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Is there a disadvantage to over-restarting the smartphone? How often is it appropriate?

If you restart your smartphone when the operation of your smartphone is unstable, the operation may improve.

However, there are times when you need to be careful about over-rebooting.

In particular, forced restart has a big disadvantage.

In this article, I will explain the disadvantages of restarting and the appropriate frequency.

Smartphone restart summary table of contents
  1. Is there a disadvantage to over-restarting the smartphone?
  2. What is the proper frequency of restarting your smartphone?
  3. Rebooting at an appropriate frequency is also smartphone-friendly

Is there a disadvantage to over-restarting the smartphone?

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In conclusion, restarting your smartphone has no fatal disadvantages.

However, to put it bluntly, there are cases in which there are disadvantages depending on the situation.

From here, let's take a closer look at the following items that you should be aware of when restarting.

Things to watch out for when rebooting

Be careful of forced restart

If your smartphone stops working for some reason, you need to force a restart.

However, smartphone apps perform various processes not only at startup and during startup, but also at the time of termination.

The process at the end is especially important, and there are many apps that are executing the process of saving the work contents.

However, if you forcibly restart your smartphone, the running apps will also be forcibly stopped.

Then, the end processing is not performed, and there is a risk that the work contents will be lost.

Also, depending on the operating status of the application or system, important files may be damaged.

If the corrupted file is a system file, you may need to restore your smartphone.

Let's refrain from forced restart as much as possible

If you have a regular backup, you don't have to worry about it, but if you don't have a backup, it will revert to the state it was in when you purchased it.

Many game apps can be restored by reinstalling and logging back in, but that's not possible without your account information.

All the achievements so far will be ruined.

If your smartphone gets stuck, forced restart is unavoidable, but it's a way to avoid it if possible.

Be even more careful if you need a frequent forced restart!

If your smartphone stops frequently and you are forced to restart it many times a day, you should consider repairing it.

As mentioned above, forced restart is not friendly to the app as it does not terminate the app at all.

Also, some apps are working behind the scenes that we can't see.

For such apps, forced restarts are only annoying.

If an application related to the OS system is instigated by a forced restart, the operation of the OS may become unstable.

Forced restarts are an effective remedy when your phone doesn't work, but you shouldn't repeat it often.


In the first place, if your smartphone stops frequently, it is highly possible that something is wrong. Talk to an expert at an early stage.

Consume a lot of battery

When you restart your smartphone, a lot of processing will be done.

In particular, when an app or system starts up, a large number of processes are executed at the same time. It is no exaggeration to say that the timing when smartphones move the busiest.

The more processing a smartphone consumes, the more battery it consumes. Therefore, restarting too often will also shorten battery life.

Be careful not to restart without permission

The smartphone may restart without permission even though the user has not operated it.

This is a dangerous situation. Be careful if it happens frequently.

There are several reasons for it to restart automatically, one of which is the thermal runaway of your smartphone. Perhaps this is the most common cause.

The smartphone terminal has a structure that allows the heat generated by the CPU to escape.

However, if the amount of heat generated is too large, the heat cannot be dissipated well and the inside of the smartphone becomes hot.

This can have a negative effect on your smartphone, isn't it?

The last resort to prevent such a situation is an automatic reboot.

And, just before the smartphone restarts automatically, the screen will always freeze.

If your smartphone freezes or restarts automatically, think "your smartphone is in a very dangerous state."

Cause of thermal runaway

Overload is the main cause of CPU thermal runaway.

If you continue to execute a huge amount of processing that does not match the processing performance of the CPU, the CPU will easily generate heat.

In addition, the CPU installed in high-spec smartphones is said to be high-performance but easily generate heat, and even if the specifications are high, if you play 3D games for a long time, thermal runaway may occur. Hmm.

If your smartphone restarts automatically, you should take a break for a while.

Games are not the only apps that tend to cause thermal runaway. Video apps also overuse the CPU.

If your smartphone gets hot, it's best to refrain from using it.

What is the proper frequency of restarting your smartphone?

In conclusion, it is enough to restart the smartphone once a week.

Also, if you play the game often, once a day is appropriate.

In addition, there is no problem even if you restart your smartphone when you feel it is heavier than usual.

Benefits of restarting your smartphone

The advantage of restarting your smartphone is that the system, apps, and memory status will be reset.

The longer your smartphone keeps running, the more unstable the system and apps will be.

This is lesser known, but it's not easy to keep them running for long periods of time.

For example, iOS 15.1 consists of about 16 billion 0s and 1s.

It's easy to imagine how difficult it would be for more than 10 billion parts to keep moving 24 hours a day.

Even the slightest deviation at the beginning may accumulate and develop into a major defect.

No matter how perfect the system, it is inevitable that it will become unstable over time.

However, if you restart your smartphone, the system will shut down and you can start over from scratch in a clean and tidy state.

This is the same for apps and memory.

Problems caused by long-term operation will inevitably occur. A reboot that can reset this is a big advantage.

Rebooting at an appropriate frequency is also smartphone-friendly

In this article, I explained the disadvantages of restarting the smartphone and the appropriate frequency.

Smartphone restart summary

There is no demerit in restarting the smartphone itself.

Rather, it resets the state of the system, apps, and memory, so it can be said to be an act with many benefits.

However, be careful about forced restart.

The fact that a forced restart is necessary in the first place means that the smartphone is in a dangerous state.

If you have a frequent forced restart now, please contact support as soon as possible.

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