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Huawei In the first half of the financial statements, the declining sales and profits are bullish posture, the smartphone of the head of the head of the head is drastically reduced, but the corporate business grows 2 digits.


China's largest telecommunications equipment, Huawei (Huawei), announced on August 6 its half -year financial results for the quarter of the 2021 FY021.According to this, sales decreased by 29%year -on -year to 320.4 billion yuan (approximately 5,437.2 billion yen), and net income decreased by 25%to 31.4 billion yuan (approximately 532.9 billion yen), significantly decreasing sales and profits.It became.

By business field, the worsening business performance was the consumer business, including smartphones.In the January -June quarter, sales were 135.7 billion yuan (approximately 2,3028 billion yen), down 47%year -on -year.The network business for telecommunications operators (such as a communication base station) also decreased 14%to 136.9 billion yuan (approximately 2,323.2 billion yen).Meanwhile, the IT solution business for corporate computing, on the other hand, has gained powerful growth to 42.9 billion yuan (approximately 728 billion yen), an increase of 18%.

Huawei states that the achievements announced this time are "within expected scope.""Sales in the consumer business decreased due to external factors, but throughout the year, network and corporate businesses will be able to secure stability."Mr. Xu Nao, who served as the chairman of the company (equivalent to the chairman), was so confident in the press release of the financial results.

ファーウェイ上期決算「減収減益」でも強気の姿勢 稼ぎ頭のスマホが激減も、法人事業は2ケタ成長

Mr. Xu's "external factor" is the strengthening of sanctions on Huawei published by the US government in August 2020.As a result, Huawei has become difficult to procure cutting -edge semiconductors since September 15 of the same year.Not only purchases from American semiconductor manufacturers, but also in -house -designed chips can no longer be ordered from non -United States (semiconductor contract manufacturing services), such as Taiwanese Dumpling Corporation (TSMC).

Everyone in the car business instead of a smartphone

For Huawei, smartphones were the biggest earnings that accounted for about half of the total sales.However, due to the difficulty of procurement of semiconductors, the company's smartphone shipment was forced to significantly decrease.As a result, Huawei's quarterly sales sales have already decreased for the third consecutive term since the October -December 2020 period.


To regain that amount, Huawei is working on the expansion of the car business.At the Shanghai Motor Show in April 2021, Yoshito, the CEO of the company's consumer business, said at the Shanghai Motor Show in April 2021.

"Smartphone is a high -priced product that is often replaced, has a solid demand, and is a high -priced product sold in large quantities. The product that can fill the hole is" Smart EV (electric vehicle) ".


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