loss. What? What's more, the heavy fact that the lover had already been killed and entrusted her son with her forgotten keepsake cannot be accepted at the barbecue. However, Letty's feelings were completely ignored, and "ICE BREAK" became an end credit.

From the standpoint of the same woman, I couldn't help but be worried about Letty's feelings. No matter what, Dom overlooks Letty. She was also frustrated that she was cross-legged on Letty's deep love for Dom and her loyalty. In this work, Letty faces her feelings and pursues her own correct step mother image.

"Waispi" to clear Hollywood political correct

Since the women's movement in the 1960s, the frequency of strong and independent women has increased dramatically in Hollywood, and nowadays, with an emphasis on diversity, many colored races who have been given a heavyweight position with dialogue have also appeared.

However, according to Justin Lin, "Until a while ago, we needed a special reason to cast a colored race." It seems that the character's race was written in the script and was regarded as the center of the character's identity.

A very popular character will make a comeback in this work, but even when he was appointed, it seems that the content was more important than the race.

That's right, so to speak, a wide variety of races will appear in this work, but rather than appealing to the race, it happened to be that race when looking for a person with such a personality. You will notice that it is unified in the way it is drawn.

Even in the depiction of women, while valuing the typical combination of sexy women and cars, we have introduced various women who are active in robbery and sometimes world peace with driving techniques that are comparable to men. .. The once-common "protected heroine" hides itself and fights to the limit. There is an impressive scene in this work where a girl with Letty and Mia fights in a trio, but just because of the flow of the story, I dare to say, "I want to show the physical independence of a strong woman. It doesn't look like a political correctness measure, "Let's put in a new scene."

The "Furious" series is not a type of work that you can enjoy while thinking about difficult things, but when you look at it from a politically correct perspective, you will be surprised at how neutral it is to race and settings.

So, I wrote a lot about it, but "Furious 9" is a dynamic car action space movie that makes the hot summer even hotter.

We know that the series will continue to the 10th and 11th works, so we can't help but wonder what happens to the car that went into space and what kind of development it will show next. I can't imagine it with my stiff head, so it may be a shortcut to the answer by watching it with my child and asking "What do you think will happen next?" Because the scene where a magnet-equipped airplane catches a jumping car and takes off is the idea of ​​a child involved in the first place.

"Wild Speed ​​/ Jet Break", which you can enjoy forgetting all the unpleasant and troublesome things, will be distributed nationwide from August 6th (Friday) by Toho-Towa.

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