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The smart home standard of Huawei is also a "CES ASIA 2019" report with IoT home appliances

Huawei Consumer Business Group Chifeef Strategy Officer (Huawei Consumer Business Group CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER) is on the opening key notebook.He talked about the history of smartphones and initiatives on smartphones.

オープニングのキーノートに登壇したファーウェイのShao Yang氏。現在のファーウェイを取り巻く政治状況についてはコメントせず

"In 1999, Microsoft announced the Venus Plan. This plan was" all home appliances were converted to IoT, "but now the smart home has only been a concept for 20

There are dozens of home appliances in the world, such as television, robot vacuum cleaners, lighting, and air purifiers.What is often seen as an IoT is that there is a dedicated application for each manufacturer, and only the device of the manufacturer can be operated.Then, if there are 20 -branded home appliances in the house, you have to put in 20 -brand apps and control them.But it is impossible (Shao Yang).

Huawei proposes and recommends the standard "Huawei Hilink" for smart home in December 2015.Three and a half years have passed, and in 2019, this will be further upgraded.

ファーウェイのスマートホーム規格も ~IoT家電が目白押し「CES Asia 2019」レポート

"Huawei intends to do some of the IoT of home appliances. First, we integrate sales resources so that many IoT home appliances can be delivered to consumers. Huawei Hilink.We will also cooperate with promoting the spread and developing smart home appliances.

The most distinctive thing in this initiative is that Huawei does not make home appliances.Instead, build a system.Also, although not required, we also provide chips for the IoT function.

And the new "Huawei Hilink" realizes three things.First, make the Internet connection of home appliances easier.You can connect a mobile device closer to a smart home appliance.Now you don't have to worry about connecting.

At present, smart home appliances are designed to control from smartphones, but it is important to cooperate with devices.So, for example, a fan can be controlled from a TV or refrigerator.

Interactive operation is also possible.For example, opening the door key will automatically turn on the entrance lighting or open the bedroom key.In addition, if you sleep with wearable equipment, you will realize cooperation, such as recognizing that you sleep from your heart rate and increasing the temperature of the air conditioner. "(Shao Yang).

HUAWEI HiLinkに対応するメーカーの一覧。東芝の家電部門を傘下に持つマイディアグループ(美的集団)に加え、パナソニックの名前も並ぶ

The Huawei has consulted with major home appliance manufacturers in Japan and overseas, suggesting that these devices will operate among different manufacturers.In addition, a 800m2 development base is prepared in Shenzhen.Not only software but also hardware is important for developing smart home appliances, but home appliance manufacturers can measure and verify them simply by bringing their products to the base.In addition, a collaborative test across manufacturers and equipment is also possible.It is said that smart home appliances for Huawei Hilink, which were developed, can be sold at Huawei stores.
