In response to the US government, the Japanese government has compiled guidelines that effectively eliminate products such as China and Hua Technology (Huawei) from government procurement due to security concerns such as leakage of information.Mobile phone companies also plan to not use Chinese products at the next -generation communication "5G" base station.What is the problem with Chinese telecommunications equipment and what data leakage can occur?I asked a cyber security expert.
【Related article】危ういファーウェイ、狙われた習近平式「軍産複合体」If abuse, confidential information leakage (NRI Secure Technologies, Tsuyoshi Tokita)
――Is the information leakage damage caused by Huawei actually happening?
"The actual harm cannot be determined, but there have been some serious problems so far. For example, there is an example of a port (communication doorway) that is not in the specifications.Therefore, it can be misused to the backdoor (back door) that fraudulently steals data. "
"I don't know if it's the intention of Huawei. It's no wonder that the product was used for the setting work at the time of development without stopping."
――What kind of information can you get and what can you do?
"Taking a mobile phone base station as an example...
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春割で申し込む無料会員に登録するログインするAuthor: Katsuji Nakazawa Publishing: Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publishing Company Price: 1,980 yen (tax included)
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