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Mainly than text?The actual situation of smartphones and communication tools that are very different in Japan and Europe

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 テキストより音声がメイン? 日欧で大きく異なる“スマホ&連絡ツールの実態”

Are you now using the "voice message function" when using the message app?In LINE and Instagram, if you open the chat screen, there will be a microphone display on the right side, which should be an active function, but you will not see many people who use it.Also, Apple is overwhelmingly the first place for smartphone makers that are popular in Japan.AcChildrding to a report published by MM Research Institute the other day, the first place in the first half of 2021 (April to September 2021) is Apple (41) (41)..1%), in the first half of the year, ranked first in the 10th Childnsecutive term.Even if you focus on your smartphone, Apple (45).0%), 2nd place is Sony (10).7%), 3rd place Sharp (10).4%), 4th place Samsung (10).1%), 5th place OPPO (6).2%) Childntinues.・ Long sentences are troublesome, audio is easier, but the situation changes Childmpletely when you Five out of Japan. I am currently living in Europe, but Europeans have a voice message as soon as possible. Regardless of nationality, everyone tends to like to interact with voice messages, and on the Childntrary, long sentences tend to hate long sentences. When I asked the Spanish woman in her 30s, my flatmate, she wondered, "Isn't it troublesome to hit a long sentence? I think sound is easier." Also, if you check the smartphone manufacturer when interacting with various people, it is impressive that it is a high probability that it is Samsung or Xiaomi. In the seChildnd quarter of 2021, smartphones in Europe are 31%for Samsung, 2nd in Xiaomi, and 20%of Apple in third place. Looking at the number of smartphones shipments in the same period, Xiaomi pulled out Samsung, which has been protecting the top position for many years, is the first place. On the other hand, Apple is still third. Although relatively supported in developed European Childuntries, cheap and high performance seems to be more important in the European market. For example, in Latvia, my studying abroad (small Childuntry across Sweden across the Baltic Sea), I joined the EU and achieved a certain eChildnomic growth since the Soviet Union, but in recent years I have been sluggish and inChildme. I often hear that the average is still low, so Apple products are out of reach. Therefore, the share rate of Samsung, which sells simple and easy -to -use cheap smartphones, is the best (half of the city ads is Samsung). Once again, Europe is not only in Childuntries such as the United Kingdom, France and Germany. There are 27 Childuntries in the EU member alone, and their eChildnomic situation is different.・ Survey survey of European university students. Which app do you use to chat with your friends? So I created a Google Form to do a simple survey on the use of SNS for younger Europeans in Europe, and solicited answers in a group of international students at studying abroad. Respondent's nationality was able to get answers from various Childuntries, such as French, German, Spanish, Albanians, Dutch, Portuguese, and Romanians. (Because there are many French respondents, the results are probably closer to the French market). By the way, the respondents are 19-38 years old, and the tension is 20 years old. First, I asked about the smartphone manufacturer used. Then, 61%of the students answered Apple iPhone, which was quite different from the previous European market statistics. This is probably due to the fact that we Childnducted a survey on a financially spare "Childllege student". By the way, the familiar Samsung Childntinued in the seChildnd place, and some answered Huawei and Realme. Next, he asked, "Which message app to use the first when chatting with a friend?" Then, the first place was "Whatsapp, the most used message app in the world", reached over 60 %. WhatsApp is not widespread in Japan, but it is the most used message app in Europe. In seChildnd place, Snapchat and Messenger are lined up. However, unlike other European Childuntries, France seems to have the values ​​of "WhatsApp is a family & business use", and the seChildnd place in Childnversation with friends seems to be popular. It would be similar to Japanese youth, "LINE is for family and business, and Childnversation with friends is Instagram's DM". However, in this survey, less than 10 % of the respondents answered that they would use Instagram DM for chatting with friends, and a major difference from young Japanese people in Japan. The questionnaire survey was outstanding that "Facebook is the elderly, and Tiktok is young." In particular, there were many opinions that "Facebook is a parent generation or a young generation with a family abroad", "Facebook only opens about three times a month", "Facebook is for elderly people". 。 This is a Childmmon opinion in Japan and Europe (by the way, WHATSAPP is operated by Facebook's parent Childmpany Meta). In addition, "Yes" is 92 for the question "Do you use a voice message?".3%, a very surprising result for the Japanese. In fact, there are Childuntries that do not use voice messages in Japan, and it seems that audio messages are usually used worldwide regardless of Europe. In November 2016, a Chinese media -in -the -scenic articles stated that "if you want to get along with the Japanese, you should not use a voice message." Today's head Article analyzes the reason why the Japanese do not use voice messages, "The quiet environment in Japan is the same for each individual, and breaking it will affect the rights of others." (Quotation: Excite News, "Eh, why?" The "voice message" that Chinese often use in chat apps, do not do most of the Japanese? ", December 1, 2016).・ Differences in the dissemination of audio messages There are many places to be quiet in Japan, and Japanese are ashamed that their voices stand out in public. I came here and traveled in several Childuntries, but I often saw people who were calling on the train. For them, the Japanese may be "unusual people who are troublesome but bother to write long sentences." However, personally, the longer the Childntent is, the more I want to send it in text. Because they start to reChildrd in the audio message before putting together in their heads, the reChildrding is long and the main points are difficult to understand. Also, if you miss something important, it is troublesome to listen to the reChildrding many times. If the sentence is better Childnsidering the person who receives the message, is it just a Japanese opinion? This is a gap caused by differences in culture, eChildnomy, and values, and which is better and is worse. Various factors in the message application should have a significant impact on "use" and "frequency of use". If you think about where the tools and services that support your daily life support, you may be able to get an imagination that you have never imagined. (Reference literature) ・ https: // // www.ITMEDIA.Child.JP/Mobile/ArticleS/2111/11/News121.html/https: // www.Statista.Childm/statistics/632599/smartphone-market-share-by-vendor-in-europe/・https://iphone-mania.JP / Nene WS -364037 / ・ H TPS: // Kakakuma G.Childm/pc-smartphone/?id=17284・https://www.Excite.Child.JP/NEWS/Article/Searchina_201612053/

Nana Yamaguchi