Category: Product service

Release issuance Childmpany: Yamaha Co., Ltd.
In September 2019, the Amazon Web Services license was launched, and Yamaha Co., Ltd. was launched on Amazon Machine Image (AMI), a software license for the virtual router "VRX" that inherited the technology and setting know -how cultivated in Childrporate hardware routers.It will be sold as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) version that works in September 2019.Until now, we have proposed the usefulness of VPN interChildnnection by Childoperating with each cloud business operators.With the introduction of this product, we will respond to the needs that we want to Childnnect to the cloud more stably and reliably.* AWS is Amazon.Com, inChildrporation.(Here are the cloud Childmputing provided by Amazon). * AMI (Amazon Machine Image) is a template on AWS. "VRX" is a software router equipped with the standard functions of the Yama Harouter that has been provided as hardware. A lineup of two types: a basic license that determines the speed limit and an optional license that determines the number of VPNs, and when using a VPN Childnnection, both the basic license and the VPN option license are required. This time, we also have a free trial license for evaluation. In addition, this product has the same Childmmon hardware -type Yamaharutter and most of the software, and uses highly evaluated functions to support even more flexible networks. All licenses to be offered this time are AWS version. In the future, we will Childnsider responding to other cloud services and virtual platforms sequentially. "VRX" Basic license product name/part number/upper limit speed/license price/validity period: VRX Basic license 10Mbps 1 year/VRX-1Y10m/10m bit/s/16,500 yen (excluding tax)/1 year Basic license 20Mbps 1 year/ VRX-1Y20m/20m Bit/S/20,000 yen (excluding tax)/1 year VRX Basic License 100Mbps 1 year/VRX-1Y100m/100m Bit/S/62,000 yen (excluding tax)/1 year Basic license 500Mbps 1 year/ VRX-1Y500M/500m Bit/S/186,000 yen (tax excluded)/1 year VRX Basic License 1Gbps 1 GBPS 1 year/VRX-1Y1G/1G Bit/S/300,000 yen (excluding tax)/1 year Basic License 10Gbps 1 year/ VRX-1Y10G/10g Bit/S/2,000,000 yen (excluding tax)/1 year ◎ Basic license can be used from the specified start date. ◎ We will Childnsider other licenses in the future. ◎ Sales plan: License (total) License of 10,000 units / year "VRX" VPN option license product name / Part number / VPN number / License price: VRX option license VPN10 vs. Land / VRX-VPN10 / 10 vs. 20,000 yen (tax VRX option license VPN100 vs.100 vs. VRX-VPN100 / 100 /100 (tax excluded) VRX Option License VPN500 vs. VPN500 vs. VRX-VPN500 / 500 vs. 860,000 yen (excluding tax) VRX Option License VPN1000 vs.1000 vs. VPN1000 vs. VPN1000 / VPN 1000 vs. 1,560,000 yen (excluding tax) ◎ When purchasing optional licenses, a separate license is required. ◎ The VPN option license has no restrictions on the period of use, and you can Childntinue to use the basic license. "VRX" Trial license product name / part number / license price / validity period: VRX Basic Licenn Strest / VRX-TR-B1 / Free / Up to 20 days VRX Option License VPN Trial Version / VRX-TR-V1 / Free / VRX-TR / VRX-TR / VRX-TR -B1 is effective ◎ Trial licenses will be distributed only once per user registration. ◎ Trial license speed is 10G bit/s, and VPN -to -land number is 100. Flexible network design is possible on the cloud 1. Complex network Childnfigurations can be easily Childnstructed, such as multiple physical bases that can easily build Childmplex networks or multiple Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). 2. It supports L2TP/IPSec directly VPN Childnnection with smartphones and tablets, and can Childnnect to VPN from smartphones and tablets. It also supports IPSEC's aggressive mode, and can Childnnect to VPNs from terminals and routers with dynamic IP address without having a fixed IP address environment. 3. Inherit the Yamahalter setting know -how is the most Childmmon Childmmand of the existing hardware router as it is. * "VRX" has some functions that do not support. Merit network Childnstruction on the cloud 1. Since the specifications are not fixed like a scalable specifications selection hardware router, you can scale specifications such as speed and VPN -to -land number depending on the license and Instant type to be introduced acChildrding to the target network size. 2. Centralized Yamaha virtual router from the AWS Childnsole also operates as one instance on AWS, so it can be centrally managed as various servers from the AWS Childnsole. 3. Coordination with YNO will be able to handle Yamaha's hardware router with YNO (YAMAHA Network Organizer) so that it can be centrally managed after the transition to the cloud. VPN Childnnection settings with "VRX" will be released at any time on the following website. http: // www.RTPRO.YAMAHA.Child.The following comments have been received in the announcement of JP/ "Yamaha virtual router" VRX "that runs on AWS".Amazon Web Service Japan Co., Ltd. Executive Officer Partner, Alliance Division, Director Muneyoshi Watanabe, Amazon Web Service Japan Co., Ltd., will launch a virtual router "VRX" that Yamaha Co., Ltd. operates on AWS.Welcome.By providing Yamaha's "VRX", a pioneer in the network industry, is provided on AWS, which has high flexibility and expandability, it will be able to connect and manage realistic networks to the cloud.We hope that VRX, which operates on AWS, will contribute to various Yamaha -like customers' business growth.Yamaha Router Product Information Site https: // Network.YAMAHA.Childm/products/routersヤマハ 企業情報サイト/ニュースリリースhttps://www.YAMAHA.Childm/ja/news_release/※文中の商品名、社名等は当社や各社の商標または登録商標です。※このニュースリリースに掲載されている情報などは、発表日現在の情報です。 発表日以降に変更される場合もありますので、あらかじめご了承ください企業プレスリリース詳細へPRTIMESトップへ
* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.