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With "Windows Autopilot", let's easily "change the model" of your PC like a smartphone

Eliminating the hassle of setting up a new PC for business is one of the headaches for both system administrators and users. Did you know that Microsoft's "Windows Autopilot" (hereafter, Autopilot) can solve such problems at once? Nowadays, smartphone models change very smoothly (data can be moved just by connecting a cable, and data can be moved. Considering that it is possible to restore a good amount of application data just by logging in to the cloud these days, many people may wonder, "Why can't the same thing be done on a PC?"

「Windows Autopilot」で、PCもスマホのように手軽に“機種変”しよう

Nowadays, when the time of convergence of the new corona is uncertain, the telework period has been extended from the beginning, and it seems that it will continue in the future, so we hurriedly added a PC for telework, or a telework environment larger than originally expected. I think that there are many system administrators who have been forced to deal with the need. However, even before telework, it was never easy to improve the environment for work PCs to be given to employees. It is troublesome to go to the office while telework is recommended, and if the user is teleworking instead of in-house, it will be troublesome to send it to the user.

If it is a few to a dozen or so, it will still be possible to handle it, but if it is an order of hundreds or thousands, a team will be formed to set up the machine → set necessary information → install business applications → hand it over to the user. However, in a telework environment, such work becomes even more difficult. However, in such a situation, if you introduce Autopilot, you can set up the machine more easily than a smartphone if you are not good at it.

Contents of this article
  1. Autopilot that realizes a model change like a smartphone on a PC
  2. Flow of using Autopilot
  3. In combination with Intune, it's easy to reuse PCs for employees who have left their jobs.
  4. What you need to use Autopilot
  5. Now is the time to move to a new work style