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In 2022, to use smartphones cheaply, it is necessary to use linkage with related services.

 In 2021, he wanted the new colon virus to settle down, but in 2022, it was half settled down, but a new fire was occurring.In the mobile communications featured in this series, the amount of communication and the required services also change depending on whether the house is laid out.In 2021, cheap SIMs are going to turn around, while the three major carriers are expected to focus on related services over their main business.

There seems to be no political -led change anymore, and the new rate plan like Ahamo will be on the corner as soon as possible.

 First, it is unlikely that the new service of the 20GB, including AHAMO, which appeared at the government's request, will develop as it is now.

 Originally, both KDDI and SoftBank were sub -brands (UQ Mobile / Y! Mobile), and MVNO cheap SIMs (BIGLOBE Mobile / LINE Mobile), each with three stages, each of the balance and services.Was removed.The balance was lost in the 20GB service of the 2000 yen range.

 KDDI has a completely different Povo2 Povo2.In the end, we have a two -step outline, SoftBank's LINEMO is two planned, and it is a two -planned plan, and it is a two -step plan, and it is a two -stage plan that has been immediately restored, such as reviving three stages close to the LINE Mobile that has ended the reception.。

Ahamo / Povo / LINEMO, which was almost lined up in March last year, changed the content in September as early as September.It has changed to a completely new form of adding the necessary toppings for 0 yen


 Ahamo is gaining popularity because it is a docomo without a sub brand, but for KDDI and SoftBank, which have UQ Mobile and Y! Mobile, the new rate plan may not be much and may have been unnecessary.

 UQ Mobile and Y! Mobile are more expensive than Povo and LINEMO if you look at the rates alone, but if you put a set discount with the electric service or a multi -line discount, it is comparable to the new plan, but in cases with a small communication volume.It is also possible to use it cheaply.

 AHAMO will continue to be provided in the future, but many users will feel that it is tough in the 20GB of 2000 yen.In the future, general users will continue to increase, while others may say that 20GB is too much.If AHAMO does not have a different communication plan, the user may leave, and it is noteworthy how docomo will judge in that case.

I want Rakuten Mobile to improve the service a little more

 Rakuten Mobile has become a hot topic of new plans that can be used for free if the monthly communication volume is less than 1GB.The biggest problem is still in the area, narrowed in areas where the roaming connection of au has ended.Of course, the area is expanding, and the quality of the writer is also improving, as well as the spread of areas as a face, and it has been improved even in places that are weak and unusable.However, it is hard to say that it is comparable to the preceding three carriers, and there are still holes in the building.

 At present, there are advertisements such as "1980 yen (excluding tax) up to 20GB", but if you only use it in au roaming areas, high -speed communication can be done up to 5GB.It is not easy to use it to reduce the speed (up to 1 Mbps) at 5GB, even though it will be 2178 yen when it exceeds 3GB.

Rakuten Mobile also introduced a new plan last spring, but will the population coverage reach 96 % and the service content will be further changed?

 There is also a psychological hurdle that there is only one price plan, and if you use a lot of carelessness, it will automatically become 3278 yen.In addition, the connection with the Rakuten economy is an advantage, but the return rate increased by Rakuten Mobile is 1 %.It is weaker than the collaboration between Y! Mobile and Yahoo service, and this return rate is unlikely to be actively joined unless you are a heavy user in Rakuten Ichiba.

 Even if you pay 3278 yen a month, you can do unlimited data communication in the Rakuten line area, and there are great benefits such as free domestic calls using the Rakuten Link app, but it is said that there are still more issues for general users to use.Do not.

 Recently, due to the large -scale communication failure caused by DOCOMO last October, it has been recommended as a free sub line, and the author has also recommended the same person around.However, such users alone are hard to fall on Rakuten Mobile, and I am worried about expanding the area and continuing service.I think Rakuten Mobile will take some measures, but the contents will be noted in the future.