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Digital Digital War!? India is banned with 59 kinds of Chinese apps tiktok tears eyes

13.500 million people are Gogogogogogogogogogogogogo ...

Tiktok's largest country, India, is prohibited from using Tiktok, and unimaginable exodus is on progress.

Retaliation measures for the death of 20 soldiers in the conflict of the Himalayan border Radak.Until now, more than $ 1 billion (approximately 107.5 billion yen) invested by Tiktok so far has now become par, which is equivalent to losing one -third of the world's users.The total damage received by the operating company, bytedance, is said to be $ 6 billion (about 645 billion yen).

A list that can only be thought of choosing in order of damage

There are a total of 59 kinds of Chinese apps banned the Indian government on the 29th, and in addition to the TENCENT QQ apps, the Chinese version of Facebook, the Chinese version of Twitter Weibo, Tiktok competition,Mobile browser UC Browser, Lenovo's spin -off Shareit, search engine BAIDU (Baidu) map, India's largest smartphone vendor Xiaomi MI community and video call, castle training simulation RPG "Crash of Kings", etc.

印中デジタル開戦!? インドが中国アプリ59種禁止でTikTok涙目

The number of active users of each app can be viewed on this India today news program (9:00), but it feels like Dokkan and Dokkan in 100 million people.This is not the case with China.

"Delete CHINA" and "Indian First"

The people generally support the government's decisions.Apps are very popular with "Remove CHINA Apps", which deletes the Chinese apps at once, and "Delete CHINA" and "India First" are now the people's passengers.In the past, I used to get along well in the Peace Five Principles, but the grudge of the border is scary.

Next is HUAWEI?

The movements of the investment projects from China have expanded to a large field, such as highway, bridges, monorails, power plants, 4G networks, and car manufacturing, and "continued in the United States, which banned Huawei and ZTE".There is even a voice.Huawei is a large company that has entered India 20 years ago and has 7,500 employees in the field, so it is not so easy, but after all Britain, Canada, Australia, and Singapore have decided to eliminate HUAWEI.It seems that India is also rapidly lean on India, "communication infrastructure is domestic and cannot be relieved in the emergency of the nation unless it is hardened."

I don't know the specific period of app ban and how to proceed, but I'm already withdrawn from the Android and Apple stores and are all switching to domestic and US apps.Not only downloading is prohibited, but the use of downloaded apps is gradually revealed, and the quick influencer is already giving up with Sassa and "Follow Instagram and YouTube"."#Byetiktok" is delivering a goodbye greeting.

It's light ...

Source: Government of India, Global Times