↑『AirStation WCR-1166DS』。実売価格は3800円前後。 |
Buffalo's compact WiFi router "AirStation WCR-1166DS" is the cheapest product among routers that support 11ac connections.At first glance, it blends into the room like an interior with an invisible design, so it can be recommended for those who are particular about the atmosphere of the room.
↑『AirStation WCR-1166DS』。アンテナなどの突起のないスッキリしたボディー。 |
WCR-1166DS is very compact because it is a palm size and the package is very compact.The size is 109 (W) x 50 (d) x 110 (H) mm, and weighs 139g.With a design like an elliptical pillar, it is simple and simple without rugged antenna.

↑パッケージも小さく、店頭で購入しても持ち帰りやすい。 |
↑中身は本体と電源アダプター、取り扱い説明書、LANケーブル。 |
↑セットアップカードが付属し、初期設定のSSIDと暗号化キーが書かれている。 |
IEEE802.Compatible with 11ac, 5GHz band, 2.The 4GHz band has a built -in two antenna for each transmission and receiving.It also has a beam forming function, and is always optimal for compatible models such as iPhone, and radio waves are stronger than usual and faster.
The setting is easy to be made from a smartphone.The connection is completed simply by reading the QR code in the included setup card using the "QRSetup" app.After that, if you use the "STATIONRADAR" app, you can access the setting screen, and you can set the provider to set up the provider and change the password.
↑アプリで設定する用のQRコードはセットアップカードの裏面にある。 |
↑『QRsetup』アプリでQRコードを読み込む。 |
↑認識すると、iPhoneの場合はプロファイルのインストールを求められるので許可する。 |
↑しばらくすると設定が終わり、WiFi接続されている。 |
↑ルーターの設定は、『StationRadar』アプリを使うとカンタン。機器が自動的に認識され、タップする。 |
↑ログイン画面が現われるので、初期設定のパスワードでログイン。 |
Since it supports multi -SSID, the iPhone and PC use the 5GHz band at a high security level, and for Nintendo 3DS and PSVita, 2 at the old security level like WEP 2..There is also a method of using the 4GHz band.This is a very important feature for the writer watching Nasne's video in PS Vita.
This time, I tried using it in access point mode instead of router mode.In my house, I have a contract for a optical phone using "FLET'S Hikari Next" and uses a router called "RT-500KI".
↑その後、ログインパスワードなどを変更し、ルーターモードならプロバイダーへの接続設定を行なう。 |
↑ルーターモードとアクセスポイントモードの切り替えは背面にある。 |
SpeedTest using iPhone 6s.When I measured the speed with NET, it stopped about 94Mbps on both up and down.This is because the wired LAN is 100BASE-TX and only 100Mbps is available at a maximum speed.There are two ports, Internet and Switching Hub, both of which are connected by 100 Base-TX, but it is enough to enjoy the Internet.
↑Speedtest.netにて計測。ほぼこの値で頭打ち。なお、時間帯によってはここまで速度は出ない。 |
Looking at the status of the radio waves, this was quite strength, despite built -in antenna.In this case, you can communicate without worrying about the location.
↑『電波強度チェッカー』アプリを使用して、電波強度を計測。ルーターとの距離は左から約30センチ、約4メートル、約7メートル。 |
The biggest attraction of WCR-1166DS is the low price.The level of 11AC compatible devices is about 3800 yen for actual sale.It is not like a router in the design, and there is no discomfort even if it is placed as an interior, so it is recommended for those living alone in apartments and apartments.Especially for people who use only smartphones and go to PCs, it will be a powerful option because the app can be set to easy.
■ Related site "AirStation WCR-1166DS" product page