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In 2020, the integrated circuit import amount is $ 352.4 billion, and the deficit continues. China aiming to increase the self -sufficiency rate of semiconductor (1)

In some cases, China's leading telecommunications equipment manufacturers, Chuko Kohei (ZTE) and Hua -Way (Huawei), have hindered high -end product production in response to the strengthening of export management in the United States.Overseas dependence on the circuit chip highlighted and attracted attention.Looking at the trade situation in China, the integrated circuit is the largest imported item, and the import value is about twice the size of the second -largest oil and past oil (crude oil).The Chinese government recognized the issues early and started initiatives to escape from overseas dependence, but its efforts are accelerating on the backdrop of the United States and China.In this paper, the stance of strengthening the management of the United States in the same field, the trade status of the integrated circuit in China, the latest support measures during the development of the Chinese government and the achievement of its achievements are divided into the first part and the second part.I will see an overview.

The United States, which is increasingly managed, blocks the supply of chips

The US Ministry of Commerce has exported communication equipment to Iran and North Korea on April 16, 2018, which was exported to Iran and North Korea in violation of US Economic Sanctions Law and export regulations. Activate sanctions that prohibit transactions (see the area / analysis report dated November 7, 2018). ZTE has stopped purchasing a core focus of core parts (hereafter, chips), and has suspended major business activities (resuming management on July 14 of the same year by paying fine). On May 15, 2020, the U.S. Ministry of Commerce incorporates content that prohibits exports to the company, such as using US -made manufacturing equipment and Huawei involved in design, and on August 17. Procurement of chips designed by a third -party company has also been difficult. Huawei and some affiliates will be managed by the US Ministry of Commerce since May 2019, such as exporting and retaining products and services from the United States to Iran and Iranian governments. Published on the entity list (EL), exports and re -exports of US products (goods, software, technology) were in principle dismissed. However, the United States explained that the effort was overtaken by the regulations. As a result, the procurement from Taiwanese Democratic Corporation manufacturing (TSMC), Qualcom, Micron, etc., which have supplied chips to Huawei so far, has been strictly restricted, making it difficult to produce high -spec smartphones (smartphones) as before. It is said that it has become. The fact that two major telecommunications equipment manufacturers representing China rely on chips procurement, highlighting the public, attracting attention from the public.

In the United States, former President Trump took office on January 20, 2017, and imposed additional tariffs on imported goods from China, including the US -China trade deficit, etc.・ We have recognized China as challengers and competitors to the United States, such as strengthening export management rules for the purpose of preventing information leaks, and has taken a strong posture from the perspective of national security and technical hegemony.


This attitude has not changed basically even after President Biden has taken office on January 20, 2021, and the USTR (US Trade Representative Department) in March 2021 "2021 Trade Policy Policy Assignments and 2020.It has been stated that the annual report of the year will take all means to correct the unfair trade practices, such as China's industrial subsidies, forced technology transfer, and theft of intellectual property rights (business dated March 3, 2021).See short trust).While global semiconductor deficiency has been pointed out, it is still difficult to supply chips to Huawei and affiliated companies.

The integrated circuit is the first place imported item, twice the size of the second -largest oil, etc.

Based on the recent trade trends in China of the semiconductor nuclear product (HS code: 8542) based on the trade database global trade atlas (Dollar base, Chinese side statistics), Chinese overseas dependence It is highlighted (see Fig. 1). While the manufacturing industry is being advanced and automated in China, which is a world's factory and called the market, the integrated circuit is used in many high -tech products, but it was $ 158 billion in 2010. In integrated circuit imports from the world, it increased to $ 352.4 billion in 2020. It is about 2.2 times the size of 2010. When China's import value in 2020 is based on a four -digit HS code product, the integrated circuit is the largest imported item that accounts for 17.1 % of the total, and the second -largest oil and history green oil. (Limited to crude oil) (imported $ 176.1 billion, 8.5 % share) is about twice as large.

Of the 2020, the import value of 48.8 % (amount: $ 171.9 billion) of the accumulation circuit imported in 2020 is about $ 86 billion in 2010.(See Fig. 2).Looking at the growth rate of the previous year, when the US -China conflict has intensified, it has increased 13.0 % in 2018, 12.5 % in 2019, and 19.8 % in 2020, 2 digits for the third consecutive year.Showed the growth of.

The second imported item, "HS: 854232", accounts for 27.2 % of the integrated circuit import value, is also $ 959 billion in 2020 in 2010.However, the rate of growth in the last three years has increased by 38.5 % in 2018, 23.2 % in 2019, and 1.4 % in 2020, and the rapid increase in "processors and controllers" is noticeable.

The "processor and controller" is called a logic IC, and is responsible for processing functions such as operations and conversions, and "memory element" is called a memory IC, and is a data storage function.The former largest import destinations were Taiwan, which has a large -scale Foundry General Taiwanese Democracy (TSMC), which accounted for 38.7 % of the total (14.2 % in Malaysia in Malaysia).The largest import destination of the latter is South Korea, which has a major memory giant Samsung Electronics, and has a 46.7 % share.The second place is 28.4 % in Taiwan, indicating the importance of Taiwan in the procurement of China's integrated circuit.

Looking at the exports of the integrated circuit from China, the exports of the integrated circuit have expanded rapidly from $ 29.6 billion in 2010 to $ 118.5 billion in 2020, increasing to about four times the size of 2010.However, the import value of imports has continued significantly exceeding the export value, and the trade deficit on the integrated circuit has expanded from $ 128.4 billion in 2010 to $ 233.8 billion in 2020.

Looking at the latest situations, the import amount of integrated circuits in China in the first half of 2021 increased 28.0 % year -on -year to $ 198.4 billion.It is considered one of the factors that production in China has recovered ahead of the world, and stable growth continues.By the way, exports of integrated circuits in the first half of 2021 increased by 33.0 % to $ 67.4 billion.

China, which aims to raise the self -sufficiency rate, points out 15.9 % in 2020.

The Chinese government also felt the need to break away from overseas dependence.On May 19, 2015, the State Agency launched a national strategy "China Manufacturing 2025" to achieve the manufacturing industry, but aimed at strategic focus, gathered various resources of society, and comparable industries.The strategic industries were set to promote the development of the strategic industry, stipulating 10 priority fields.One of them was the "next -generation information technology industry" (see reference).