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I tried using the deferred WiMAX 2+router for about 2 weeks "substitute for a fixed line": Recent mobile data communication circumstances (page 1/3).

The latest specifications stationary router "L01"

 The router that supports the "WiMAX 2+" of UQ Communications (hereinafter "UQ") has a "mobile type" with a built -in battery, and a "stationary type" that runs by constant power supply from an outlet without built -in battery.There are two types.

 In the recent mobile data communication situation that I usually know in 5 minutes, I focus on mobile type routers as the name suggests, but this time I focused on the latest model of the stationary type "Speed Wi-Fi Home L01".

据え置きWiMAX 2+ルーターを2週間ほど“固定回線代わり”に使ってみた:5分で知る最近のモバイルデータ通信事情(1/3 ページ)

今回紹介する「Speed Wi-Fi HOME L01」(Huawei製)

 Before the L01, UQ has released a deferred router compatible with WiMAX 2+.However, the release was slower than mobile routers, and the response to new high -speed technologies such as "Career Agrygulation (CA)" and "4x4 MIMO" was delayed, and it was slightly unfortunate.For example, looking at the release time of the 220Mbps compatible router, the mobile type was December 2015, while the stationary type was October 2016.

 However, L01 was released almost the same time as a mobile router in response to the latest specifications of "up to 440Mbps" and "up to 30Mbps up".In addition, for the first time as a stationary type, it supports "au 4G LTE" for the first time, and can communicate with data outside the WiMAX 2+area.However, if communication is 7GB or more per month in "High Speed Plus Area Mode" corresponding to 4G LTE, it will be subject to communication speed limit (up to 128 kbps up and down) including "high -speed mode" of WiMAX 2+ alone.will do.

L01は据え置きタイプのWiMAX 2+ルーターとして初めて「au 4G LTE」に対応。より広いエリアで通信できるようになった

Comparison with the latest mobile type model

 Here, let's compare the main specifications of the same generation's mobile router "Speed Wi-Fi Next W04", "Speed Wi-Fi Next WX03" (hereinafter "W04" and "WX03") and L01.

最新WiMAX 2+ルーターの主なスペック
※ 5GHz帯と2.4GHz帯で各20台ずつ接続可能

 Looking at the table above, the L01 is not particularly superior to a mobile router.Rather, for the maximum communication speed of the descent, the W04 after applying the software update will win.

Speed Wi-Fi NEXT W04は、ソフトウェアを更新するとハイスピードプラスエリアモード(4G LTE+WiMAX 2+のCA)で下り通信速度が最大590Mbpsになる

 Can the W04 be "as specified" at high speed than the L01?I prepared both models and measured them.From PC "Sppedtest.Connect to "net" and put the average value three times below.The position where the router is placed is fixed by the window.


 If you look at the table, it is obvious at a glance, but L01 is faster for both down and up.In particular, the difference in descent speed in high -speed plus area mode using au 4G LTE is remarkable.On the other hand, there was no big difference in WiMAX 2+alone high -speed mode.

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5分で知る最近のモバイルデータ通信事情 | UQ WiMAX 2+ | データ通信 | UQコミュニケーションズ


