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Huawei P20 Lite as a "open sesame" terminal

「スマートロック セサミ mini」。ドアの内側にある鍵を開閉するサムターンに取り付けて使う。BluetoothやWi-Fiと接続して、スマホで操作する未来的なガジェットだ。ややモーター音の大きいのが気になるところ

 Recently, the "Smart Rock Sesami MINI", which was invested in Makuake (a family), arrived.If you attach it to the door key thumb turn, you can use Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to open and close the key remotely from the door or out of the door.

 It's like a 21st century that you can lock or open with a smartphone alone without inserting a physical key in the keyhole.

 The owner registered the owner as the main administrator, and the author received the manager authority and completed the app installation and account registration.The Sesame app was installed on the iPhone X, the main terminal that you always carry.

 However, recently, the battery of this iPhone X is not good.When opening a personal computer on the go, tethering is performed on the iPhone X (due to the data communication contract), but it is less than 20 % in about half a day.

 In most cases, you carry a mobile battery, so you don't care about the decrease even if you go outside for a whole day, but rarely you may forget to put either a mobile battery or a cable at home.

 In the past, what I did was Twitter anyway, and I didn't care that there was another smartphone ... but the story is different.You may not be able to enter the house.

「開けゴマ」端末としてのHUAWEI P20 lite

 Speaking of the battery, there is nothing to the right of Huawei P20 Lite in the current terminal.If you put a sesame app in this, can you reduce anxiety factors?So, install it immediately.

 I was worried that I could register the same account on multiple terminals, but I didn't need to worry about it, so I was able to install and register smoothly.Even if you can't use the same account, you have one manager account, so you only have to issue a guest account (99 maximum) and register it.

アプリ上の画面タップで、鍵の開け閉めができる。1つのドアに複数の鍵があってセサミを複数使う場合は、「Lock All」や「Unlock All」ボタンで同時に操作可能。それぞれのセサミには名前をつけられ、我が家のセサミは「ごま」であるあまりにも名前が単純すぎないかと思ったが、これはこれで、某アザラシキャラに出迎えられたようで癒される

 By the way, sesame has a "hand -handed unlocking function", and if you start in the background, you can open the key just to approach the door even if your smartphone is in your pocket.It looks like a smart key mounted on a luxury car and is very pleasant.Also, you can set an auto lock setting like a key in a hotel room (to the owner), so you don't have to tighten the key.The smartphone is OK by keeping it in your pocket or bag.

 It's so comfortable that you forget the existence of the "key" and you'll forget the charging of the Huawei P20 Lite, so I only want to check the charging number before going to bed.

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