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ESET I received a used PC that I purchased at the police station ...

This article re -edited the "not all cyber criminals sophisticated" published in the "Cyber Security Information Bureau" provided by Canon Marketing Japan.

 Many media have reported on how cyber criminals have been investigating the authorities and how advanced they are using.However, cyber criminals and scammers do not necessarily use advanced techniques.Here are some cases of cyber crimes performed in a way that can never be said to be advanced.

 This article translates an article on the information site "Welivesecurity" about malware and security operated by ESET.

 Before I changed jobs to ESET, I worked for 14 years before I changed to ESET, and was mainly in charge of cyber crimes and digital forensic investigations (formerly high -tech criminal category).My job was to find out the evidence left in the digital device from a personal computer to the judge, jury, and court.Utilizing various forendic tools, we have gathered evidence to conduct investigations such as fraud and murder.

 In 2011, I was forced to buy a personal computer and decided to buy used goods on ebay.When I buy something, I always try to carefully examine the products and sellers.Finally, I found that the HP computer that I wanted was sold by a good seller with a good reputation from the transaction partner.In the past, the seller had a history of selling similar personal computers and peripherals.I was able to bid immediately and make a successful bid for over 210 pounds.PayPal was paid to pay safely and quickly, and the delivery address was specified.

 On weekdays, I worked in the office from 8:00 to 17:00, so I designated the police station as a delivery address of the product so that I could receive it at the reception.In the unlikely event that the seller was a criminal, some would hesitate to send the stolen product, so he thought it would be just right to make the delivery destination a police station.In particular, this address also included the word "High Tech Crime Countermeasures Division" as follows.

 - Delivery Advancement -6408 High -Tech Crime Countermeasures Division Fan Down Police Department Amasford Street Fan Down Town Dosetto BH22 9HQ

 But my thoughts were sweet.

 A few days later, I received a phone call from the police station and told me that I had received my luggage.When I went to pick up my luggage, my name and address were beaten, and there was a brown parcel that was packed with roughly packed.Immediately opened the wrapping, as the seller listed, the HP PC was included.It was good.It doesn't seem to be strange.

 When I started the PC that arrived, the name "Sara" was displayed on the login screen.

ESET 購入した中古PCを警察署で受け取ったところ…… もとハイテク犯罪対策課のESET職員のはなし

 At first I thought I was overlooking something, so I reviewed the exhibition information.The description of this situation may have been an annotation.But no such description was found anywhere.

 He checked the seller's name again and confirmed that he was not "Sara".Of course, it is possible that the seller sells products on behalf of a woman called Sarah.So I contacted him through ebay to see if the seller had sent the correct product, and there was no reply from him.

 I thought this personal computer was a stolen product.But who will send a computer that he stolen to the "High Tech Crime Countermeasures Division"?I felt that this should have to be carefully examined.

 How to avoid common eBay fraud and that

 I was able to use the various tools used for digital forensic, so I decided to find out about this computer.First, I took out the hard disk to preserve evidence and identify data effectively, and connect to my workstation using Tableau Forencic Bridge (Guidance Software).The digital forensic software called Encase can visualize a folder structure containing all documents and files.In addition, the creation of a drive image has also passed Windows 7 password authentication.

 I checked the "Document" folder and looked for clues to know who the computer really was.Immediately, some Word documents about Sarah were found.In it, she found her resume.What was described in the resume was Sara's address and her mobile phone number.Her address is not far from the seller's address.I couldn't abandon the possibility that the seller had been selling on behalf of her, but I found her phone number in Sarah and decided to check with her directly.

 When I called the number, I responded with a very elegant and shy voice.I immediately conveyed my name and my hometown and asked them to panic.Her name was Sarah, and she lived in her resume.She recently asked if she had sold or lost something, she said a thief entering her home a month ago, stolen her laptop, digital camera and jewelry.Sarah answered.When she asked her about her computer characteristics, she was certainly in front of her.Sarah was relieved that his computer would return, and I told her that she would take her appropriate procedures and return her.

 This personal computer was stolen in another state about 100 miles away from my employer, so I contacted the Wiltshire Police Station and told me the background.The person in charge happened to hear the seller's address with excitement about being able to find this personal computer.I delivered all the information to the person in charge and the next morning, a team was dispatched to arrest the residents of the address I taught.

 According to the seller's address, the police found not only Sarah cameras and jewelry, but also many people who have dealt with the most stolen products in Wiltshire, and have lost many stolen items in the last few months.Forted.

 I also contacted EBAY and received a refund by PayPal in a month.Later, I decided to buy a new laptop at another retail store.

 Every time I heard about "sophisticated and sophisticated" cyber crimes, I came to recall this case.

 [Quotation/Source] Not All Cybercriminals Are Sophisticated by Jake Moore 3 Mar 2021-11:30 AM